Sorry to jump the bandwagon, but I gotta say I can't help but agree with Andy6000. It just seems to me like this "tutorial" doesn't offer much insight except on how to create a stereotypical villian. Which, can work in certain stories, however I'd prefer not to.
For starters:
Purity: You're using pure of heart in the completely wrong context. Pure of heart implies they could do no wrong, and are the most gentile creatures. Example: Princess Peach of Mario, or the Disney Princesses. They are pure of heart. A villian can not be pure of heart, as that would imply they are incapable of comitting terrible acts. I think what you mean is empathy. As Cry of Fallen Angels said. You want people to be able to reason with them.
And then your background category is total bullshit. Traumatizing backgrounds are so overdone. Seriously, I can't help but feel most of the time it doesn't provide an excuse. Maybe I'm just cruel, but when some villian goes on a tangent about how his mom was raped and his dog died and then a truck ruined his village, I just find it tiresome.
Example time. One of my favourite villians is Darla from the show Angel. What's her past? She was a prostitute that got syphillis before being turned into a vampire. Not traumatizing at all. And I still find her an amazingly written character.
Not everyone need to have been horribly traumatized in their past in order to become the assholes they are today.
And I'm not even going to dwelve into your Aestheticism category cause it's total bullshit. You know what one of my favourite games of all time is? Suikoden. Wanna know why? Cause half the cast was ugly, including villains! (Well, one of the reasons) Why should the evil baddie be some pretty boy who's 25 at max. Judging from his muscular structure, he certainly isn't physically strong. Most of the time, judging by their age, they lack the time to become adept at weapon skill and/or magic. SOOOO WHY!? If you're going to have an all powerful magician, why not make him old, I mean he would have need a lot of time to learn and study magic. For example, Voldemort. Most stupid fanartists draw him like a young 25 year old man. Yet, he is at least over 60 years old. I think that gives him the time to have actually gained knowledge on magic.
You go ahead and make your stereotypically pretty villians. I'll try something different.
I can't help but feel that the whole first section was based off of Sephiroth, as all your advice fits him to a 't.' I personally find Sephiroth to be one of the lamest villians of all time.
As for your personalities, I think it would be incredibly dull if villians could only have seven different types.
This doesn't even seem like a tutorial to me, and rather more of a glossary.