Sephiroth7734;256003 said:
Okay, by "Ultimate Tutorial", I meant MY Ultimate Tutorial. Meaning this is an extremely huge project for me. And by "Cool" villain, I mean a villain that people can like immediately and stay liking.
OK, then we know that. I'd just rename it if I were you, they way it looks now doesn't seem to say what you meant.
The information in this tutorial is the result of much research upon the popularities of certain villains. I had to go to a bunch of fansites to see which villains were liked most, and build off their common traits.
And the bold are the words I don't want to hear. Just compare it with popular music, the most utter bullcrap goes commercial, get a barely dressed female in it, and boom, "zOMG 50 CENT IS TEH GANGSTA W LUV U". 50 cent, one of the very few rappers who fell over his words in a live concert.
I can't help it if you don't like Yu-Gi-Oh! I used Yami Malik as an example because he's an extremely popular villain, AND he is NOT always in "Sinister Mode", such as when he's talking about how his father abused him.
I barely even know "Yami", I just knew I hated him when I saw him, so didn't bother with him much more. But my comment was aimed at your writing, not the Yu-Gi-Oh series, as I indicated with the word
I never knew that the teacher chose the weapon for the character, but if the character even HAS a teacher, the story's writer can still pick the weapon regardless. Plus, the character may decide to use a different weapon despite what their teacher says.
You know why the barbarians were no match for Rome? They were self-trained, even though usually physically stronger, they were self-trained. Being good with a weapon while untrained requires immense talent, which appaerently, half the world seems to have in RPG's.
You mostly lined personality with choice of weapon. You can have someone who's physically immensly powerfull and constantly bragging about how he can crush your skull with a single finger, still prefer a light and fast weapon over a giant axe. Or even a handgun or magic. The reason is in the hands of the story writer.
When you mentioned "Empathy", you also said "when they've lost sanity". They HAVEN'T. That's what most of this tutorial is all about.
Read again, and think about what I could've meant.
Regardless of whether or not the Black/White Magic system is commonly used by FF, it doesn't change the idea that any spell could be classified as either.
Oh hell yes. Maybe if you're unimaginative and only use things like fire, fira, heal and esuna black/white is the only possibility, but even Final Fantasy has more than white and black. Spirit magic, summoning, etc. You make it sound like magic is one set thing. As magic does not actually exist, you can do many different things with it. People used to believe alchemists paid the devil to change lead into gold.
I never said that villains NEED a superpower. As stated, it could also be economical power, or if it's a school bully, popularity.
Once again, read again.
I realize you're trying to help, but I put four months of writing and organization into this tutorial. I know what's in it, and why.
Rye":6pef4l41 said:
Even if you have spent days on this thing, you can still improve and learn things.
In short, you never finish learning.