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Makasu's exploration of the arts!

whats odd about having a girl as a best friend? :/

anyway that's a very nice pic.
You seem to do well with blending skintones, but that jaggy stringy hair blending has popped up again, particularly around the highlights.
Nothing my brothers hassle me about it constantly. :/ and I tried to avoid the jaggy hair thing. I guess its just going to have to stay. :/ if I throw in big ass blotches of highlight then it looks bad and if I do singular ones it looks bad and if I try none it looks flat.

I don't think I'm going to get it. :V I'll throw this back in photoshop and see what I can do. I also need to fix the outlines. They came out gray instead of a solid black.

Damn you V!!! You're making me notice my errors. Hahaha. Just kidding. :thumb: good looking out actually.


In a lazy attempt to get rid of my "stringy" highlights I honestly and truly don't know how to go about doing them. :x

And I noticed other details I was missing so I fixed them up a bit as well. Enjoy!
@Haze: Thanks mate! Glad you like. :]

@V: Grr I don't think I'll ever get it. Oh well this is a learning process nonetheless so I'll work on it until I get it. :]

Anyways moving on here's a new one for ya'!


I managed to fix everything up and yeah its complete. The right eye was seriously my biggest issue and I still think that the lips are kinda 'squared'  :dead:


And let me know what you think!

PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GAWD [[I'm buddhist]] give me critiques or something. I'm trying to improve and your input IS greatly appreciated. :thumb:
Like Venetia says, the picture is still a little blurry. The details should be much sharper, at least, in my opinion. It seems that the nose and mouth are the epicenter of the piece, and they retain most of the sharpness, but the farther outward you go, the blurrier it gets. I personally like your work. I really, really think you've got a lot of potential to be so much better. :D
@Skyler: Yeah looking at the one of Luz its WAY to blurry. :/ I'll have to watch and work on that. And one thing that someone pointed is that I make the nose a tad bit larger than it is or that I draw the lips to high. :/ Gotta watch that as well.

But thanks! :) glad you like! I do have a lot to learn so its always good to hear from other people and get their perspective on things!

But I don't have any new art to show. I got hella lazy during the weekend and didn't want to draw because I got wrapped up in Saints Row 2 [[its so addicting]] as well as the fact that I woke up this morning and my shoulder hurts to high hell! D8 so I'll try and get something out for either V or Dark soon.

But I need a suggestion on what comes to your mind when you hear "Spread the love"? I'm involved with a project at the moment [[its high priority]] and I'm stumped on this one. :/

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :thumb:

Thanks again on the comments and critiques!
When I hear "spread the love" I tend to think of spreading something else "/

But I'd have to say a picture of a boy and a girl holding hands or kissing or something. I dunno, just a random idea. ALSO NEW ART PLEASE.
Skyler":3fqah4rc said:
When I hear "spread the love" I tend to think of spreading something else "/

But I'd have to say a picture of a boy and a girl holding hands or kissing or something. I dunno, just a random idea. ALSO NEW ART PLEASE.

Lol dirty mouth? Clean it up with Orbit!

Well I have ideas floating around. I'll put some send them in and post them here. Haha

New art. I'll have some up hopefully soon. Just not now. Or tomorrow.

Patience my good friend. Patience.
So my computer has a major virus from like 4 years ago that was stored on the harddrive and now I can't access photoshop, I can't reinstall Painter X and the only way to get rid of the bitch permanently is to wipe my entire computer which means I'm going to loose all of my PSD's, Tiff's and Riff's. :(

So thats why there hasn't been any art lately. Like literally this thing is about to bite the dust and its all because my brother just had to install The Sims 2 >:v
Because that makes to much sense....

Good thinking V! :thumb:

I'm like super stupid when it comes to computer issues. My brothers are the tech heads. I'm just the guy who uses it. Lol
Sadly I have no dude friends. :(
Well not really but none of them are ever willing to lend their face in the name of art. :/

And I mean NONE. I'm like, "Hey let me take a picture of you so I can draw it." and they're like, "No way thats kinda gay drawing guys!" or they never take a straight face portrait kinda one that I can use. I'll work on that and see what I can come up with though.
Hahah if I could get him to come in here then I sure as hell would!

So Stevo I'm calling you out!!! :thumb: get your sexy ass in here and come get you some >:3
Yes. I have idiot friends. At least the male ones are.

Like this one idiot who decided to propose to a girl who he hasn't seen in 4 years got pregnant by his best friend lost her baby then pretty much fucked up her life. And he still proposed to her. Got kicked out of his house, ended up staying with her and an ex boyfriend who it turns out they were still giving it to each other. She stole his shoes. Changed the lock on their small apartment and yeah he was an idiot. Partially because he spent a wad of money on some expensive ass ring, dropped out of high school during his senior year just 4 months prior to graduation and still managed to get fucked.

And now he tries to bum off of me and others.

They're literally that stupid. Well he is the other ones have some sort of knowledge and not all are dumb they just don't understand most things. So they label them as "gay".

And speaking of which I'm opening up Masc's male challenge to any male on this forum that wants to see me draw more men. :thumb:
That sounds like someone i know (or rather used to know and no disavow any knowledge of)

Try the "Post a picture of yourself" thread in General Discussion. Who says u need people's permission to draw them << one of my figure drawing teachers used to make us go out in public and sketch random people until they started moving again 9_9
Hahaha was he black? Was his name Roger? Because that was that idiots name. :/
He contacted me a while ago asking me to help him put together some "reunion" and then just disappeared. Thank gawd.

And yeah but then I'd have to get their permission to post it because some people are sensitive about having their image posted on the web [[even though they have pictures on their myspace and such.]] :/ so I'll do that and if anyone's up to it put a picture in here so I can work with it. >:3 still no new art because my computer is in ass mode at the moment still. My brother keeps stalling on trying to fix it as well...Grr.

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