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Lucid Dreaming

It's about time I made this topic here, I've been thinking of doing so for a long time. some of you may well know what this is, but for some of you this could be a turning point in your life, I know for me it was. You could also skim through this and call me insane, which I wouldn't be surprised, but please read.

First, sit there and imagine something you've always wanted to do, but could never accomplish in waking life, I'm sure a ton of things have popped into your head already, such as flying, walking underwater, which are the most common things, now imagine, doing those, along with anything you could ever imagine, while being fully awake, the concept seems impossible, yet it's easy, and can be done by anyone through a process called Lucid Dreaming.

Lucid Dreaming is the ability to awaken your senses while asleep, offering amazing possibilities for exploring the world of your dreams, you will be able to experience anything from flying or swimming underwater without breathing, to becoming an animal or travelling to different periods of time, all in the comfort of your own bed, you can do anything you wish as long as you can imagine it.

Lucid Dreaming is realizing you are dreaming while you are still in the dream and establishing control over what happens in your dream world, this happens once or twice in a normal persons lifetime, but if they know what it is, like you obviously do now, they can do it many more times then that, I've had 17 lucid dreams in the last 20 days.

Once you realize you are dreaming, you become lucid, which means you can do anything you want, you can materialize objects, use telekinesis, fly, breathe underwater, and many more things, you can feel no pain, so there is no worries for the consequences or your actions, you are fully awake in your mind, so nothing can harm you.

For example, I flew a few nights ago for the first time, the feeling was absolutely amazing, and it was so real, so clear, it was hard to believe that everything around my was created simply by my mind.

If you have read all this I'm sure you are interested in having Lucid Dreams, and I will share my technique that works almost 100 percent with you.

1 Go to sleep
2. Set an alarm for after 3-5 hours of sleep
3. Place the alarm close to you so you don't have to move much to turn it off.
4. When it goes off, turn it off, you should feel really extremely tired, which is normal
5. Lie on your back, and with whatever hand you feel, move your pointer and middle finger like you are playing two notes on a piano, very lightly, almost so the ivory doesn't go down on the keys at all.
6. Tell yourself that in a few minutes you will check to see if you are dreaming
7. Keep concentrating on the finger motions really hard, and also concentrate on the fact you will check if you're dreaming in a few minutes.
8. after a few minutes have passed, plug your nose with your fingers and try breathing in, odds are, you CAN, and you are dreaming, from there, get up out of your bed, and do whatever you want to do.

The possibilities are endless for what you can do while lucid, I myself like to do things related to music, like conduct music with an orchestra, or get some extra creativity time in by composing in my dreams. I also like to have some fun time (Not what you're thinking, allthough you can do that while you're lucid :P) I like to fly around and do things I could never do in waking life.

Discuss, my hands hurt from typing, maybe some fellow lucid dreamers are here as well
Opt7ons;126340 said:
And this works?


@ Myo:
I know exactly what you're talking about, I'm mastering the technique where you awakingly enter sleep paralysis, I've known people who've experienced that thing called the "Old Hag" and it seems a bit frightening, but nothing can harm you so I wouldn't get scared, I sometimes feel pressure being put on me, but never get scared. I've heard stories of people being choked by said thing, and they can't move, which is sleep paralysis, what is weird, is that it's the same for everyone, that evil presence in your room.

@ DZ, instead of waking up before undesirable things happen, think they wont happen, and instead of waking up, nothing will happen that you don't want, and then you'll be free for whatever you want.
This was fun. I'm glad you introduced it to me, but I've been to busy to really set-up any Lucids lately. Plus, I'm looking at mushrooms, as according to Myo's post. :P
If I recall correctly, this technique was called HILD.
I tried once to get Lucid dream, but I never got any. Maybe I wasn't trying hard enough. :-/



Well, I know what I'm going to try tonight. I'm sure I've had at least one of these before, and it was great. The worst part is waking up, though. :P
I've heard of it before. I'm way too scared to try anything like this. I've meditated plenty of times before. That works just as well and you have more control over it I think. I mean what if you can't get yourself to wake up?
The only thing i'm scared of is the hag... how do I stop it from appearing? and if I want some to happen do I just think it?! and is it possible to share your lucid dream with another person, like if you have a sleepover and you both lucid dream can you join them?
Discomanga;126922 said:
The only thing i'm scared of is the hag... how do I stop it from appearing? and if I want some to happen do I just think it?! and is it possible to share your lucid dream with another person, like if you have a sleepover and you both lucid dream can you join them?

If you don't want the Hag to appear, don't use the technique where it can come, the one I posted has no such dangers, and it also has a really good sucess rate.

Shared Lucid Dreaming is possible, but hard to accomplish.
I think I pretty much always lucid dream. If I don't start out doing so, eventually I'll clue into the fact that whatever is going on isn't happening.

Although what is it called when you try to wake up but you can't, and you're paralyzed for a few seconds? I had a crazy dream where some person was injecting a needle into my foot and I tried to wake myself up and raise my head but I couldn't move. I knew I wasn't dreaming anymore, but I couldn't move and I guess that was a good thing because I was freaking out while it was happening.

So yeah, a name for that would be nice.

ETA: Nevermind I found it on Wikipedia
The primary symptom of sleep paralysis is partial or complete skeletal muscle paralysis during the hypnopompic or hypnagogic states. In other words, it is the sense of being aware that one is unable to move or speak while falling asleep or waking up. Sleep paralysis may also be accompanied by hypnagogic hallucinations.[1] These hallucinations can be auditory, tactile, and/or visual. If a polysomnograph is taken, at least one of the following will be shown: skeletal muscle tone suppression, REM sleep at sleep onset, or dissociated REM sleep. The sleep paralysis persists anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes [1] before the person is able to either return to REM sleep or to become fully awake. In extreme cases, it has been known to last for 4 to 5 hours.[citation needed]

4-5 hours?! Wow. Well I guess that's the nightmare I'm having tonight then. And thinking about it, I did end up falling back asleep...it was the only thing I seemed to be able to do, once I calmed down.

Also this thing happens to be on topic, look:

# A lucid dream that immediately precedes the episode. Also conscious induction of sleep paralysis is a common technique to enter a state of lucid dreams, also known as WILD[1] .
# Artificial sleeping aids or antihistamines

I wouldn't want to try to have sleep paralysis for a lucid dream. I mean, you're in a dream, big whoop. And frankly, I think that because you know that you're in a dream, the dream becomes less fantastical.

On another note, I do take antihistamines so that might have a lot do with why that happened to me.
Well, I'm off to try this method tonight, as well as two others. Yes, I am pretty determined to have a lucid dream, or at least to recall a normal dream...
Last night was a bit of a failure - I remember trying to achieve a wake-induced lucid dream (WILD - like the method here, but starting it before you fall asleep the first time), then I think my mind wandered a bit because I saw a large red book. But then I jerked back to reality when I told myself it couldn't be real.
Hmm, maybe if I had waited a few minutes before I had thought that, I might have gone lucid?

So tonight I plan to use the WILD method again, whilst telling myself that I will have a dream, I will waken up after it, and I will remember it over and over again until I fall asleep.
And finally I'll try your method Lapensee at about 5am...

As for shared lucid dreaming, I am quite sure someone out there has tried it and posted their findings on the 'net. Search around a bit and see what you find.[/FONT]



I dont really belive in stuff like that, but maybe you can really confuse ure mind in this way to get this really working. Think I'll try it a few times...
Ok, well its been my third night trying and i still can't seem to get Lucid, except I'm not really sure, cause i told myself "I'm going to fly in my dream", and in all my dreams so far I've been flying, sorta, but with no control or knowlegde that I'm dreaming. Not only that, but i usually only dream a few nights a month, or i just forget them (dunno which), but now i seem to be dreaming all the time, i dunno...

Oh, and I'm wondering, how long did it take you to get Lucid Lapensee
I've always experienced vivid dreams. I've also had more than my share of lucid dreams. I can pretty much fly/float wherever I want - usually just a couple of stories high. If I'm too high, I get nervous and then I sort of spin really fast downward. Something I have been trying to do is control my dreams by changing the people I encounter in my dreams. I've also tried changing my environment. This has only worked in the sense that I force myself to believe I'm in a certain place yet I'm aware that I'm not. Sometimes, I even try to boss the people around in my dream. Doesn't always work. I also revisit a lot of the same places in my dreams. One place that I frequently dream about is my neighborhood from my childhood. One thing that I hate to do in dreams is drive a car. The car always turns into something else - like a bike. Once, it even turned into a pencil. Weird.

Lene - I have also experienced hypnopompia and hypnopompic hallucinations. Once, I jumped out of bed screaming because I thought there were spiders.
Pencil Lol...

I've been trying 1 week straight and I can't get it! I stay in there for a whole episode of Family Guy and I cannot get it. Wait.. Do you HAVE to wake up 5 hours late or be extremely tired?
If you aren't getting lucid, just concentrate hard on it, It didn't take me long at all to get lucid after I learnt about it and I have a few lucids every few days, they just sort of come on their own frequently, and if I remember to do a technique in the middle of the night, they work as well and give me more lucids.

Wake up 5 hours later, and try this,
Write "I will gain lucidity in my next dream and establish control" in a notepad file as many times as you can so you have it in your mind no matter what, also don't watch family guy, read up on lucid dreaming on the net so all your thinking about in the time you wake uptill you go to bed is lucid dreaming.

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