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Lavot Story



People are helping you. Not all helping is taking you by the hand and doing things for you. That's not going to help you improve.

People have given you some great advice here. Sure, they sound like a bunch of douchebags, but that's life. I look through this thread and hear a few things:

1) Read Tindy's mapping thread. That's something you need to do on your own, and believe me, it will help you out. I've read the thread more than once. It's a great tool. And it's free. You need to bend that thing over and take advantage of it like it's a cheap Bavarian hooker man.

2) Story needs improvement. Once again, that's something you're going to need to do on your own. This is YOUR game. If anyone comes in and writes your story for you, then it stops being YOUR game. And I'm sure you downloaded RMXP to make a game of your own, and you can't do that when your own ideas get thrown out the window. You're too anxious to make this thing. Take a step back and breathe. The game isn't going anywhere until you tell it to. So sit down and think about what you want to happen in your game. You've got a concept here, now build on it.

3) Characters need development. Sorry, but once again, this is on you. If it makes things easier, base your characters on the ideas made by big name companies. Nobody is going to bite your head of for making a character from an elite military group that ends up being a total emo (well, some people might, but who gives a shit?).

I understand that you're 12, but that's no excuse here. YOU downloaded RMXP. YOU posted your project here. People here don't sugarcoat things. You're going to hear it like it is. If you don't like it, well then, I'm sorry dude, but maybe this site isn't the place for you.

People aren't going to take you seriously if you just bitch and moan when you're given negative feedback though. Start off with your story. Get your storyline and characters ironed out and you'll have a strong base to start with. Then go and read Tindy's thread and get a couple of better screenshots up. Your project might not be perfect, but with those 3 things alone, you're going to be taken a lot more seriously than you are now.
Skeith, im only 13 years old this 2010, so age dosen't really matter.

The problem with the beginning poem is that children are fighting against the enemies? Shouldn't like, an army or some great fighter fight instead?

Your logic has baffled me...

Oh and here's to help you set apart personal insults/flaming from constructive criticism

The quote above is a flaming.

Your mapping needs improvement, the maps are too straight and ugly, i suggest you go read some mapping tutorials.

Do NOT think that DITTOs are HELPFUL, in fact, they are the polar opposite :O
Okay, I confused you. FIRST they r Teens. I just used the word children.
did u look at the ages?

EDIT: No an army can't fight them cuz everybody died. and I took out the word children
Wow that was a fast reply, I edited my post, take a look at it

EDIT: No, you still have not answered my question, my question is, why on EARTH WOULD PEOPLE HAVE CHILDREN FIGHT AGAINST THE BIG ENEMY!

EDIT: But still, even the army is gone, dont tell me the children can fight...

Well they lost but yeah... I hope you get me
don't loose your faith. :) you cannot expect your first game to be a huge success. i recommend you to try to complete this game and learn from it. if you need any help just ask me :grin:
reading trough your post one more time i have to say that it actually is pretty decent. you might make it become a nice game with some work. :)
If you need a lot of help on XAS , why don't you go the XAS thread :http://www.arpgmaker.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=36855 and check it out - maybe you should ask these people.

I can't help you myself, but my boyfriend Star maybe can. I know he disabled it for our game, though. He's told me several times. :) He's a member here, but he hardly goes on anymore. I'll ask him at lunch for you (12 -1 EST).



You are working on Zeriab's Catepillar Script right?

Did you try Switch 005? That's what it said in the scripts. If you are wanting to turn off the whole Catepillar forever, you can turn it to false at the beginning of the script.


You can also call this command through events too I think. $CATERPILLAR_ACTIVE_SWITCH = false or $CATERPILLAR_ACTIVE_SWITCH = true

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