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KPhoenix's Artwork [Vehicle fin]

@Gulch: Isn't there!!! I'm happy someone else was to use it as well. I've used that site three times and I've not had any probs. as of yet at ALL.

@Xcelled: NP ^^ glad it'll work out for you Xcelled, can't wait to see the art you start churning out with the aid of a wacom. I mean your art is already good now....
not using foreshortening or improper foreshortening are almost 1 in the same i guess... what i meant to say is that your perspectives for things coming forward are wildely exagerated. When things move forward in space they apear to increase in size, but yours are increasing too much too fast. it's very slight (i had a similar problem trust me foreshortenign is one of the bitchyest things you will ever deal with in human form ><) I'll see if i can put together a model of what i'm talkign about when i get home form vacation and back to my darling desk top with WINDOWS XP DAMN IT (this new laptop has vista and i swear to god it gives me a head ache.)

As for what i was talkign abotu with brushes, yes there is a multitude of brushes available for digital art, my point was that you use them inconsistently. The brush effects you used for her wing does not mesh well with the stroked paint-brsh heavy effects that you used to render her body. It looks pretty cool by itself but it doesn't mesh with the rest of the painting. Same with the solid vector-like shapes that you frame the image with. The way you set up your paintings, you aren't just designing a cahrachter or portraying one thing, you have a full composition set up, weather that was your intention or not, and when you have a compostion, all of your elements need to compliment eachother. Solid smooth geometric shapes, whispey eatherial brushes in the wings, and the thick paint-like strokes of the woman just don't work well togehter as a whole. do you get what i mean?
I'm going to have to disagree about the way you feel about the phoenix painting.

EDIT..I'm rather going to say you can feel that way, because that is how you truely feel and it's your opinon. But that I don't see it in the same light as you do and my opinon differs.

As for improper foreshortening and not having it at all being almost one and the same...I disagree there too. A person who doesn't have any idea about correct anatomy, wouldn't be the same as someone who has an idea but may draw it slightly incorrectly. Same about foreshortening, you'd have to explain the concept of 3d drawing and appearance of looking straight at versus saying, "you need to bring up your arm a tad bit more to be correct".

Anywho I've finally finished my Mecha Fairy Remix pic, just have to find where I put the cd so I can upload it to photobucket or deviantart. In the mean time here is my submission for the pencil contest.
-this is Isolde's Grief/Torment/Anguish
-it's a scene of my game Aqua'os Tears of the Ocean
-the emotions protrayed is grief and death
-the element is Umbrakinesis or shadow manipulation

There are a quite a few mistakes since I did it in pen first and shaded in pencil and pen.
i.e. her eyebrows are THICK! I had at first made them too high and she looked to me more suprised/sad than anguished (I wanted you to "feel" that she's at the edge and about to pass into a very bad place.) I couldn't fix it using whiteout, because I'm sure that's not allowed so I had to draw them in thicker, also an ink blot/smear on Merrik's hand...>.< ahhhh well...Anyway I guess I COULD redraw it again...but first let me get some feedback before I go there.

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... rief-1.png[/img]
Amazing talk about an incredibly hard prospective to draw. So much emotion o.o. Only thing I would suggest is maybe refinishing the background with a little more detail, hmmm...of course to much detail on the background may take away focus from the characters. Therefore, I can't see anything wrong with it lol.
No! Not Merrik!... take Aqua instead!  Damn you!..... who ever did that.... XP

The Drawing is nice, you have already mentioned some of the mistakes so... all I can add is that you should have showed more of the background and used the pillars to make a nice perspective effect... eerh... if those are pillars....

(*godly voice) 
Ilustrators only fake the perspective, so exaggerate it! Make it more evident to the eye! Don't hide it!
@zephrskye: aww, I don't think so, there's a lot we are being graded on.                          @Avadan: ahh.. Don't forget my game deals with alternate timelines, universes and dimensional possibilities so that may or may not be Merrik's actual death. ;-)                 
Well... Mecha Fairy is simply beautiful... love the wings.

Mecha Dragoon Ride is good, nice technique and all... but I dont get that flying feeling from it
It doesn't interact with the background... If it weren't for the scarf I`d say that in the scene the background is a portrait, not the real sky... and the birds dont help to much... all in the same pose
Thanks Ava, I wish I saw your comment BEFORE I put up the work for deviant art....I had wanted to make it look like a motion type "blur" without using the button at first, but hadn't liked how it came out so went without it. The reason I've only had the birds in one pose is cause well, I couldn't find any refereneces of birds in flight whilst at home in any of my books, and since I don't have i-net access I couldn't research it there, but I'll re do this picture again with those two points in mind, if only I can dis-enable a print..hrm...
thankies xcelled! I feel I am starting to get the hang of painter X with each piece, I am hoping to get a couple more up soon, maybe do a request here and there.
Boy I sure hope this isn't a DP...because I couldn't post it with my cell >.<

anyways before I start posting these in my deviant art account I'd like feedback, if there is anything I need to work on please tell me. I think I'm going to start doing it this way because Avadan had some valid points but I hadn't checked here first and had already posted my work as a print. It turns out that I can NOT take it off the print option. (at least I can't find out how, if you know how to...enlighten me please)

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... planet.png[/img]
She's actually based slightly off me, same hair style, color skin, etc. Only thing not really me is of course the purple eyes unless I put in contacts hehehe...

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... rwoman.png[/img]
No introductions neccessary here I hope. I was particially inspired to do a throwback style to the 1970'ish wonderwoman Lynda Carter, IMHO the hottest wonderwoman to date. She's my FAV female heroine for DC comics, and second all around fav of the Justic League. (Batman being 1st)
I actually noticed a problem. In Pink Dress Rendevous, you have an unknown light source flooding the area where she is, yet the windows show night time.
whoa ._.

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