I'm going to have to disagree about the way you feel about the phoenix painting.
EDIT..I'm rather going to say you can feel that way, because that is how you truely feel and it's your opinon. But that I don't see it in the same light as you do and my opinon differs.
As for improper foreshortening and not having it at all being almost one and the same...I disagree there too. A person who doesn't have any idea about correct anatomy, wouldn't be the same as someone who has an idea but may draw it slightly incorrectly. Same about foreshortening, you'd have to explain the concept of 3d drawing and appearance of looking straight at versus saying, "you need to bring up your arm a tad bit more to be correct".
Anywho I've finally finished my Mecha Fairy Remix pic, just have to find where I put the cd so I can upload it to photobucket or deviantart. In the mean time here is my submission for the pencil contest.
-this is Isolde's Grief/Torment/Anguish
-it's a scene of my game Aqua'os Tears of the Ocean
-the emotions protrayed is grief and death
-the element is Umbrakinesis or shadow manipulation
There are a quite a few mistakes since I did it in pen first and shaded in pencil and pen.
i.e. her eyebrows are THICK! I had at first made them too high and she looked to me more suprised/sad than anguished (I wanted you to "feel" that she's at the edge and about to pass into a very bad place.) I couldn't fix it using whiteout, because I'm sure that's not allowed so I had to draw them in thicker, also an ink blot/smear on Merrik's hand...>.< ahhhh well...Anyway I guess I COULD redraw it again...but first let me get some feedback before I go there.
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... rief-1.png[/img]