Kingdom Ablaze
opps, thats my bad because i use a different main for my testing, ill fix that. i will add the keys in demo, i just forgot, sorry. you think the boxes shouldnt empty? i didnt like having to delete the default data so i added that feature. the mouse only moving thing is a known bug, i just forgot to get around to fixing will do asap. lol i fully agree that it looks more like .8, however i never planned on adding most of these features when i released it so thats why its 1.2 lol 
so ya you liked using it blue? that makes me happy to hear!!!
p.s. thanks for ether not looking at my code or at least not commenting lol
so ya you liked using it blue? that makes me happy to hear!!!
p.s. thanks for ether not looking at my code or at least not commenting lol