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Interactive World Map Script V1.1(Test V1.2 Now!)

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opps, thats my bad because i use a different main for my testing, ill fix that. i will add the keys in demo, i just forgot, sorry. you think the boxes shouldnt empty? i didnt like having to delete the default data so i added that feature. the mouse only moving thing is a known bug, i just forgot to get around to fixing will do asap. lol i fully agree that it looks more like .8, however i never planned on adding most of these features when i released it so thats why its 1.2 lol :)

so ya you liked using it blue? that makes me happy to hear!!!

p.s. thanks for ether not looking at my code or at least not commenting lol
I can't look at your code, as I don't have RMXP :p And in all seriousness, you should like having someone look at your code and critizise it :/

What you could do is watermarked text boxes: When you don't have anything in there yet (like upon creating a new town), have a gray text in there that shows what's going in there - if you click in there, it'll empty itself immediately. However, if you have text in there already, like an existing town, it won't empty itself and allow you to go from where you started. It'll be especially helpful for stupid folks who name towns like "Gwyndmyérha" or something :p
thats easy as heck to do, ill do that :) the code does need to be commented on, just not until i do what i already know how to clean it up/make it perform better. that way i can learn more, then if some one just wrote a long list now, when i allready know most of what i did wrong. my code gets really dirty because i manually add debug code as i program. often i forget to remove it. or another example, i keep the code simple at first so i can read it, then i comment it and make it all complex/faster when im done. if someone waste all this time reading my 3000 lines of code they will find tons of stuff i kept too simple or slow(like 240 + 24,why the extra math?)so just give me a few days :) will have clean code for you to read soon

edit if blue must have code here is some, im sure you will love it ;)

[rgss]  def check_box(x,y)
    if x > 290 && x < 365
      if y > 190 && y < 265
        return true
  def check_name(x,y)
    if x > 316 && x < 416
      if y > 172 && y < 190
        return true
  def check_id(x,y)
    if x > 302 && x < 402
      if y > 292 && y < 310
        return true
  def check_xbox(x,y)
    if x > 302 && x < 402
      if y > 316 && y < 334
        return true
  def check_ybox(x,y)
    if x > 302 && x < 402
      if y > 340 && y < 358
        return true
  def check_switch(x,y)
    if x > 302 && x < 402
      if y > 364 && y < 382
        return true
  def check_left(x,y)
    if x > 321 && x < 350
      if y > 390 && y < 420
        return true
  def check_right(x,y)
    if x > 351 && x < 380
      if y > 390 && y < 420
        return true
  def check_up(x,y)
    if x > 381 && x < 410
      if y > 390 && y < 420
        return true
  def check_down(x,y)
    if x > 288 && x < 320
      if y > 390 && y < 420
        return true
  def check_save(x,y)
    if x > 216 && x < 330
      if y > 430 && y < 450
        return true
  def check_cancel(x,y)
    if x > 365 && x < 425
      if y > 430 && y < 450
        return true
Hi, sorry, I intended to give feedback for some time but I've got 'first post phobia' (which isn't really all that catchy).

I really like this script, and the added editor takes away a couple issues of trying to find the right x, y coordinates when setting up the map. I have some questions, though. If I were to take the script and add it to my own game, which script entries should it be? I see a couple below main... are all the customs there (minus the credits) necessary, or are there only a few that I need?
the ones below are the main are just in case i need the code again so you dont need them. but other then that you are right you need all the scripts except credits. my script is broken into so many pieces so i can easily work on it, once i get a near perfect script ill combine it all back together. all of them are necessary as of this moment. latter i was planning on making easy copy paste configuration scripts
Sorry, I know it's got to be bothersome most of your feedback's from almost a complete noob and questions -
But I have set up a few towns and made sure their switches were on and set up properly... But ever time I try to open the map I get an error on line 149 of World_Map, or when I go into the editor now, line 422 of the same script.
As well as having a cursor permanently sit in the middle of my screen... Immobile. I mean, when I went into the map editor (while it still worked) I could move a different cursor about no problem, but that one image of a cursor stayed static on the centre of my screen.

Could the issue be conflicting scripts, or am I just messing up your creation with idiocy?
you have to have the editor disabled on top of having the switches on, i dont think thats your problem, but you claim to be a noob so ill throw it out there. as for the cursor thing, does it work on the title screen? or is it broken there too, that makes a big difference. screen shots help alot, and what error it is besides there is one on a certain line. about you messing up my work, thats a slim chance. a script like this should be way longer then it is, but no one will report the issues they have and i know how to use my script so i dont make any mistakes when i set up my own stuff. ive spent tons of time testing but i know theres still alot of issues to work out, its just a matter of finding them. let me know those things and ill help you trouble shoot from there.

edit:what version do you have? because that line in mine is a comment
Says it's version 1.2

Here are the lines it says the error is on...

Line 149":1xk1tkma said:
if $game_switches[Map_Items::Towns.switch] == true

Line 422":1xk1tkma said:
if $game_switches[Map_Items::Towns[@pindex].switch] == true

The cursor works no problem on the main screen.
Removing all other custom scripts doesn't change anything so it doesn't seem to be a conflict.
Yeah... It works fine. Okay, that's weird. I guess I can find a way to fix it, if I figure out what I did to break it in the first place.

Oh, by the way, if I hit 'e' to edit when not over a town it'll crash the whole script. I don't know if you can do anything about it, or if it's a big deal, but I thought I should let you know.
Maybe it's an OS issue? I know since I've gone from windows XP to Vista games have been sluggish; for example I'd win a battle and there'd be a good 5 second pause before the prompt and the music plays.
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