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Interactive World Map Script V1.1(Test V1.2 Now!)

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hey zchin and maybe one or two more people, would you test a few features for me? i just wanna know how you guys feel about a few features(no that doesn't mean im done, just really close)



"(no that doesn't mean im done, just really close)"
Darn it... And of course I would love to do that. It might give me some inspiration for my game or some kind of drive for it.

Thank you and have a nice day!
sent you email, killed link on main post cause demo doesn't seem to be working for like 50% of people dl'ing it. im off this week end so i plan to put some major work into it. cant wait to show you guys, sorry im so slow
spent the last 5 hours working on script, finally got create town and user interface done. but there is still this one major bug im trying to work out, if you create everything at once it works perfect. but if you try to add stuff latter then it starts over writing the beginning of the hash i use for storing data :( trying to trace it out...

edit:took shower, figured out problem lol while people are testing version 1.2 i shall be cleaning up the code :)

@zchin: after you let me know what you think from the demo i sent you, ill send you the new demo. for the first time i think i might be able to release this in the time frame i was aiming for. lol

@blue: im sure you are excited to crush my feeling of accomplishment :P but you still have to wait till i can clean the code and comment, and that will take a while i imagine, but i got lots of free time tmw.

here is picture of working editor, not that it really graphically changed lol
That's not really my intention, you know? ^^ I've been complimenting at times, however that's very hardly on finished scripts or something... the exception being Glitch's Input script, which only is because I talked everything through with him a bazillion times over WLM ^^

One thing I noticed before and you don't seem to intent to change: Your icon select window is a bit unusual to the top of the main window. I know this from a CMS called weblication, which has the OK and cancel buttons above the main area, and it's just so utterly annoying. So instead, I'd think about moving the main window to the center of the screen and overlap it with the icon window, or only show a centered icon window for the time being. You could also make the main window transparent as long as it takes... quite a few possibilities here.
i know, i like you talking me through things, even if i made a mistake, and i dont want to move windows because all the x and y coords are hard coded (got sick of solving 9 million formulas to work in every solution since thats like 90% of the REAL script, this is more add-on ya?), remapping them all would give me a massive head ache. its not hard to use so im still missing the real reason why i should redo so much work, cause im sure as hell not gonna go it to make it look pretty, at least not at this stage lol ill send it to you if you want play with it, id feel better about this issue if you could use it and then tell me it sucks. so much code to clean, and the comments!! lol how important is commenting every line? cause i normally just comment major confusing lines. i really dont see people trying to learn from this, its 2486 lines of code(thats only my code not including other peoples code i use)
As for useability, I think it's alright as it's not accompanying the player along the game or something, but just a one-time operation the game designers have to do. But it's still an indicator that something in your code isn't right ;) (or you simply don't know that you can easily change a window's y value by doing @icon_window.y = 23 from any point in the scene).

Line commenting can be tedious. Glitch uses a lot of comments on almost every line... I'm personally not too fond of that. In general, what you want to explain are lines that aren't generally understandable. As I don't know your script, I can't give you any details (and sending it to me wouldn't do me much good, as I don't do RMXP), but I think you can easily tell which're hard-to-understand lines and which aren't.
i know about moving windows blue lol have some faith. i cant move it because of code like this:
  def check_box(x,y)
    if x > 290 && x < 365
      if y > 190 && y < 265
        return true
lol most lines are hard to read in my script ;)
yes, yes i do, im not finding formulas for all of the boxes i check for maybe after ive got the bugs out but not now. how i choose to check where stuff is isnt the best way but its 10,000 times easier to read, i had to break my update into 4 different pages just so i could read it. im only worrying about it working atm. after that we can discuss screwing with the windows. once im done cleaning code ill post the demo for version 1.2 :)



Hmm, I'm not sure if it's exactly player friendly, or just not completely done with the linking or whatever you call it.
Feedback, is:
S and E keys make a message pop up, S is an error, and when you press E then you should make an image appear with a message.
I'm not sure how to operate it... just map pops up and then it's click click click... Nothing? Right click... OOHHH, so I guess you can't travel to different places?

Well it's coming a long very nicely. But honestly, I just need a functioning thing, it doesn't need to be glittery.

Thank you and have a nice day!
i dont care about the keys thats all old stuff, all i wanted was the mouse feed back, but anyways ill send you the working version now :D let me know (i know about the bug where the screen sometime freezes right after you create a new town, working on a fix)

left mouse click: place town
right mouse click : select town
Hover over town and press E: edit town
press d while town is selected: delete town
press s: save data and exit(shouldn't need to do this, just a safety thing at this stage)
press c: create new town

think thats all...



Alright, I downloaded and went through some stuff.

You can't really tell if you selected a place or not.
Is there an switch to not let the player edit the places
Could you restrict what you could edit?

it would be cool if you made the object glow or something when it's selected or moved over to let you know it's a place you can go.

Great job so far though! :grin:

Thank you and have a nice day!
cant tell its selected? please explain this to me. the selected town should be under your cursor, is it not?

to turn off the editor open the event and change: Map_Settings.editor_mode(true) to Map_Settings.editor_mode(false)

as for restriction, its 100% editable when editor is on, and normal when off(when its off is what it will look like in game)

as for the glowing im working on that, and im going to make it if a town is highlighted you have the option for the town to "pop" up

for everyone else: after my testers are done ill post on main page, wanna get as many bugs out as i can :D



Ahh, okay. You can't tell that it's selected because when you select it, it just looks the same, and you can't really tell if it's selected or not, just click... and nothing, but it is invisibly selected.

Also, you will definately want danyo34 as a tester because he can bug something up really well without changing anything :biggrin: I'll let him know.

Thank you and have a nice day!
kk i could always use a tester...are you right clicking to select? if so does the mouse quit updating too? or can you right click and nothing happens?

p.s. there is no reason to touch script anyways...



Oh, I mean like left clicking a place... You can't tell if you clicked it or missed.

Thank you and have a nice day!
ok here is link to demo, i wish i had more time to clean code, but im really busy. this is not the official release because my code is still ghastly. however you can all test it and let me know what you think.

left mouse click: place town
right mouse click : select town
Hover over town and press E: edit town
press d while town is selected: delete town
press s: save data and exit(shouldn't need to do this, just a safety thing at this stage)
press c: create new town
So, first of all - auto-fullscreen is such an annoying feature, especially in a demo...

As for the engine, it works quite well, I think... If you have the button layout at hand (I tried to figure it out without looking at your list, and it just doesn't work - might think about including it in the editor), it's quite intuitive from there. What's missing is a regular text editing feature, as every time you click a text field, the whole thing empties itself, which isn't too regular and therefore hard to use.
Other than that, it happened a few times that upon exiting the editing window, the map screen didn't allow me to do anythign anymore but moving the mouse cursor... might wanna check for that.

But yeah, like I said: I think it's coming along well, and although it looks like a v0.8 or so, I like what you did there ^^
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