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-=How to Make Maps=-

-=How to Make a Simple Map: Lesson 1 - Creating the Map=-

Instructed by Arramon

Download this Tutorial:
Lesson 1 Zipped - 2.27 megs

Naturalizing Your Maps: New!

This thread contains information on how to construct a simple map using RMXP and it's many features. I will show how to use all 4 Layers (Layer 1-3 & Event Layer), how to Show/Move Pictures over your map, and how to use the Panoramas & Fogs to enhance the dynamics of your maps dimensions.

I start out with a basic route the party can walk along to get from one end of the map to the other by using a sandy/path looking autotile, preferrably one that blends with a darker, grassy autotile. Hope this tutorial helps new users to RMXP map making. I luv what can be created, and this isn't even the tip of the iceberg with the ruby scripting language. ^.^ rmxp2!!

*wakes up*



Tileset Used - Outer Forest:

Autotiles Used (All RTP):


-Quick Info
--Usage of Priority Stars
--Panoramas & Fogs
-Lesson 1: Creating the Map
--Step 1: Adjust Viewing Settings & Create a New Map
--Step 2: Fill the Map With a Ground Tile (Mainly Using Autotiles)
--Step 3: Mark the Entry Points (All Main Spots for Teleport Events)
--Step 4: Draw a Walking Path (That the Player Can Visibly See)
--Step 5: Add Different Ground Textures (Grass, Sand, Patchy Ground, Etc)
--Step 6: Place Larger Blocking Tiles (Bottom of Trees, Large Rocks, Etc)
--Step 7: Add Any Other Main obstacles (Water, streams, Undulation Autotiles)
--Step 8: Fill in the main features (Finish building Trees, Grass Edges)
--Step 9: Attention to Detail (Add all single/misc tiles, Layer from bottom up)
--Each Layer individually
-Lesson 2: Movable Events, Panoramas, Fogs, and misc other things (coming soon!)


Some quick info:


* = Priority Star. Within Database/Tileset under the Priorities Tab, you can set each tile to have a Priority of 0-5, 0 being No Priority and 5 being above everything (you have more flexibility using Scripts to change the priorities of Pictures/Images/Icons/etc from 0-9999). So if a tile had a priority of 1, I would use *1 to represent that in this tutorial.

Usage of Priority Stars:

No Stars: usually tiles that the player cannot walk through (for normal size character sprites). Like single tile plants, logs, and flower bushes (or bottom halves of tall plants/etc, otherwise known as ground touching tiles in this tut).

*1: tops of ground touching tiles (plants, pillars, etc) that should appear above the player sprite. !!!If it happens that you can still see the player sprite above a tile with priority *1 (like when you walk towards that tile, the player sprite is partially above it, then when you stop on the same tile location, it is above you, when it should have always been above you!) then you should use *2 instead to keep that little bug from happening.!!!

*2-*5: these higher priority numbers are mainly to keep these tiles above other *1 priority tiles, like tree tops and branches, overhangs, or anything you want to show above all tiles (except ones within an Event that have the option marked 'Always on Top'.. those have higher priority than even *5 tiles). The Arshes character sprite appears below all *2 and higher tiles, and while the RTP dragon sprite shows above *1 and *2 tiles, it doesn't show above *3 and higher tiles.

Layers 1-3: These are the main layers of your Map.

Layer 1 is basically the ground layer, what you want to have below all other layers (besides the Panorama, more later), like grass/water/rock ledges (more on rock ledges as ground tiles later).

Layer 2 should be used to place all ground touching Tiles, like if you use a bush tile that uses 2 tiles, one above the other, and you can't walk on the bottom tile but can walk behind the top tile, as it's Priority is *1, the ground touching tile is the tile you can't walk on. Therefor, Layer 2 should be tiles that the Player cannot walk on, but does not need to be so. You can use Layer 2 as a filler layer later on in making your map to spruce it up with random tiles, like little rock pebbles/etc (more on using Layers to build multiple tiles on eachother later).

Layer 3 should be used to top off your tiles that have Priorities on them above 0. So with that bush from the example above, you would place the top of it that the player can walk behind in this layer.

The Event Layer can be used in so many different ways, and for so many different things that I'll explain this as I get to them, but some of the ways are: 1) to place a tile above everything else, ie if you have a ground layer, a partial grass layer, and a bush layer in the same spot and need a tree layer above all of that, you would use an Event to place that tree layer, 2) to place a tile within the water, giving the tile an Opaque of 30-60 & Tinting it's Hue to the water color, which would simulate the effect of being under water), 3) creating little critters/insects for your map and 4) a bunch more things!


Pictures can be placed anywhere on the screen, and can be given a specific Hue, Opaqueness, Magnification, etc... They are accessed through your Pictures folder of your Project. These images can be manipulated through Event commands (more later). Using Event commands, you can only show a maximum of 50 Pictures at one time (never liked that), but using Scripts you have the ability of showing up to 9999 Pictures at one time!! (much better, more later).

Panoramas & Fogs:

A Panorama can be used to show an image behind all Layers, and is usually 640x480 in size (or longer in width to slow it's scrolling.. more later). These are accessed through the Panoramas folder of your Project. You can only see a Panorama if the tile coordinate is blank (as in when you first create a map, and don't place any tiles yet, you could see a full-screen Panorama if you called one, because all tile coordinates are blank).

A Fog can be used to show an image above all Layers, including ones with any Priority setting (0-5 for Database, or 0-9999 for scripts) and can be given a specific Hue, Opaqueness, Magnification, etc...

To scroll the Panorama or Fog, change the X,Y speeds of the Panorama/Fog from -256 to 256, where a negative number moves left for X and up for Y, and a positive number moves right for X and down for Y. More advanced functions will come at a later tutorial.

Shall we begin...?


Step 1: Adjust Viewing Settings & Create a New Map


First off, set your Viewing Settings like this: View All Layers, Dim Other Layers.

Second, Create a new Map. We all know how to do this: right-click the Project name in the Map List(bottom-left of the Editor) and select New Map. Don't worry about Encounters right now, or either of the BGM or BGS settings. Just make your map the default size of 20x15 tiles (meaning 640x480 pixels, since each tile is 32x32 pixels in size). You cannot go smaller than this, since RMXP runs at 640x480 in size (for now.. people are working on getting this setting to go higher, and work properly!). Bing! Your new map is created..


Step 2: Fill the Map With a Ground Tile (Mainly Using Autotiles)


In order to see what you are working with, go ahead and use an Autotile to Fill in the Map (Paint Bucket) with any ground tile that you would like, using Layer 1 of the Map Layers. Try to use a tile that the player will most likely be walking on (ie some type of grass, sand or rocky surface, etc). ..done? Next step..

Example Screenshot:


Step 3: Mark the Entry Points (All Main Spots for Teleport Events)


As with any Map, the player should be able to move from screen to screen if it's within a larger area, or should be able to enter buildings.. so with that in mind, use a tile to mark where you would like these Teleport Events to be (place the marking tile in Layers 2 or 3, as Layer 1 was used for the ground and you'll be replacing the marking tile later with a Teleport Event, and don't forget to use the Pencil instead of the Paint Bucket!).

Example Screenshot:

Try to keep the Teleport spots as seperate as possible, meaning don't bunch them up (unless they are both part of the same building, or a cluster of buildings, if so you can add those later on). So if the player can exit the Map to the north and to the West, place a marking tile somewhere along the top(north) edge of the Map and along the left(west) side of the Map.. done marking the Teleport spots? Let's continue..


Step 4: Draw a Walking Path (That the Player Can Visibly See)


To help illustrate the more walked areas of any map, you should draw path-like roads on the Map, by either a) using Layer 1 and an Autotile that is similar to the first ground Autotile you placed (like grass and sand in the screenshot example below), or B) using Layers 2-3 to place an Autotile that has a transparent border (like sand or grass, or whatever can be walked on).

Example Screenshot:

Try to lead the paths towards the teleport spots, because you want the player to be able to distinguish where he/she should go (unless you want a Teleport spot to be a secret, you would then NOT lead a path towards it!). There looks like there is alot of green space that needs to be filled in... well, it will be! Let's continue..


Step 5: Add Different Ground Textures (Grass, Sand, Patchy Ground, Etc)


So we have something basic... let's add some different ground tiles to give detail to the Map. Using Layer 1 again, select a Tile (or Autotile) and draw in areas that you want to have a different ground texture. Keep in mind that if these tiles/autotiles don't blend with the surround tiles, you usually won't want them to be near eachother.

Example Screenshot:

In the above example, look at how I placed the darker grass tiles away from the sand/grass tiles. This is because we will add the borders to that darker grass later, using Layers 2-3. I'll explain the borders to grass tiles later.


Step 6: Place Larger Blocking Tiles (Bottom of Trees, Large Rocks, Etc)


OK... so you should have a Map that has the basic ground, paths and Teleport spots, now you need to put in some tiles that the player cannot walk through. This will help you layout an actual walkable path for the player, so he/she can't just walk straight through the Map, but must explore all areas of the Map to move on. Like so...

Example Screenshot:

So I added some tree trunks without all the foliage, and a big rocky cliff area. I won't show each Layer individually, would take too many screens. Notice on of the tree trunks I used as a Teleport marker is now the cave entrance.

Let me explain again that all ground-touching tiles (such as the tree trunks, larger plants, bottom of larger plants, etc) should be on Layer 2, UNLESS 1) you only have 1 Layer left plus the Event layer because of mixed ground tiles taking up Layer 1 and 2, or 2) you have placed several tiles there already, overlapping eachother (one above the other), and you are left with NO layers left inwhich to place a ground-touching tile... in that case you are always left with the Event Layer as a last resort to place a tile.

Also, you can always make an Event somewhere else on the Map, usually next to the spot that needs the tile, make the Event's sprite the image of the tile needed, and when the Map first initializes (you teleport to it), the Event Tile's Event Commands run in Parallel process and can Move that Event to the spot where it's needed, turn a Switch ON, and then remain either as an overlaying tile image, or one that the Player cannot move through (or whatever else an Event can do!).

What you do not need to place right now are the bottom edges of cliff ledge tiles, or any ledge tiles that have an overlapping bottom edge (or top edge), mainly because you will be placing other little things around the map that might need you to erase those overlapping tiles, or use the layer it's on, therefor having to move the overlapping ledge tile UP a Layer.

Let me show you what I mean by overlapping edge tiles, this goes for rock ledges, grass, etc:

Example Screenshot:

This is Layer 2, and the darker areas are all other Layers. Notice how the tiles on this Layer are overlapping tiles, or tiles that show another tile beneath it. Usually you won't place ground touching tiles on these, just tiles that appear above the player's sprite (ie tops of tall plants/bushes/pillars/etc).

With grass tiles that have overlapping edges, try to place those below any plants/rocks/ledges/etc, but directly above the actual ground tile. So you may end up with the top missing to a 2-tile horizontal plant, because you've used all 3 Layers: 1 ground tile, 1 grass border tile, and 1 a flower/bush tile (or something hidden behind the top of the horizontal plant's top). In that case, place the tile using an Event, with 'Always on Top' checked.


Step 7: Add Any Other Main obstacles (Water, streams, Undulation Autotiles)


Before you go off and populate your map with goodies, decide on whether you want any other prominent fixtures strewn across your map. I decided on this:

Example Screenshot:

A wee lil stream... I also filled in the rest of the big tree. The inner part of the big tree's bulk is on Layer 2, because there's nothing needed behind it. If I wanted to stick something behind the tree, and have halfway sticking out, I'd place only the tree tile needed to be above the ground tile on Layer 3, and leave the rest of the tree's bulk on Layer 2 (unless, again, you want to have something blocking the path below the tree, so you might just want to have the edges to your trees on Layer3 to start so you get used to the idea of saving Layer space ;)).

To have a blank blocking tile, you can also use an Event that uses a Tileset Sprite with Passability set to X. That Tile can be blank, just remember that you set it to X, and don't use it on accident, or you won't know why you can't walk on a blank spot... o.O because little worms will eat away at your brain.. leaving unclenchable aches of agony writhing horribly before thee...


err... where was I...?

oh yeah.. a wee stream... big tree... fill in map somemore... oh yes. I also added some undulations... the raised ground Autotile. All done placing all blocking tiles??? Stuck in all your rocky walls, raised autotiles, streams, waterfalls, tree trunks???? good..


Step 8: Fill in the main features (Finish building Trees, Grass Edges)


Now just go through the map and clean up the edges to the darker grass areas and make the trees have some tops (mind the overlapping grass and rock edges, they tend to take up all 3 Layers).. add a few blocking tiles around certain areas so that the player can't walk everywhere. Kind of makes it funner to make them find the walkable path to get through your map. You could have a dead tree trunk laying across a path, blocking it, so the player must find a way through the surrounding foliage to get around.

All done constructing the main part of your map, giving it a good foundation before we continue on with adding detail..?

Here's what mine looks like:

Example Screenshot:

So you can basically see how quickly a map can fill up. I haven't even done any of the little things yet. With making larger maps, the larger the map doesn't necessarily mean the larger the spaces inbetween the tiles. You can have a large map and still have plenty of detail laying all over the place, without massive gaps that look like no attention to anything was put there. Gaps to me mean empty canvas... if it's anywhere on the map, it's in the game. No one wants to see a game filled with gaps...??? do they? :unsure:

if it's in the game, it's in the game... =/ um.... nevermind..


Step 9: Attention to Detail (Add all single/misc tiles, Layer from bottom up)


oh yimminy... my favorite part............... the details.

*plops down some yummy tiles*

..a little bush here... a little bush there... here a bush... there a bush.. everywhere a bush bush... =/-~

So now you look at your map and add the little things that stick out when people tend to look at your map for more than 5 seconds without going "mmhmm, i see"...

Throw in some pebbles along the sandy walking path... add a few flowers across the map randomly so they aren't bunched up too much om just one area. I tend to use certain flowers/plants for certain areas of our game, so that the player can sort of tell what area he/she may be in without having to look it up. I'll give each of my maps something different that stands out. Use animated autotiles to your advantage (ie get some good wavering grass autotiles and use those sparingly across your map in certain open areas so that it looks as though a small breeze is drifting through).

..and wallah!!!!

Example Screenshot:

So this is what a completely filled Map should look like. Not that hard to do... just use your imagination eh.. =)


Each Layer individually:


Layer 1:

Layer 2:

Layer 3:


Map As Seen Ingame:



And that's how you do that... End Lesson 1!

Whoa! O.o you really do your maps in that order!? That has to be the strangest process I've ever seen. I LOVE YOUR STYLE! I've tried hard, but it's one of those styles I can't seem to mimic.
The map seems way too cluttered and confusing- there are just way too many random tiles. If I were playing on that map, I'd have no idea where to go. Navigation looks just about impossible.
Actually, I wasn't done... and only that specific map is 'cluttered' because it was for a certain area in my game, out in the wilderness somewherez... no gardner available.

Here's some screenshots of other maps, showing each layer as I built them, in order inwhich I made them.

Town & Outer Maps by Layers:



































Those latest maps are better than anything I ever have mapped or will map.

I like your first map, but Serenade is right. It looks pretty, but how the hell do you get around? Still, better than anything I could put together.
wow your tutorial was extrmeely helpful
i was just looking for something that shows everything step by step!

your tutorial map is a little cluttered but I can still learn a lot from it
-=How to Make a Simple Map: Lesson 2 - Enhancing the Map=-

Instructed by Arramon

Download this Tutorial:
Lesson 2 Zipped - 2.16 megs

Please read Lesson 1 if you haven't done so already:

Naturalizing Your Maps: New!

This is continued from the previous Lesson, and we're using the same Map as before and adding onto it. If you haven't read Lesson 1, then scroll up, son... ;)

In this Lesson, we'll be adding all the Events that run as Parallel Process, and help Initialize the scene (I say scene, because you have the option of making the player Wait and allow other Events to happen before gameplay resumes.. storytime children).

So anyway.. thanx for the kudos for lesson 1...

Let us start the next Lesson... which is HUGE.


Tileset Used - Outer Forest:

Autotiles Used (All RTP):


-Quick Info
--How Events Work
--Event Commands List
--Uses for Events
-Lesson 2: Enhancing the Map
--Step 1: Events that Work as Tiles (Above Hero,Same as Hero,Below Hero)
--Step 2: Initialize the Map (Map*/System** Settings)
--Step 3: Create Interactive Objects & NPCs (Non-moving/Movable/Consumable)
--Step 4: Create Events for Game Progression (Switches/Variables/Items)
--Step 5: Create Teleports (To other Maps/To another Map, then Back)
-Ingame Screenies
-Lesson 3: whatever else we can come up with..!! (coming soon!)


Some quick info:

Events can perform many functions for your Map and can control all aspects of how your game runs (aside from the Scripts that are the actual program at work, Events can be used as Amendments to the Game system). There are 80+ Event Commands to use, with a few for Battle only (another tut??) =/ ..guess I should explain some of the more widely used ECs (Event Commands):

How Events Work:

Events are processed at the beginning of each screen(map) load, and depending on how they are configured, will each run through their list of ECs at least once, in order or by usage of Label/Jump to Label Event Commands. When first creating an Event, you may:

1) choose a Switch/Variable/Timer Amount that must be TRUE (Switch is ON, Variable/Timer is equal to) to have the ECs processed for that Event (this is called a Trigger),

2) select Animation options for the Event's Sprite (if a sprite is used): No Animation (to have animation while standing still) and Move Animation (to have animation when moving), so if neither were selected, the Event's sprite animation will not change if it walks or stays put, and will only face each direction you turn. There's a few things that are good about that, I'm sure... <_<

3) select whether the Event is 'Phasing' or not (passability),

4) select whether the Event's Sprite is 'Always on Top' or not,

5) select how the Event interacts with the player character to have the Ecs processed: Hero Uses Action Key (press Enter while next to the Event and facing it), Hero Touches Event (ECs are processed once for each touch), Event Touches Hero (ECs will process repeatedly if the player doesn't move!), Auto Start (ECs for that Event will process repeatedly, but only one Event at a time) and Parallel Process (Ecs will process repeatedly and allow other Events to process as well).

Event Commands List:

Please refer to the Event Command List Topic: To save posting space!!

Uses for Events:

There are numerous ways to use Events in your game. Here's a short List for what we will learn in this Lesson:

1) Using Events as a Layer when Making Maps (Above Hero,Same as Hero,Below Hero)
2) Initializing the Map with Events (Map*/System** Settings)
3) Using Events as Teleports (To other Maps/To another Map, then Back)
4) Using Events as Interactive Objects & NPCs (Non-moving/Movable/Consumable)
5) Using Events to Block/Further Game Progression (Switches/Variables/Items)
6) Using Events for Cut-scenes (Narrative/Storyline, Event/Player Movement)

* Panoramas,Fogs,Map BGM/BGS included
** Windowskins,Message Settings,Player/Event Speeds included

So... shall we begin Lesson 2..?


Step 1: Events that Work as Tiles (Above Hero,Same as Hero,Below Hero)


Okay... so we learned how to structure a decent looking Map together. Now it's time to learn how to use Events as another Tile.

http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/8063/small018cu.png[/IMG] * http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/3792/small029pz.png[/IMG]

Those are both examples of how to use Events as Tiles, either the Same Level as the Hero (meaning you can't walk on it) or Above the Hero (you can walk beneath it). Here are the Layers individually for the second Example from above, to better show how I placed each Tile:

http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/4190/small03a6dy.png[/IMG] * http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/7726/small03b9nw.png[/IMG] * http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/2558/small03c0ii.png[/IMG]
Notice the missing tiles..?

Now with the other Layers dimmed:
http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/5465/small03d5rb.png[/IMG] * http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/3853/small03e9mb.png[/IMG]
You can see how Tiles can be layered beneath and above eachother, but when you run out of Layers 1-3, you have one final option to place that Tile.. Events:


So that it looks like this ingame:

But with RMXP comes change.. and not all for the good. With RM2k3, you had the option of selecting whether the Tile was Above, Below or Same Level as the Hero, which made it easy to make blocking Tiles. RMXP no longer has those options within an Event, so you need to use Tiles that cannot be walked on to block the Player. For Example, notice these two spots marked with the red arrows:


Since both the top edge of the grass and the top of the plant can be walked on (the grass is below, while the plant is on top), the blocking edges of the cliff that they are atop of have no priority. The plant top has no more Layers left to place a Tile there, so we need to block the surrounding area so that the Player can't get there, plus add an Event on the top edge of the grass that will block the Player... like so:


I even had to add another plant Event (the white flowers) so that the Player can't walk on the corner edge of the grass. Now just tidy up the rest of the missing Tiles and we'll continue. Just be careful not to put too many Tile Events along walkable paths... Events tend to get stuck if more than two Events end up on the same screen location.

Here's one more quick example for the Tile Events near the big tree:


Each Layer individually:

Layer 1:
Layer 2:
Layer 3:
Event Layer:

There are two things to take note of in this Example, 1) the way I placed tiles so that the big tree looks like its covering surrounding objects and 2) the plant with a Tile Event top will appear above the Player sprite, so we need to stick another Tile Event on the bottom half that blocks the Player.


1) the little flowers, plants and rock pebbles closest to the big tree I placed on Layer 2 and the shadow of the big tree I placed above them on Layer 3, I also have the priorities for the big tree's shadows, from the opening and up, set as *3, so the shadows will be above the Player sprite. I used a Tile Event shadow to cover the bigger plant (since I ran out of Layers) and a Tile Event for the plant top, set as Always Above Hero, so it's above the big tree's shadow (I wanted that smaller plant to look like it was just out of reach of the shadow.. A2D (attention 2 detail)). The one thing wrong with the Tile Event top always above the hero will make it actually above the hero's sprite, which leads to point 2..

2) we need to fill in the space below that Tile Event that will appear above the Hero with a non-walkable Tile sprite.:

All we need to do is Copy and Paste a similar Tile Event and change it's Sprite to another non-walkable one.

Which would then look like this:


And the ingame screenshot:

Section 1 shows what we just did... Section 2 is where I had to remove a rock that was blocking the walkable path of the Player, making it so the player couldn't get to the area near the cave entrance.

Test your Map thoroughly, walking along all edges and seeing which Tiles need a blocking Tile, using layers 2/3 if available or an Event (*hint: there's a spot behind the tree in Section 2 of the above example, you can walk on the little stream.. just use a rock or something to block it). My general rule of thumb when creating my maps... don't allow the Player to touch the edge of the screen. Usually only when it's to Teleport to the next Map, or following along some secret path around the normal screen objects (super mario brothers Underworld style baby.. bloop bloop bloop... warp to level 4 o.O!) or maybe if you're just stressed for space/time and don't wanna draw a whole new line of tiles.. whatev..

..all done lip smackin? ~~~~~~c/././/.|= (o.o) pew pew!! laser gun attack!


Step 2: Initialize the Map (Map*/System** Settings)


* Panoramas,Fogs,Map BGM/BGS included
** Windowskins,Message Settings,Player/Event Speeds included

Init Event:

okay.. so now let's put in some Initializing Events. Pick a corner of the Map and Create an Event. Call it Init. Structure it like this:

Event: Init
Preconditions: none
Graphic/Movement/Options: none
Trigger: Parallel Process
Event Commands:
<>Weather Effects: Rain, 2, @10 (Rain, Power 2, lasts 10 frames). This is just a sprinkle..

*for those who use ccoa's weather script, use a Call RGSS EC:
>Script: $game_screen.weather(1,2,0) (for rain.. check script for more info)

<>Change Map Settings:Fog = '001-Fog01',0,64,Normal,200,-1,1 (whatever cloud/fog image, Hue of the image, magnification of image, blend, speed X, speed Y). So you can use whatever image you want to appear above everything on the Map (not screen, because Menus and windows may appear above Fog images/weather effects). Gives a nice misty effect.

<>Move Event: Player
<>>Change Speed: 3
<>>Frequency Change: 5 (these are to help keep the Player at a set speed)

*Windowskins are optional to init, unless you really change skins alot using scripts. Same with the Message Display Options, set it to however you want the windows to show up on screen. Here's the Windowskin/Name Box code for people who use Dubealex's AMS r4 #2:

<>Call RGSS Script:
<>>$ams.message_box_skin = "Windowskin01" (or whatever you named it)
<>>$ams.name_box_skin = "NameBox01" (or whatever you named it)

<>Tint Screen: (-17,-17,-17),51), @0 (because of the weather.. cloudy/rainy)
*its good to have this command after all other screen changing ECs (before the Erase Event EC), just in case the screen had faded to black prior to teleporting to this Map; the fogs and weather can have a chance to initiate.

<>Wait: 5 Frames (just pauses a fraction of a second.. not really needed because Erase Event below, but good to have if the Event repeats, in that case set to 3 frames)

<>Erase Event (this is so that the Event only runs once when the Map is first loaded)

okay, that wasn't hard. It should look like this (I left in both weather commands, but only use one):

Init Event Example:

Image Removed

You can, of course, add other things to your liking, but I usually just use those as a base starter. The script weather is alot more flexible and has many more functions, like leaves and feathers, etc.


Now let's edit the Sounds. Right-click the Map's Name in the Map List to the bottom-left of the Editor, select Map Properties. Now we're messin with the Native BGM/BGS options. For this Map, let's choose a serene little piece, maybe with some melodic undertones... =/ err... or rather something funky I guess. I'll use bjorn_lynne-return to witchwood, set at Volume of 70 and Pitch of 100%. Here's the file:


Now Play the BGM and select the BGS option and choose a river/stream SE. I use the default River sound, 010-River01, set at Volume 45, Pitch 150%. And there you have some ambience.

If you want other looped sfx, just make them in a new Event, call it Sounds or something, have it set as parallel process, and add a Wait EC bewteen each Play SE command and at the very end of the EC List. So it might look like this:

Event: Sounds
Preconditions: none
Graphic/Movement/Options: none
Trigger: Parallel Process
Event Commands:
<>Wait: 20 frames
<>Play SE: birdcall01
<>Wait: 50 frames
<>Play SE: insect01
<>Wait: 20 frames
<>Play SE: birdcall02
<>Wait: 30 frames
<>Play SE: insect01
<>Wait: 50 frames
and it will just keep looping those sounds, with a pause bewteen each one. Try it with other animal/nature sounds you may have. You can get some pretty cool atmospheres going on if you do it right. Also try using specific animal sounds to where the player might be at in the game. Like they can only hear certain bird calls within certain woods or something. Or they need to find an insect sound, on a certain Map, in order to have an encounter with that insect to get a certain item, etc. Whatever you want.


And last, but not least... the Panorama for this Map. I specifically left this for last in this Step. With the way the Map is drawn, we couldn't call a Panorama and have it show, so we need to do some restructuring of the Map itself so that there are blank tiles (blank tiles allow the Panorama to show). And here's what we'll do:

1) Go to Map Properties (right-click Map Name), and make the Height of the Map 20, instead of 15. Right-click the Map Name again and select Shift Map this time. Move the Map Down 5 tiles. So now there is a blank area at the top of the Map. We now need to create a Horizon so that the Panorama will show behind the Tile Objects (trees, plants, etc).

2) Fill in the tiles closest to the finished Map parts, making them blend like before... like so:

Layer 1:

Layer 2:

Layer 3:

Event Layer:

We now have the horizon created, and the panorama will show behind that. I had to use a few Tile Events because I used all the Layers for the grass and plants in those spots.

3) Now open up the Init Event and add this command after the Weather Effects:
<>Change Map Setings: Panorama = '004-CloudySky01', 0

You can use whatever panorama you want, but I'm gonna use one of the RTP ones. Just remember that these Panoramas don't Move. You need to install the new Panorama Options script that is available at http://www.Phylomortis.com in order to modify how they are shown.. thanx to RPG Advocate for hosting that script (not to mention GOOD explanations of how the default Scripts work in RMXP!). I tried using the Mountain Panorama, but you can only see the sky part, and no mountains... in order to fix that, you would need to make the Map taller (changing Height to 25 or up). Hmmm.. we'll try both.

4) Cut and Paste the Init Event and all of your other Sounds/Etc Events that run as parallel process and place them in the corner again, since the Map was enlarged and they are now 5 tiles lower than the top. If you placed these Events at a bottom corner of the Map, they should be there already, since we moved the Map down (just make sure you don't erase your Events by moving the Map too far one way, then saving it. .. ugh.. )

With the CloudySky Panorama, your Map should now look like this ingame:

Cloudy Sky Example:
Notice the red arrow.. the Tile Priorities for that tree (on Layer 1) are all 0, so that it will show behind the other Tiles on the higher Layers. You can have the same trees as the others, but you need duplicate Tiles with different Priorities. Looks good though yes? =)

Let's alter the Fog EC to use the Mountain Panorama:

First, make the Map 5 more Tiles taller (Right-click Map Name/Map Properties/Height = 25). Second, Shift the Map down 5 Tiles (like before). Third, change the Panorama image to 006-Mountains01 (within the Init Event). *note..you can leave the Initializing Events where they are until you've totally completed the Map. Just organizing.. Fourth, change the Tint Screen EC '>Tint Screen: (0,0,0,0), @0' (normal settings because there are no more clouds by changing the panorama).

So with all that done, your Map with the mountains should look like this:

Mountains Example:

..not bad... not bad.. You see where the Player sprite is standing? Well he should be Teleporting to the next Map at that very point. But, that's the last thing you need to make, since you still need to populate the Map with some interactive objects..


Step 3: Create Interactive Objects & NPCs (Non-moving/Movable/Consumable)


You can always make little creatures running here and there, and wee lil insects and butterflies eveywhere, but those take up cpu power, and I'm just gonna worry about the more important types of Events for now. But it is good to add some originality to your Maps.. creature different things. Make hidden paths and secret Events that unblock other areas for the Player to explore in. Unlimited realms of creation. Who ever heard of a 500x500 tile Map before...? o.O well, I have... people do it.. but do they do it right? It's nice and all to have huge Maps filled with empty space, but why waste the space when you can create with taste.. =/-~ errr....

Shop Event (moving):

First off, create an Event and call it Shop. You can change that later if you'd like. Make the Sprite whatever you want and select these functions:

Image Removed

Second, add in a Message and Choice EC:

Image Removed

Third, add the Shop EC, with a selection of items to buy (or weapon/armor)

Image Removed

And the Shop Event is done..

Sign Post (non-moving):

First, create an Event on the upper Tile of the signpost, with no sprite and Triggered with the Aciton Key. Second, use a Message EC like so:

Image Removed

..and that's that.

Visible/Hidden Items (consumable):

First, create an Event anywhere on the Map and call it Item/Weapon/Armor1 (or 2,3,etc), with a Trigger of 'Hero Touches Event', no options, no movement. The Sprite grapic depends on what type of item/equipment being found (equipment usually go in chests), or if it's invisible (no sprite graphic).

Second, place these ECs in the EC List:
<>Play SE: 'coin07',65,90 (this is just for a healing potion type pickup, use whatever)
<>Message: You find a Healing Potion..! (or whatever,weapon,armor,gold,etc)
<>Change Items: [Healing Potion] + 1 (or weapon,armor,gold,etc)
<>Switch: [0133: HealingPtn1] = ON (just name the switch whatever1,2,3,etc)
<>Erase Event (to just get it out of the way.. )
Page 2:
Pre-Condition: Switch [0133] Is ON (what you just switched ON above)
Options/Movement: none, Trigger: Parallel Process
EC List:
<>Erase Event (to get it out of the way.. )

boom... there's your hidden or visible item.. If the item is a one time pickup, you can use the Local Switches (A-D) for that Event instead of using one of the Game switches. But if the item is important in the game, and you need to check and see if the Player has found it or not, you must use one of the Game Switches, because you can't check an Event's local switches from another Event or Common Event. Only by using a Call RGSS Script EC. But lets not get into scripting just yet. =/

These Interactive objects look something like this:

Non-moving/Movable/Consumable Events:

..next! Some blocking Events that the Player must operate in order to get around them (aka Switches/Levers/Buttons)


Step 4: Create Events for Game Progression (Switches/Variables/Items)


Okay.. so to make these blocking Events work, we'll use a Blocking Tile Event (or 2 Events, depending on how many tile pieces the object uses) and an Operator Event (that will turn the appropriate Switch ON and make the Blocking Tile Event move out of the way).

We will use this object for the Blocking Tile Event:

And the Events should be set up in these locations:
http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/254/ ... t019fe.png[/IMG]

First, create an Event and call it CaveBlockingTile . This Event should have no Options, PreConditions, Movement or ECs, but change the Speed to Slower and the Frequency to Lower. Make the Sprite the bottom Tile of the above example.
Second, create another Event just above the first one, call it CaveBlockTop, and have the Option of 'Always On Top', with no Movement,PreConditions or ECs, but change the Speed to Slower and the Frequency to Lower.

*Both of these Events will need a second Page that will keep them in their new positions after the Operator Switch is turned ON and the Player exits and enters the Map. If not, they will be in their original positions. That's in a bit..

Third, create another Event and call it CaveBlockOperator, with the Option of 'Phasing' and the Trigger of 'Hero Touches Event'. Add these ECs:

Image Removed
A Switch sound effect is heard, then the stone tiles moving, then a message telling you so. Here is the Drag sound effect:


Fourth, Add a New Page to the CaveBlockOperator Event with the PreCondition of Switch '0134: Secret Area1' is ON, set as Parallel Process. Add this EC:

<>Erase Event

Then add second Pages to both the CaveBlockingTile Event and the CaveBlockTop Event, with the PreCondition of Switch '0134: Secret Area1' is ON, set as Parallel Process, and add these ECs to each second Page:
<>Change Event Location: This Event, (012,021 for the bottom Event and 012,020 for the top), with Retain Facing Direction on both. (*note* this is with the Map Height set at 25 Tiles and using the Mountain Panorama).
<>End Event Processing

Test it.. that's one way of getting the Player to interact with the Map. The more intricate you make the pieces to the puzzle, the funner the game can be. You can make Events that use Variables to keep track of the Player interacting with the Event, plus make it so the Player must possess a certain Item/Weapon/Armor in order to activate the Event (with use of the Conditional Branch EC). Now let's finish up this Map and add the Teleports to other Maps you've done.


Step 5: Create Teleports (To other Maps/To another Map, then Back)


SO, usually you'll create a Teleport Event for the exit you just came from (since this is the only Map I've done with you folks, we'll say the Player came from the left)..

..therefor create an Event and call it anything you'd like (West Exit maybe), with no PreConditions,GFX,Options, or Movement, and the Trigger of 'Hero Touches Event'. Add a Teleport EC in the Event Commands window and select which Map and coordinate to Teleport to. You can also set what direction to be facing, or retain facing, and if the Maps should Fade (blend together) or switch instantly. And that's your basic Teleport Event. You can just copy and paste that Event onto the other Teleport locations for the Map, and just change the Location Coordinates for each.

Here's Each Location:

West Exit:

North Exit:

Tree Entrance: Notice the extra root tiles I added to cover half of the hole?
Also with this big tree object, the Player needs to be able and walk next to the Event that has the Teleport EC within it. So the Tile below the left part of the hole must be walkable (where the main roots of the tree are)

Cave Entrance:

Ingame Screenies:



And there you have Lesson 2 complete!!

Comments/Suggestions/Question?? Post them below... if you have more basic drawing questions, from the previous lesson, post them in Lesson 1.

Thank You. and good night... *crashes and sleeps for a billion days*

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-=Townmap Tutorial & Download=-

This town is the newest one from our Astyllan game, but I did not include any INNER maps from the buildings themselves, just the actual Townmap itself. Along with certain item events and special things laying around. I took out any storyline events that were in it, and also removed the NPC event of the secondary hero that was a caterpillar Event that followed the player around. There are no Custom Common event Systems included, those can only be used if you download our actual game. This package is as small as I could make it, so hopefully it won't take people that long to get it. =))

Download this tutorial
Townmap Tutorial

Naturalizing Your Maps: New!

Information about Tutorial:

Upon loading the tutorial project, you will see an image of the RMXP editor with the Town of Rhidon map showing. Select New Game and you will start at the entrance to the town, outside of the city walls. From there, you can basically just walk around and check out the entire town map itself, look for chests and hidden items, etc. Once you walk beyond the city gates, the Encounters will be turned off, so no battles once inside the town.

Outside the walls there is a statue that heals the entire Party and an option to save the game. As stated above, none of the entrances to the buildings or cave will work. This tutorial only is showing how a Town map is pout together. Not any inner maps. That's my next tutorial. =)

So enjoy!! Once you are done exploring the map, exit and load the project within the RMXP editor and open up the Events on the Map, becuz I've included Comments with some of them to explain how the specific Event works (like the Map Init event in the topleft corner, and any Random Treasure events on the map). Also view each Layer individually so that you can see how I placed the Tiles and how I Layered them in certain spots where a bunch are overlapping eachother (for more detailed looking maps!!). I love filling my maps up, so if this Map is STILL too crowded for you... sorry. Look elsewhere for mapping help, becuz this is how I operate. ;)

Any questions about this tutorial, please reply below and I'll try to answer. Comments are also welcome for those who just wanna give a rating of how helpful this tutorial project actually is.
That last one was the latest mapping package i released from our game. I usually release things for people to use once I create them. Like my encounter system using Common Events.

Guess I can post that next... ;)
Now these are very nice example maps. You've actually got character in the designs, especially the lastest town shot. Of course, that map isn't finished, but it looks very nice so far. Some things could be spiced up on it, but there is very little more that could be added without cluttering it. The example maps you've posted are MUCH better than your tutorial map, which is cluttered to the point of being hiddeous. From what I've seen in the other maps, I doubt doing it layer by layer is your actual process for making maps, since it is far inferior. You might want to re-do that step by step map whilst introducing some more points about how to make more impressive map designs i.e. chopped down trees near towns with a certain amount of logic applied.

Other examples might be having islands broken off from mainland on world maps and putting houses overlapping rivers and stuff to make for more intriguing locations. That sort of thing would help seperate busy maps from great maps.

Edit: I suggest that next time you screenshot the whole map, you turn off "Dim Other Layers" instead of using event mode. That way you'll be able to see the entire map without layer dimming or the black grid lines that you get in event mode.

Thank you for viewing

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