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Welcome to HBGames, a leading amateur game development forum and Discord server. All are welcome, and amongst our ranks you will find experts in their field from all aspects of video game design and development.

How many languages do you know?

Japanese - 1 day
Ancient Greek - 7 months
Latin - 5 years
French - 11 years
Spanish - 7 months
A bunch of wiccan weird writing - 4 years
Mandarin - only know the swear words (Dieusie)
Korean - one word (Sheebaa)
English - since around 4 years old (My first word)
American/Australian - Why did I include these?
English, Portuguese, German, and some Latin.

What does this famous Latin phrase mean if you truly know latin? "amor est vitae essentia"
Really close, but no.

Nope it means "Love is the essence of life." Vitae means life, amor is love. Piece it together and it's simple. And you've been studying it for 5 years eh?



Give the guy a break Grandor he knows several languages and geez I can't remember spanish at all and I study it for 3 years don't be hard on the guy he has 15 years (plus whatever years of english) under his belt so he can't know all of them by heart.
Graxiplon;182382 said:
Give the guy a break Grandor he knows several languages and geez I can't remember spanish at all and I study it for 3 years don't be hard on the guy he has 15 years (plus whatever years of english) under his belt so he can't know all of them by heart.

I suppose your right where he might not remember all of latin. It's a tough language, but with it comes the basis of all other languages. In fact the English language is largely based on it as well.



Mmm...I didn't know English was a Latin language. I knew it had taken quite a bit from the French language but that that was the end of its Latin heritage.
Yeah, have you ever wondered why people in Biology use latin words to describe new discoveries or a new species of organism?
Okay, I need to repost a post I guess, as people are adding things lol..

Acient Greek - 2 Years
Latin - 4 Years
French - 4 Years
German - 4 Years
English - 6 Years
Dutch - 15 years

HTML (/XHTML) - 7 Years (/ 3 Years)
PHP - Half a Year (quite easy tough)
RGSS (/Ruby) - 2 Years (/1 Year)
VB (/.net) - 2 Months (/2 days)
GML - 5 Years

Janpanese - 5 words + 4 songs ( I know what it means lol )
Chinese - I can say: Your mother smells more then your ass, and common things like Hello, How are you, I am dead, I am goign to make you dead, My name is... and some other basic things..

Nope it means "Love is the essence of life." Vitae means life, amor is love. Piece it together and it's simple. And you've been studying it for 5 years eh?

Vitae is not nominativus... ?!
well i am learning French (being forced by school) and obviously i know English but I also know Swahili and I need to start learning German:'(
I know dutch , enlish
i'm  learning : French
I understand (but can't speakn): german
I under stand a bit : italian , spanish

... and i'm only 15 :-\
Well Portugues, english, pretty fluent on both, I can understand Spanish Italian, some bits of german..

Related to programing:

VB.NEt (a bit) it's quite easy but since I know C# I think i won't go deep with it
c++ /Still learning
Html, -> not realy a languange but still XD
I should add Yiddish to that list of mine on (I think) page two.
I've learned mostly common sayings, but I understand quite a bit more than just the curse words and common phrases.

Oddly, when I get mad my accents in my languages seem to disappear and I learn to say things I never knew I knew to begin with :D

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