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Hello from Miyagiken

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It is still pretty different, just not in the way many people expect. It is a grand time, I highly recommend it. Just remember that it is no better than North America, it is not some wonderous place where everything is super high tech and perfect.

I teach English at two different Junior High Schools, Silverwolf.
Hi hi Erk :)

Gratz on the move and all. Hope you're having a blast. Wish ya the best of luck and hopefully the net situation will work out.

Just popping in to say hi hi on my way out :P


Erk said:
It is still pretty different, just not in the way many people expect. It is a grand time, I highly recommend it. Just remember that it is no better than North America, it is not some wonderous place where everything is super high tech and perfect.

I teach English at two different Junior High Schools, Silverwolf.

True Erk. What Airline did you get there by?

The big difference that I saw was the recycling areas, compared to the U.S.'s littering and multi-purpose garbage cans.

Send us some pics!
Twar3Draconis said:
True Erk. What Airline did you get there by?

The big difference that I saw was the recycling areas, compared to the U.S.'s littering and multi-purpose garbage cans.

Send us some pics!
That's less a Japan thing and more a "every first world country other than the US" thing, though. A Canadian wouldnt notice a difference ;)



ryanwh said:
That's less a Japan thing and more a "every first world country other than the US" thing, though. A Canadian wouldnt notice a difference ;)

I was just all over Vancouver for three days, and I didn't see any more or less recycling going on. Honestly, the only way I could tell I wasn't in the US was the slightly lower SUV to car ratio.
I've only been to Ontario. I only remembered it was so clean because I was looking for steriotypes and everything else was exactly like Boston, basically, other than the city was really clean.



ryanwh said:
I've only been to Ontario. I only remembered it was so clean because I was looking for steriotypes and everything else was exactly like Boston, basically, other than the city was really clean.
What city did you go to? I live in the Mississauga\Toronto area, and I dont find it very clean at all. Maybe its cleaner then US cities?
Definetly. And furthermore, it was during the beginnings of a garbage strike. Still miles ahead of Buffalo or Baltimore.
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