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Haasten (Beta Demo) d(ovo)



It's cause ixis is a *Cough* smexy *Cough* piece of work.

But yarg, Haasten is one of the most hawtsauce projects ever introduced to RMXP.org. I just shun ixis for not being faster (No pressure >=) )
Right now, it's March 16th, 2007. One day after I planned to announce this, but whatever.

On March 15th Haasten officially turned 1 year-old, which I think is pretty cool. I just finished finals which is why I had no time to make the announcement yesterday (I thought I could.)

Anyway, I have about a week and a half of Spring Break until I start spring semester and start all over again.

Anyway, the truth is I don't have the time to work on Haasten like I used to, and I wish I did. In the past couple of weeks at best I've been able to draw out new characters, maps and concept art, but I haven't had the time to get into RMXP and event-up the place. (Blame the usual suspects: schoolwork and chasing skirts.) That said I'm NOT giving up on Haasten, and I definitely haven't lost interest (in fact, I want to work on this project even more since I've been nearing the halfway mark for the first game.)

Anyway, this semester I have Math 102, Ficton Writing II and Seq. Art senior project, but I'm really not sure how busy I'll be. I've always been good at math and fiction writing, and I could always base my senior project around working on Haasten, but I'm not sure I could convince the teacher of that (the perils of not being a game design major.)

However, I still want to work on Haasten, and I want to try and get some more hype up around the game, so I'm going to try a shot at making a short-form webcomic for the game (the story would start from the beginning and go to the halfway point in the game.) I'm in the process of putting up a site now. I don't know what the update schedule will be, and I don't know when I'll finally have the site up (I had planned to unveil it yesterday but my bank has been slow in updating my account to online so I can pay for the webspace... >_<)

Anyway, that's all I know for now. I'll post more updates as they happen.
Don't hype things up.

Seriously, it'll only get you reactions like: "it wasn't what we expected" and "it could've been so much better". Hype things up and people's expectations will raise higher than skyscrapers, you don't want that, it's quite depressing if you heart your project and put in a lot of effort.

Also, congrats on the anniversary =)
Volrath;190722 said:
I can't help but wonder how much work on the game you might have gotten done had you not taken the time to make that crazy thing. :p

Ditto! I thought exactly the same thing when I saw it... Seriously awesome art style you have though, diverse as well... don't go knockin' the rtp though! :D
Volrath;190722 said:
I can't help but wonder how much work on the game you might have gotten done had you not taken the time to make that crazy thing. :p

Well, there has been progress in the game, but it's all using placeholder graphics so it looks like shite :P sorry...

And this thing took like... 5 minutes. I wrote everything off the top of my head.
It's still going, but I've been working on the events and story and not the art, so there's not much to look at. ^_^;; Plus I have work and lots of other stuff to work on and I rarely have any freetime to work on Haasten nowadays, but I'm making progress, if not slow progress.':|
Wow this game looks amazing, it's a break from the forced over cliched storylines,lol based on this screens this will be a very nice parody if I don't say so myself.
well well well... I really do believe this is original. Im really impressed. Do you mind if I do a link to your post from my forum...

The mapping is what we are doing on our project but still struggling to find someone that can draw the landscapes... :'(

We will get there, Your project has a nice "sick" twist that I really like, and the character art is... well not perfect but in a good way...

I would love to play this game and i know most of my 20 member team would think the same...

well done and let me know :D
XcuMaSoft;252996":oqmzsvp3 said:
Do you mind if I do a link to your post from my forum...

The mapping is what we are doing on our project but still struggling to find someone that can draw the landscapes... :'(

I would love to play this game and i know most of my 20 member team would think the same...

well done and let me know :D
lol what's the point of the 20 member team thing XD, lol you managed to throw in the forums as well lol
Hmm unfortunately based on what he said guys I don't think this project will see completion....it starts with the "I'm gonna take a break...." then the"I'm not working on it AS much. then the "Really I haven't even looked at this project for a month......then...."What game?"
Lol you dont miss a trick do you G-Man,

This project does look nice, And the point of telling him them about 20 members is that if he needs beta testers he got a team of them here that will give real feedback :P



only messing, So when are you aiming to complete?

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