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God Condemns Two-Thirds of World to Hell

A couple of people have touched on what I kinda believe in, basically that God could be real, I have no way of knowing, some people can hold a blind faith but Im a bit of a skeptic. However, God is omnipotent, so he would know that even if I dont follow judaism, christianity (even though I am baptised into catholicism) or any of the other religions, I can still live a decent and good life, help others and not strive to be an arsehole (or the equivilent) and he can accept me for that. I think the whole concept of religion is bloated and bureaucratic, with every religion condemning all the others, because Man created religion, not God. No religion is the true religion, Im sure they all started with good concepts and philosophies, but most have lost that now.
OMG!!! Someone actually thinks the same as I do.... just that, I mighta add that, maybe when you get to judgment and see Him you can finally accept Him in your heart, no matter of religion or anything, just you and He face to face...

That, mixed with the good life you had and the good actions you did, earns you heaven...



Rhazdel;189242 said:
Same as any other religion. Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Hinduists, Buddhists (you'll be reincarnated while they reach nirvana), Muslims.....just about every religion says that if you aren't a part of that religion you will suffer eternal consequences (except Buddhists, because you can retry life over and over until you become Buddhist and 'get it right', so to speak).

It's nothing unique to Christianity.

Just think:

You are saved in the Protestant religion, but condemned in hundreds more. It's all unnerving.

Actually no...seeing as I know a Jehovah's Witness...they don't even believe in hell or a "everlasting torment".

Also, they believe only a chosen few go to heaven...not everyone. You should really do some research into religions before stating facts.

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