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God Condemns Two-Thirds of World to Hell

If the christian god, YHWH was in fact existent, then I would happily go to hell for eternity......It has already been accounted for that yhwh of the OT is a villainous being that thrives on power hungry sauce.....

The genocide of the Canaanites...the killing of the first born of Egypt.....the sending people to hell for simply disobeying him and even flooding the enitre planet and after making the people die horrible drowning deaths, sending them to an eternal fire...(that i'll heat em up) and the worse....The killing of all the people of sodom and gomorrah.....

I dont have to believe something exist so say that it is evil... (I.E. Lavos of chrono trigger, sephiroth, freiza of dbz fame, etcetera......)
I wouldn't call that villainous. More like a pretty awesome dictator manipulating the world how he wants to.

Just cause you slaughter the entire world except for one family doesn't make you evil/villainous. That's like saying a butcher killing a cow is evil.
Yes it is like that....But there are some problems
We need to kill cows....Does an all powerful god need to put us through horrible pain....No.....
Do we kill cows...yes..........
Do we kill cows because they are not compliant to our rules...i dont think so.....and if we did we would have a reason...a non compliant cow is a burden....non compliant humans would not be a burden to a god unless however he was on a power-trip...
i have a theory about this one.

theres no real religion. faith in god results in, when we do not have answers to our questions that even scientists cant anwser.

simple eh?

okay, the reality is this. we have many version of god because people like to start things as they start to become curious on what is, or finding the truth.

its like this post, im just looking outside the box just like team CSI-maimi does xD

feel free to question me, and ill answer gladly :)
You guys shouldn't take it so straight, Christian writings, as well as all of the other religions, are just metaphoric. God doesn't condemn anyone, we really doom ourselves.

Regretment of our sins is, in any salvationist religion, the key to receive forgiveness. But, hey, the Big Guy will surely know if you're just speaking those words to gain salvation and you don't mean to.

Besides, I believe that the only key to receive salvation is to have a really nice live, helping people, not messing with anybody, general "rules" in every religion and society. In the end, that's all that matters, I'm an open minded Catholyc, but I agree that if God saves the ones that were in the church every Sunday like the hipocrits they are, and let other people that made their lives more productive but had tattoos, piercings, didn't go to church, go to hell, I definetely don't want to go into a heaven like that.

Bottom line, I believe that God saves EVERYONE that wants to be saved, based on its good actions rather than the crap they made
Fallofthetyrant;275831 said:
God is dead, killed by rationalism and science...

Not so to be honest. As a vehement atheist, i notice every day the reliance of so many in society on paranioa and illogical beleif systems. Such as homeopathy . For those who do not know what this is, it is a medicine "idea" that says "treating like with like". I.e. you have a rash? Treat it with poison Ivy. However, it goes much deeper than this. Treating it with a diluted form of Ivy to one part per 10x10 m/mol cc, which in english would mean more or less every atom in the known universe (providing our understanding of universal weight is correct) to dilute just one! Illogicala nd stupid, nothing more than a placebo.

However, science has to battle against these So called "enemies of reason" (Prof. Dawkins of Oxford University - His programme is very intersting) every day, and whilst science is repeatedly slated in the press for its negative forthcommings (eg, stem cell research) idiotic things such as "astrology" and linking your life to planets get main page spreads and celebrity endorsement.

No, Science is far defeating religion and other aspects of beleif, which is good and bad. People beleive in what gives them hope, my argument is that sometimes, that faith is misguided, and entrusted to those who wish only to profit for their own gain. Unfortunate
kaze950;236593 said:
I'd like to point out that god doesn't condemn two-thirds of the world to hell. The fact is, hell is where we all belong. This is because of original sin. So, god condemns all of us to hell, because of this original sin. It is only through the grace of god and the gift of Jesus's sacrifice (Think of him as an upgraded, infinite version of the sacrificing of lambs that were done for god- this is why sacrificing of lambs was no longer necessary as a temporary forgiveness for our sins, hence Jesus being the perfect lamb).

Thus, it is not that God condemns two-thirds of the world to hell. We are all worthy of it, but if we receive the gift of Jesus's sacrifice, we can avoid it. Think of it like this - In order to receive a gift you must accept it. Accepting his gift is the only way to enter heaven. This 'gift' is necessary, and can only be obtained by accepting it.

So, two-thirds of the world aren't condemned to hell. Two-thirds of the world just haven't accepted this gift yet.

Just what I wanted to say...

And I want to point out what makes Christianity different for all other religions:
Everyone is born a sinner, everyone deserves hell, no one can "earn" heaven EVER. It is a gift, read the quoted text again.

@StuntmanBank314: You said many things, I can answer to a few.

"the killing of the first born of Egypt"
If you believed and did as was said, this didn't happen to you. I'm sure it was necessary for something - does seem bad though huh? I think this isn't a good answer, sorry.

"the sending people to hell for simply disobeying him"
Kinda - not really, there's more to it than that, read the quoted text.

"even flooding the entire planet and after making the people die horrible drowning deaths"
It is said that at this time man had only evil in his heart. This happens I guess when people live too long. Before the flood it is believed that some of the water was as an extra layer in the sky, accounting for the longer lifespans recorded in the bible, note how after the flood lifespans lowered. Anyway, it was pretty bad at that time, He did promise not to do it again :)

And one of those wiping out of an entire area had something to do with the Neflim (sp?) Fallen angels raping humans, making some strand breed of human called the Neflim. (Yep, some weird stuff in there)

As for who is saved... You can't say "If they never knew God, they will be saved." But you can say "God will save those that accept him and his Son" and "God will judge justly." We worry about those things because we don't know, and aren't sure what will happen. But it's not our call, and if you want to argue the point, you can also say, God knows if any given person would accept Him or not, if given the opportunity. Otherwise, everyone before the cross is kinda up a creek.

And regarding Heaven and Hell:
Heaven is not described as clouds, it's attributed to up, so I think that's where the idea came from... It's a new city, on a new earth, and I assume there will be plenty to do. I personally am looking forward to creating all sorts of things with new talents. It is a guess, but I think we'll be able to take part in many hobbies, without the restrictions of sleep, food, etc. Maybe even sex, honestly, it's that last thing that you'd think of, but it was made enjoyable by God, on the other hand, will we need to reproduce?, sex could easily be unnecessary, and therefor no desire would be there. The most pleasurable experience you've ever felt could be how you feel all the time. My point is, we don't really know the details, but it won't be boring. Heaven is a place where you are in the presence of God, true and full love.

Hell is the total absence of God, therefor no love, no pleasure, no happiness EVER. Is it really on fire, we don't know, that was the best the author could describe it. No chicks dancing, maybe screaming in agony and torment, no party. And you think you and the devil are gonna be buds, you know how pissed he'll be every dam second, you'll pay for his pain.

Fair? Not by our definition.
Just? Yes sir, by God. Sorry.

(I'm a little all over the place - sorry - I read through the entire thread just now)
Well then why doesnt god just forgive our original sin? its not our fault. Surely he cant blame us for not believing in a matter of faith. I wont believe something against all reason unless its been proven. Sure, religions are possible. They break the laws of physics in most cases, but we dont know for sure that those laws really are unbreakable. Its just that we dont have proof of them being broken.

So because of this reasonable doubt, surely god could accept that he is difficult to believe in for somebody who wasnt raised into a religion, and so accept me into heaven. He cant blame me for not totally devoting myself to his path or whatever.

Theres been a lot of conflicting crap here, and ive never studied religion so i dont know a lot about it. Can someone answer these questions:

1. Exactly what does it take to get into heaven? Confessing your sins? accepting the existence of god? With the original sin thing, doesnt baptism get rid of it? if not, what is baptism for?

2. When god spoke to jesus, what did he say about heaven and hell? Did he describe them, or simply say heaven good. Hell bad.

Only 2 questions. But please answer.
To enter heaven, as Jesus said is to have a sense of life that leads you into being the best you can be, to love your neighbor as you love yourself. That's my resume of all the things he said

Baptism is your entry into the Religion that Constantine founded based on the thaugths of Jesus.

Confessing in Christian tradition is to help the soul trough the path still to come into finding God.

And accepting His existence is a really difficult matter to discuss, but hey, maybe you die and when you get up there and see Him you'd say, OMG! I believe now, you received me... or maybe you could accept him while you're here and spread the word

Hell and Heaven, is as simple as this:

Heaven being close to God and be joyful for eternity

Hell Being away from God and regret you didn't have love for others, and now you want to love them and be with them, but you can't
Baptism isn't nessary, though some say it is. It's just a symbol/ritual/proclamation that you want to be reborn, and you want and will let God lead your life, and not you.

Let me see if I can find some good answers to your other questions... gimme a sec.

Here is a passage on heaven from "http://www.geocities.com/northstarzone/LIGHT.html"
It describes Heaven, then they start talking about a city, this is supposed to be a city that will be built on the new earth
What is heaven like? The Bible gives us some insights in various passages, especially in the book of Revelation, but even that, is looking through a glass darkly. The world we live in now is an abberation, completly designed for decay and death. Everything and everyone around us is in some state of deterioration. If you truly understood what Heaven is like, and what it would be like to be there, you would change all your negative lifestyle habits and attitudes. Think of the happiest moment you've ever experienced, think of the best you've ever felt, think of the most incredible beautiful sight you've ever seen, magnify it billions of times, and understand there is no end to this joy, no aging, no pain, no disease, no lonliness, no fear, no doubt, no discomfort, no death, and you only scratch the surface of what it's like in the Paradise of God. Majesty beyond conception, brightness and light of such beauty, it's beyond description.
Let's imagine we're standing on a vast plain, with the heavenly city towering above us in resplendent beauty. Our eyes behold a brilliant, shining city, with light streaming through its jasper walls and pearly gates, and a full spectrum of color gleaming from its jeweled foundation. As we gaze in awe on the city, the first thing to attract our attention is its massive jasper wall. The apostle John described it as follows: "The light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal. We know that these semi-precious stones are translucent in composition, so that light is able to pass through them. From these jasper walls, therefore, radiate brilliant rays of dazzling color for all to see. The glory of the city will thus be visible from afar, and even the dwellers in the area outside the walls will share in its brightness.

Although the wall around the city is real, it is also symbolic. The purpose of the wall is not to preserve the city against invaders, for God will have no enemies in the new earth. Being 216 feet high, it impressively signifies that no one will enter the city apart from God's grace. The wall is too high to be scaled by human effort, and the only portals are the 12 guarded gates. The requirement for admittance is salvation, and no one who has rejected God's plan will be able to go in. Salvation is the gift of God's grace to those who humbly acknowledge their need of forgiveness and who receive Jesus Christ as Savior.

The next thing to catch our vision as we look at the city is its jeweled foundation. Many Bible students believe that these jewels reflect all the colors of the rainbow, though we do not know the precise characteristics of each stone. Beginning at ground level, these were probably the colors seen by the apostle: the jasper stone may have been a light green or yellow; the sapphire, a sky-blue or azure; the chalcedony, containing a combination of colors, was mostly green and blue; the emerald, bright green; the sardonyx, red and white; the sardius, reddish in color; chrysolite, golden yellow; beryl, sea-green; topaz, yellow-green and transparent; chrysoprasus, golden-green; jacinth, violet; and amethyst, either rose-red or purple. The radiating light of the city, shining out through the jasper wall and blazing through the open gates, reflects from these precious stones in splendrous color.

And the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass (Rev. 21:12,21). Some Bible scholars believe that these gates of pearl suggest salvation by grace. Even as a wound to an oyster results in the formation of a valuable pearl, the gates of heaven can be entered only because the Lord Jesus was "wounded for our transgressions" (Is. 53:5). Although men wickedly rejected Him and crucified Him, it was through this death that salvation was made possible. Now, all who believe on Him can look forward to entering the pearly gates of heaven. Jesus Himself said, "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved" (John 10:9).

The gates are open at all times and in every direction, for salvation is still offered freely to everyone. The angels who keep watch at the open gates, therefore, are a wonderful contrast to the cherubim who guarded the closed gate of Eden after Adam and Eve sinned. These angels keep the way of access open, while the cherubim kept the Garden closed to fallen humanity. One of the characteristics of the heavenly city is the abundance of gold. A precious commodity throughout man's history, gold has been used as an overlay in works of art and as a standard of value, and has been the means of a great amount of both good and evil in society.

It served the purposes of God in the tabernacle and temple, for much gold was in evidence there; it was also used by idolaters in the making of images. On earth, men have fought, suffered, and died for it. But in the New Jerusalem, gold will be so plentiful that it will be used for cobblestones and building blocks. And it will be like glass, possessing transparent qualities, so that the glorious light of the holy city will both shine through it and be reflected by it. Here is John's description: The city was pure gold, like clear glass. . . . and the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass (Rev. 21:18,21). Traditionally, gold has symbolized purity. In the wedding band, for example, the circle speaks of endlessness and the gold stands for purity. The golden street of the New Jerusalem, therefore, might well suggest the pure and holy walk of God's redeemed in eternal paradise. And the brightness of the city, reflecting from the gold that abounds everywhere, will have its uncorrupted counterpart within the heart of every citizen of Heaven. Purity pervades the eternal Paradise of God.

A river clear as crystal will flow through the New Jerusalem. The apostle John declared: And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb (Rev. 22:1). Just as in Eden there was a river to water the garden, so also in the New Jerusalem there will be a river of life. It will begin at the throne of God, the very uppermost part of the city, and it will course downward through the entire area. In the New Jerusalem, a river of crystal will flow forever, reminding us for all eternity that God has graciously and abundantly provided for our every spiritual need. Remember, life in eternity will not be a nebulous existence in some nameless place. No indeed! We will lead rich and full lives in glorified bodies. We'll dwell on a renewed earth in a real city of gold, and our lives will be filled with significance and meaning as we give praise to our Redeemer and gladly do His bidding.

This crystal river flowing through our eternal home will be of sparkling beauty and of clarity beyond the purest water man has ever seen. Think of it! All who believe in Christ will walk the banks of this glorious crystal river. What a joy will then be ours! It's difficult to envision just how the trees, the crystal river, and the street of gold will be related. Some Bible teachers feel that a river will flow through the middle of a broad street, and that alongside the river on each bank will be the trees. Others believe that a grove of trees is centered between the avenue of gold on one side and the river on the other. Regardless of which view you may choose, it's evident that those who conceive of Heaven as a place where the redeemed will do nothing but sit on golden stairs playing harps are grossly mistaken. Life in heaven will be filled with beauty and variety.

We've been concerned with what the Bible tells us about our eternal home. We have seen its beauty from without: its gleaming jasper walls, its jeweled foundations, and its gates of pearl. We have also seen its glory within as we have envisioned the street of gold, the crystal river, and the tree of life. This glimpse of our eternal home should bring two responses to the heart of the true believer in Christ. First, there should be a renewed determination to place top priority on the spiritual and eternal rather than on the physical and temporal. Therefore, in anticipation of the glory and beauty of our eternal home, begin right now to "lay up . . . treasures in heaven" (Matt. 6:20) by putting God first, and by a constant willingness to serve Him. The thought of Heaven should cheer us when we become discontented with life and discouraged about the future. No matter how bad things may be going or how difficult the struggles, the prospect of that wonderful abode awaiting us should be a source of encouragement and hope.

We will know a purity, bliss, and love such as could never be experienced here. Writing in Revelation 21 and 22, the apostle John recorded his vision of an immense city of shimmering beauty, descending slowly from heaven to become the capital city of our eternal home. It will be radiant with the light of God's glory shining through its jasper walls, its jeweled foundation, and its pearly gates. And this city, the New Jerusalem, will be the eternal abode of all who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ. All who have been saved will walk the street of gold in transformed, eternal, glorified bodies. We'll enjoy heaven's beautiful crystal river and have ready access to its tree of life. We'll be eternally delivered from every evil and burden that plagues our world today. And we'll finally have become what God intended us to be.

In that perfect society we'll realize our full spiritual potential as individuals. Having entered an eternal fellowship with God, we'll be engaged in an endless variety of meaningful activities. We'll join with the saints of all the ages in a spirit of communion, fellowship, and love never ending. We'll see that the imperfections of this life will be missing and that positive blessings will be there in abundance. All you have to do is stop clinging through sentimentality and emotion, to the miserable, hopeless, death centered way of life the world has decieved you into living, and cut your emotional bondage to it, become a new person inside and out, and find a destiny of never ending hope.

Read this: http://www.christiananswers.net/q-comfort/heaven-goodenough.html
It's a little long, but it's important for you to understand the whole picture.

This Site: http://www.av1611.org/hell.html
Describs Hell, and had some scripture reffrences. But it also says that Hell could be the center of the earth, possible I suppose.

I mean, what if Heaven is a rebult earth, and hell is being traped within it - at least it sound better that an alternate dimention.
I would go agaisn't God's will if he tried to send me to hell :p, since he can't blame me for not believing him when I was alive back on Earth since religion (and I will say this) is so fake it is ridiculous and stupid. Why should I believe in a supreme supernatural entity that rules us humans and not an insane guy that says he is the reincarnation of...huh..Jesus for example. Everybody would just consider him an insane person. 2000 years ago a man named Jesus proclaimed himself the son of God and that everybody should follow this "God"'s teachings because they were the correct ones and everything else was wrong. People at that time were more naive than we are now (with the exception of many middle east people that join terrorist factions to fight a holy war, they are so naive they get brained washed this easily) so they followed Jesus, then Jesus "sacrified" himself to save humanity from...the original sin I guess. That religion developed and is now taken very serious since 1000 years ago. Anyone that would do the same thing today that Jesus did 2k years ago, we would call him a crazy person.
Also, why would Christianism be the correct option, the Roman Catholothism be the correct religion at the era of the discoveries, when Spain and Portugal (and other nations) opressed native americans, ridiculized (i dont know the word T.T) their religions and converted them to Catholothism. Now why wouldn't these religions be correct? Why wouldn't Ancient Greek and Roman polytheist religions be correct? And others that I don't remember/know.
It resumes itself to a battle of interests and opinions and these people use a character named God, Alah, whatever as an excuse for their actions (such as inquisition and "holy wars" such as the crusade between Islamic Arabians and Christian Europeans). So... I wouldn't accept to be judged by something this fake.
Religion is something to have faith in. A label if you will, for example can anybody actually prove that it is exactly what time it is where ever you are, right now, no, time is a label to and control something we can't control, like faith, its just too abstract for us to understand so we basically just label it and move on with our lives. The only thing that gets me is that if God created everybody, then why did he create, (and still creating) so many different religions, wouldn't be easier on his perfect plan if he just stuck with christianity?

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