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Global Warming


Awesome Bro

Humans drown and we don't need to go near water. Oceans and lakes can have unexpected changes in current and drift, We can't predict the unpredictable, and neither can other mammals (that we know of).



Well it's a fact that the arctic ice cap is receding and that polar bears, mainly, are suffering for it.  I'd love to know how to drown a fish though (not that I'd drown a fish, but hey).  Do you just let them burn up all their oxygen or what?

Shiroun":sav2f3me said:
Not true, dogs sense earthquakes, as do cats. Animals run when a storm is nearby.

That's because they have sharper senses than us and they pay more attention to what's going on, not because they're psychics.

I ran into a great Wikipedia article on societal collapse while I was doing some reading on these topics.  Check it out and learn a little from history: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Societal_collapse.  History shows us time and time again that civilizations, as they increase in complexity, eventually outpace their ability to sustain themselves and fall flat on their faces.  This doesn't end up in the extinction of humanity, just the collapse of a civilization, making way for something newer and better to rise eventually from the aftermath.  Does this mean we should ignorantly hasten our own end?  Negative, sir, negative.  It means we should probably work to postpone it by learning more about the circumstances surrounding these collapses and intelligently working to ameliorate them.  In my opinion, we are sitting on the edge of a collapse right now so the smartest thing to do is to start changing our behavior and working to turn back the clock.  Dark ages suck, guys, and none of us will live long enough to see the next big civ.
shiroun":270hzuqx said:
Not true, dogs sense earthquakes, as do cats. Animals run when a storm is nearby.
They don't predict anything, what they feel is completely different from prediction.

The cats' fur catches the static charge, and it is uncomfortable and will react, such as the tail.  Take a cat and put it in a dry and cold climate with rugs and you get the same thing, it doesn't predict anything it reacts.  Put a dog in the back of a van, and you have the same deal with earthquakes.

Hell, both can be worked with humans who are hairy and not used to vehicles.  There are tribes that can "predict" earthquakes.  Their prediction is watching tall grass, and learning if it reacts a certain way something bad might happen - there is no prediction just reactions.
Ladybugs in England don't predict winter, they just react best they can.
Polar Bears still drown in zoo's where the temperature and pressure and all that jazz is regulated evenly - proves nothing.

There are dozens of ways to drown a fish, and it's not all just suffocation.  A trauma such as a sudden drop in pressure will make a fish drown on it's own oxygen rich water if it is not designed to adapt quick enough.

The polar ice caps are melting.  Other ice caps are growing.  We are shifting our cold region.  A part by Greenland has a 2 inch increase every year for the last 4 years, where Antarctica is at a -2 inches per year.  We don't know how to explain it, other than ignoring half of it and going on about the Antarctic losing.  You get people talking about it's colder, they pay attention to what is convenient.

I once watched a huge puddle - shit I could call it a pond it was half the yard - out my window when I was sick and it was raining.  It gathered a lot of water, and was dry the next day.  The easy conclusion is that the water is gone.  The harder conclusion is that it moved away threw the cracks and flooded the neighbor's garden.  Even more difficult is how tomatoes started growing three blocks away when no one planted tomatoes.  A horrible - horrible - again, horrible - example of how it's easy to see half a picture, or pay attention to only half the picture.



It is true that a few glaciers are gaining ice, but globally speaking we are losing a lot more ice by volume than we are gaining, and many more places on earth are rising in average temperature than are declining (I don't have a source for this atm, if it matters I'll dig one up but I honestly don't care that much).  Even if we are in a global warming trend the climate will restabilize in time, of course.  It's just a matter of what we'll end up doing about it in the meanwhile.
shiroun":18vl5z2p said:
Not true, dogs sense earthquakes, as do cats. Animals run when a storm is nearby.

Half my family has aesthma, and they can "predict" when a storm is coming as their aesthma gets worse. They're just reacting to changes in air pressure, etc.



Do you believe in Global Warming? Yeah - kinda common sense.
Do you attempt to help to slow down Global Warming? I don't do anything to promote it!
Do you recycle? Sometimes :x
Did you use CFC's. (Mostly for the girls, basically in the 1980's Hairspray had CFCs, so did you use hairspray in 1980's?) Nope!
Did you ever see "An Inconveniant Truth"? Nope

Scientifically global warming makes a lot of sense. Many species are already dropping. Like honeybees. They're down by 75%. No bees = no pollination = baaad for fruitmarket. A bunch of species are migrating already too O.o they're thinking things that were popular in Brazil like Dengue fever is gonna go to America pretty soon.
Junk-Man":dpwjkzg8 said:
This world is in much more danger from Human action, than from any kind of natural, global or cosmic disaster...

Not really.

At the most we'll fuck the planet up enough that we all die, and a few thousand years later it will recover and non-human life will go on.

Environmentalists are hypocritical.  They don't give TWO SHITS about the planet's actual welfare or natural life cycles, they just care about regulating the environment so that THEY don't die.  If we suddenly found out that earth's natural life cycle was to slowly change the atmosphere into 100% methane gas over the next few hundred years and evolve forms of life that can live in that kind of atmosphere, killing all those that can't (like us) do you seriously think the environmentalists would be all FUCK YEAH?

Of course not.
It's not hypocritical.
They aren't saying "don't kill the earth with your toxins, but let it kill us".
It's always been about us surviving in the world best we can all up in the symbiotic relationships.
No one's denied hurting the earth for the ultimate survival of our species.
Global Warming exists. The polar bears ARE dying out. The ice caps WILL make the sea level rise. I'm 100% sure about that it's warmer, I know, because last summer I went to Canary Islands and realized that it was a bad idea... People could barely breath, It was above 40 celcius in the sun, and above 30 in the shadow, the people there said that it was the warmest summer for the first time in 40 years! I do everything to stop the Global Warming, I walk to school every day, I take the bikecycle to my manga course, I sort paper in one cane, plastic in another cane, and metal in another cane. You people should be able to do at least THAT don't you think? THE PLANET IS DYING PEOPLE!! :cry:
Ibeatsephiroth":25unzpmw said:
Global Warming exists. The polar bears ARE dying out. The ice caps WILL make the sea level rise. I'm 100% sure about that it's warmer, I know, because last summer I went to Canary Islands and realized that it was a bad idea... People could barely breath, It was above 40 celcius in the sun, and above 30 in the shadow, the people there said that it was the warmest summer for the first time in 40 years! I do everything to stop the Global Warming, I walk to school every day, I take the bikecycle to my manga course, I sort paper in one cane, plastic in another cane, and metal in another cane. You people should be able to do at least THAT don't you think? THE PLANET IS DYING PEOPLE!! :cry:

HOLY NECROPOST (though I think it's allowed in the symp)

In any case the planet is NOT dying.  The worst that will happen is that we will fuck shit up enough to kill off every human, and then without human interference the planet will recover and nonhuman life will go on.
Sorry for the necropost, but that's what I'm saying. Ok, the planet may not be dying, but in any case, this is serious. This WILL fuck up the whole civilisation. Sorry that I'm making this really big but I don't wanna be here when that happens. And don't say that I won't 'cause I will. Anyways, I don't think it's a good idea ignoring the GW... And if any of you think I'm wrong, think again. :mad:

It's fine in the symposium if you provide actual content, which you did.

~The Great Terror

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