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Global Warming



Sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy to me.  The rest of humanity can go rushing to its own end all it likes, I plan to get myself a nice little plot of land and do my best to keep it alive at least.  This whole doomsday nonsense that's been going around the last few years is really ridiculous.  You people all watch way too many disaster movies.
It's pointless to worry about the "end", you just have to do your part to cut back on the amount of pollution you yourself produce--it's all anyone can do successfully.

Oh, and @ samboy, I wouldn't worry about an airborne AIDS virus. It'd be more likely for there to arise a bacterial (not viral) airborne entity. Viruses, for the most part, live in blood or mucus. They need a liquid and certain temperatures to survive. Their "pods" can go anywhere, and are resilient, but bacteria are far more developed and have a larger range of survivability in temperature and dry conditions.

I'd be more worried about a "super" case of bacterial meningitis, really. For anything directly on the horizon. Who knows what kind of bio-manufactured goodness we'll have cooking up in 10 years.

This has all been off-topic, but admittedly the whole "pandemic" thing caught my fancy after reading The Stand ... The second part is preachy and weird, but the first part is almost chilling ...

Sometimes it's fun to hijack for the sake of interesting discussion.



I thought the preachy half of it was interesting as well.  As far as cold sci-fi pandemic fiction goes there are several good novels out there, I'm sorry I can't call one to mind right now but a couple years ago there was a bestseller that I thought was really well written.  I don't think it's a very likely scenario though.  In order to have a pandemic that can wipe out a large majority of the human race you have to have a lot of factors in place.  It has to be easily transmittable, extremely sturdy, resistant to all known forms of treatment, have just the right timing on contagiousness, incubation and mortality that it doesn't either kill its victims too fast to spread out of a local area or take so long that it poses no serious short-term risk.

Logic tells us that either 1. it's extremely unlikely or even practically impossible for such an organism to evolve or that 2. that it is possible and likely, and we should see in history or at least the fossil record massive but highly selective extinction events, which I am not aware of.  The worst pandemics in human history have rarely succeeded in killing more than a third of a given population, though granted sometimes the side effects - collapse of general civil order - result in more problems (such as in the central and south American civilizations, which some people theorize collapsed entirely due to epidemics). 

Also granted most of the extinction events that we see in the fossil record also happen to coincide with the sort of catastrophes that result in large amounts of fossilization.  The human race also suffers from a relatively low amount of genetic diversity compared to most other healthy species, so it's easier for us to share diseases and less likely for one group or another to have genetic resistances (funny when you think of our lack of genetic diversity in regard to racism, yet another tangent), which is something to consider.

As far as manufactured diseases go, I think we give genetic engineers way too much credit.  Microbial life seems to evolve a lot more rapidly than we can keep up with even in terms of treatment, I have a hard time believing we have a good enough grasp on it to really build these designer diseases, and a harder time still believing that if someone had developed one they'd have the prudence to not put it to use.  The kind of megalomaniacs that develop those sorts of weapons especially love seeing them put to effect - see for reference the atomic bomb or weaponized anthrax or any of the monstrous chemical weapons used in WWI.

In regard to the tangent I'd be content with splitting it into a new topic if you like and are able, Venetia.
Yeah, I agree, that pollution is what'll do it for us. Where killing ourselves. And the Oil Cronies will not admit it. Why? Well, Why help preserve the future for our posterity when we're making BILLIONS now, I mean, I got's to pay fer' that yacht ...
We generally try to practice getting rid of our trash by incinerating it ... You know, plastic and paper ... into the furnace ... If more safeguards were in place for Trash DISPOSAL, and not trash storage, there wouldn't be such problems today ... Aw well, like Nyphx said, by a piece of land and RUN!

Offtopic: Yeah, I too would worry about the "Super Bug" If it's drug resistant, then you will have some problems ... after all we treat sicknesses and diseases with drugs ...

Offtopic #2: Venetia, who are you ... you sure you're not a robot ... knowledgable about Anime, Games, Technology, Food, General Anesthetics ... Any Ph.Ds you wanna tell us about? xD
Nah, we're gonna modify a virus to cure cancer and it'll kill most of the world and turn the rest of it into vampires. That was a good movie.



True, trees are gr8 for carbon scrubbing and the like. They're better for what they do than any man-made carbon scrubbers, since they actually take the carbon and recycle it into chemical energy. At the moment, though, I don't think it'd be too bad to remove a couple teratons of carbon from the atmosphere in bulk; trees are good, but they're losing the fight. Ideally, it'd be ultra-sweet if we could synthesize photosynthesis, but since I, with my boundless wisdom and cool hat, have no idea how we'd go about emulating a process that occurs on such a tiny scale, I'm not going to hope for the invention of robot mega-trees in my lifetime. And I plan to live to five hundred. In an ironclad tower. Floating above the land.
<cough> Where was I?

God, I'd totally forgotten about pollution. No matter how people can quibble over global warming (and it seems to be a losing battle for those noble and rad dudes we call hippies,) they can't deny pollution. You can't say "oh, no, there's no noxious cloud the colour of decay, horror, and split peas over that city" and keep your credibility. In some way, I suspect we should actually work the pollution angle to make people clean up; it's been worked to death by this point, but that's because it worked. Talking about something as intangible as global warming to the masses is getting us nowhere, and I'm fine about the means (to a point) as long as the ends are covered in less industrial refuse.

I think we've built up some degree of immunity to the airborne toxins and various deadlies we ingest, but life's pretty bad for those who don't. My baby cousin Haris is quite the shit-disturber when he comes over to visit us for the summer (he's very nearly perfectly round, hypoglycemic, allergic to everything under the sun, and has been known to scorch buildings and wildlife with his Guitar Hero skills,) since we live a good way out of the city (beyond that creepy orange nighttime haze) and our air is marginally cleaner than in Toronto or LA. When he gets home (a city on the outskirts of Toronto, in the process of being devoured by the province's capital,) though, his immune system goes right to hell and he gets sick quite often. I'm sure I'm exaggerating a bit, and that maybe there's some factor of which I'm unaware (his diet and access to medicine is the same here as it is there, though,) but to me it's a case study in big cities and their progressive states of fumigation. I'm sure things are more extreme in sprawling dystopias like New York or the core of Toronto, but I haven't experienced them firsthand for any time that I can recall and put to deductive use.

I sound like such a crazy hippie when I come to the Symposium. You guys bring out the best in me sometimes. :'D
Hey Gear Punk, your right.  Things are more extreme in sprawling dystopias like New York.  I already mentioned how people should view the cancer climb in Staten Island NYC because of the largest land fill in the world.

If you live in that part of the island, and are pregnant get the fuck out.  Almost 50% more asthmatic children are born there.  That's just asthma, forget the amount of other illnesses popping up when the thing was still open.
While pollution is a serious problem, I really hate it when people preach about cutting down on your consumption of natural resources or lowering your carbon footprint or doing just about anything that affects your lifestyle. I hate people like Al Gore and John Edwards because they want us to all get out of our 3000 square foot houses and go live in tiny 500 square foot apartments since we'd have a lower carbon footprint that way. And if we don't, they would tax the shit out of us for living a life of luxury. Yes it makes sense to recycle and use less plastic bags and turn the lights or tv off when you go out. No, it doesn't make sense that we should be forced to drive less, get smaller houses, buy only locally produced food, and all this other stupid bullshit that would have severe and negative impact on our lifestyles. There's a reason why we don't live like indigenous african tribes and i'd like to keep it that way.

Use technology to solve the environmental problems. Look at those new lightbulbs that consume less electricity but are brighter and last longer. That's how you fix things, not by telling people to consume less.



Don't consume less, just consume less stupidly.  If you can get a job done most effectively at a lower rate of consumption, for instance if you can own an electric car that gets you where you want to go, handles well, costs less to buy and is cheaper to maintain, and holds everything you need it to hold, why go out and buy the Hummer?  Who are you trying to impress?  Mind you that's not the current case but it might be in the near future.

Similarly, if you own a 3000 square foot home and you get full use out of it, great, good for you.  You need that home, you want that home, and you use that home.  People who buy a bigass house just so they can say they have a bigass house and then proceed to not use most of it (the classic "I have a living room and a family room, the living room is just there to look good, please don't sit on the furniture and the TV isn't even hooked up" situation), are fucking retarded.  They're paying a higher mortgage, higher utilities, and buying tons of furniture and decoration that they don't use and don't get anything out of just for some kind of backward-ass ego satisfaction.  Even moreso for single celebrities who have massive 20 room multimillion dollar mansions and don't even see some parts of the house on a yearly basis.  That's retarded, I'm sorry.  If you own a mansion, you are a retard.

I agree that taxation isn't exactly the right solution.  Certainly a "carbon tax" is a bad idea, and I'm generally against federal oversight, taxation and government interference.  I'm also against the tax subsidies that ultimately enable some of these stupid lifestyles though.  I don't like the idea of the government building carbon scrubbers or subsidizing power plant construction or landfills or the meat industry or natural resource harvesting.  If you use x amount of energy, you should be paying for x amount of energy.  If you create x amount of trash, pay for the fucking space.  If you eat two pounds of beef a day, pay the 30 dollars it would cost in a free market, not the 5 dollars you pay thanks to my tax dollars paying to keep the costs down.  If some company lends you 400,000 dollars to buy your 3000 square foot home and then you can't afford it, I expect them to take a dive, not to get a massive bail out from the government.  Don't expect me to take money out of my wallet, give it to the government, and let them hand it over to the companies that support your excessive lifestyle.

Sorry if that sounds overly angry or directed at Diedrupo, I mean it rather at the general population.  I don't want a carbon tax, but I don't want any other taxes subsidizing excess and stupidity either.

Specifically @Diedrupo:  your quality of life would actually potentially vastly increase if you bought locally grown food, by the by.  The nutritional value of foods steadily declines after harvesting; there's pretty much no way to stop that from happening.  Obviously not everything you eat can be produced locally, but to the extent that you can, it's in your best personal interest to get food from the closest possible source.  Once again the reduction of federal and state subsidies for agriculture would impact the ability of large scale agricultural operations to maintain efficiency.  It would put money back in your wallet, and you'd be free to spend that extra money how you chose. 

I'm tired of paying for your beef though, man, and I'm tired of paying for your chicken, and I'm tired of paying huge medical insurance costs to compensate for people's heart disease and diabetes and lung disease and so on.  I don't consume it, I don't feel responsible for helping you to do so.  :)
Nphyx":23yel4pu said:
I'm tired of paying for your beef though, man, and I'm tired of paying for your chicken, and I'm tired of paying huge medical insurance costs to compensate for people's heart disease and diabetes and lung disease and so on.  I don't consume it, I don't feel responsible for helping you to do so.  :)

I ... I'm overwhelmed by a sudden and uncontrollable love for you right now.

It is a pain in the ass to take a hit on the quality of your life and what you want out of life for the sake of the 'environment'. All I'm saying is that a few lifestyle changes aren't hard, and they're immensely helpful to you alone, if not the world. Fresh produce is better for you, and making energy cutbacks here or there is an ease on your wallet's burden.

People're selfish. I know I am. Hell, I'm libertarian. Doesn't get much more selfish. But I think the whole 'Green' campaign that's popular now among the wealthy/celebrity folks would be better advertised to the general masses as simply being a boon for your own good. Because in the end, you're only really living for yourself and your family. And this, fortunately, has a silver lining on the side of selfishness.

It's like you're ... Selfishly being selfless.




When you create a situation where it makes economic sense to to "the right thing" you'll find you get people doing it a lot more than when you simply attempt to punish them for doing the "wrong thing" or whine and bitch and plead to their morality.  This is why I believe in certain kinds of regulation, but I believe we should structure our economy the same way we structure our government: by declaring a certain set of inalienable rights and allowing them to prevent economic exploitation without stifling good business.  Sort of a constitutional economy if you will.  This half-assed knee jerk reactionary regulation we've been practicing for the past century is bad for business, it's bad for the consumer, and it's bad for the market.

Briefly, we should have the inalienable right to the product of our labor, to the product of our intellect, the right to compete (meaning both fair competition and the unburdened ability to enter a market), the right to unburdened ownership of property, and the right to uncorrupted property.

Some of those have drastic implications (if we have the inalienable right to the product of our intellect, we cannot bargain away the right to distribute our intellectual property, ahem music industry, if we have the right to uncorrupted property we have legal recourse against gross polluters of our air and water).  But I think they would help to support a sensible economic system in which the individual has independence in business and lifestyle, the real American dream, without the corruption and inefficiency of massive and completely haphazard government interference.
There is a huge difference in being skeptics and being naive..

When Skeptics are shown facts and what not, they regroup and decipher the situations..

.. being Naive is being surrounded in unicorns and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow.

.. The poles are cold right? Brr brr freezing frozen ice? What happens if you make a milkshake room temperature? I tell you want happens it melts.. the same thing with an ice cube. Why is room temperature enough to melt ice? Its frozen liquid.. it retains its cold only by being in cold.. so if you blow on it for long it goes back to its original .. well not original but liquid form. So what happens if you pollute so much that the green house gases are trapped in the atmosphere and it heats up your cool glass of water?

http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/0 ... 68x762.jpg[/img]

Global Warming. . is there even anything to debate? Mankind is suffering from the double edged sword that we used on ourselves. We kept putting off the harm done to the enviroment by using harmful gases and whatnot until we dug a shallow grave.. Will we patch it up? Hell no.. we dont care.. we'll just dig farther.
Judging by the coats I'd say it's summer.    When much of the ice (really not much at all, but even a small amount can be huge) breaks away, and can float as far down from the north as Africa, or far up from the south as Japan.  Way back in the 1800's we had floating ice, shit we had it in Europe's "mini ice age" coming up from the south too.  This picture proves nothing but an opportune time to take a photo, and a reason to guess why it looks like that.

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