Screw global warming. You won't see the full effects in your lifetime, so fuck it entirely, up and down, on the bed, on the hammock, in the kitchen. Forget global warming.
Pollution affects us
right now.
The air, the water, the sea, the land. Especially around big cities, it's like living in a noxious cloud where you can only drink the bottled water because the tap water'll give you who-knows-what.
I lived in Los Angeles as a kid. (Yes, I know, I've lived all over in a number of states. Texas, Kentucky, Arizona, California, Florida.)
There were these things off the coast, you could see them plainly if you stood on the beach. We called them the "Oil Islands". They were basically that: refineries and such located on man-made islands and rigs about a mile or more off the coast of Long Beach. Every day around 3, the tide would turn blood red. I'm not even shitting you, I wish I was. Sometimes it was rust-colored, sometimes it was bright red. Nothing lived around there, no dolphins, no fish, not even sand crabs. Birds even avoided the area. If you stepped into the Red Tide, your flesh would break out in hives like you wouldn't believe. It was disgusting, and smelled like oil and vomit and death. The Oil Islands pumped out smog constantly. Rising grey stacks, plumbs of smoke. The oil folks said it was "steam". What kind of steam looks purple at dawn?
(Don't believe me?
Here's a satellite image. I lived just one block inland from the beach in a POS, ghetto motel that had been converted into a POS, ghetto apartment building.)
The purple clouds, I nearly forgot. If you're ever driving across the 210, coming down from Alta Dena, and you pass these bluffs overlooking L.A., and it's morning, you'll see the strangest, ugliest thing in your life. It's like ... A cloud is sitting on Los Angeles. It's not fog, though. It's purple. Not lavender, but a greyish, darkish purple. It stagnates over the city until the noonday sun burns it off.
Every year or so, clean-up crews have to re-paint buildings in nicer areas, because the paint literally burns off. Acid rain. My dad worked downtown, and within a year, all the paint on the roof of his new Audi had burned down to the primer.
Oxygen bars became popular down there in the 90's. Why pay for oxygen? Because you can't breathe it otherwise!
The water from the tap sometimes runs BROWN. Like, someone just ate 40 tacos and had the Hershey Squirts--brown-brown. Tastes like a penny that's been sitting on the sidewalk. Freaking horrible.
Along with hotdog vendors and sunglasses vendors, there are vendors selling eye drops, because it'll burn your eyes on some days if you're a tourist.
Good lord, the lot of that county is the wart on the ass of America. It's so incredibly disgusting, I can't believe it. I think it's as bad as it is because it's in a valley, but if you want to see the effects of pollution, take a stroll down to the ghettos of Long Beach or downtown L.A. sometime.

It makes me sad when I hear some people say pollution isn't a problem.
San Diego is gorgeous, though :P