iceplosion":20bmgeqf said:
NO. learn some manners, you don't hit people because you can, also if you got your ass kicked by four girls (I don't care if you're a girl or not, if you could beat up the male bullies, guys bigger than most other people then a few girls wouldn't be an issue) you're not as strong as you say, you're just some twisted sadist with a broken view of life who tries to beat up people when she can.
If I just hit people because I could, or I was a 'twisted sadist', I probably would've bullied the little guys with the bullies.
Necessary? Who the **** do you think you are!? what you did was worse, you had no right to do what you did and you had no right to make that decision, the only thing worse than a bully is a self righteous bully.
First off, it's "fuck". If you're going to accuse me of acting childish, at least act like an adult yourself.
Who I was (and still am to a degree) was a person with the inclination to help out smaller kids and the physical strength to do so. What gives me the
right was the fact that the teachers didn't give a shit, the parents didn't give a shit, and had I not done anything the little Johnny that I had saved may very well have killed himself a few years later simply because a group of pricks decided to gang up on him. I was known in my school for being the ONLY one that stood up to bullying groups. If I had ignored it, there wouldn't have been anybody else to help.
If you can seriously find fault in that then you are an outrageous asshole.
Oh my God! A girl!? on the internet!? Will you go out with me!!11!?
Should I care? You do realize you were a self righteous bully regardless of gender right?
I realize that I was a person that pulled quite a few asses out of the fire. Being a girl only made it more insulting to the kids that I beat up.
Once again no, teenage males will fight with each other and its human nature, females do not have the same hormone (don't know it off hand, I have a friend who is a psychologist and will ask next time I get the chance) that causes that reaction,
Ah back to the old 'natural' argument. It's natural for men to fight due to whatever macguffin you're presenting here, and it's NOT natural for women to fight under that same reason? So where are you taking that? I shouldn't have done what I did due to my sex? I must have some kind of abnormal chemical imbalance?
Actually, let's assume all that is true for a minute. Maybe I do have a hormonal deal going on that made me more inclined to fight.
So what?
I still saved smaller kids from being beat up, and I still made it damn clear to the larger ones that they were
not going to bully anybody without facing me first.
as for equal punishment that is complete bullshit, I'm a law student, My brother is a lawyer and my father is a judge, I know more about this than you. Laws are made around human nature and punishments are based on all circumstances and factors as well as the crime, equal punishment is just something shouted by the uninformed.
Laws aren't made around human nature, they're not even made around logic - they're made around whatever benefits the people in power. Though, as a law student, I can see why you would so ideally think otherwise.
No, they were kids, immature kids with problems, you don't get to decide what they do and don't deserve especially not when you are a kid yourself and more importantly with your views you aren't the kind of person who would ever be allowed to decide that.
What, the view that people should be punished if they bully each other? Yes, you seem to have the same attitude as the parents and school systems - just let it happen. It's not important. They're just kids. It's thoughts like that, and people like you that allow them, that build up to things like school shootings and suicide attempts.
They were kids, yes. And I was a kid, yes. But so were their victims. It's quite obvious that saving the victim of bullying comes before the well-being of the bully himself, even if the bully is also a kid. Nobody else cared to do it, so I did. Plain and simple.
Things like 'justice' are not concrete concepts cemented in the pages of one of your text books, Mr. Law Student. The home of justice isn't in the laws or in our court system, even though that's quite a lovely thing to believe. It's quite obvious you haven't lived enough to realize this.
You're a self righteous bully, these were people just like you, people no more or no less important than you and people with the same rights as you and you are not above them, you do not get to decide how or even if they are punished especially not because they have a different personality than you.
And the victims were also people. You seem quite adamant on forgetting them. Maybe it's because their suffering is justification for what I did, especially when nobody else would do it?
Any permanent damage those girls were left with they will have to live with for the rest of their lives because of a stupid argument as a kid, They didn't deserve a damn thing,
Yes, they did. It's damn obvious by your use of diction that you seem to belittle the years one spends as a child, but those of us with an actual functioning brain know that bullying is highly damaging and does reverberate into a person's adult life. The victims of those four girls were quite thankful, and the four girls themselves recovered quite nicely, after their next set of teeth grew in.
In fact, after I returned from my suspension, I found out that in my absence the four of them hadn't picked on a single kid - and as far as I know, they never did again. I shared classes with them in high school, talked to them casually, the whole nine yards. The beatings I gave them was a wakeup call more than anything, and they took it as such.
As for their victims? They went to the same high school, and generally had a regular teenage life. The damage I did to those girls was negligible compared to what they were doing to their victims.
now go seek psychological help before your views make you do something like that again and you end up in prison. (When you're a kid you get away with it, against my better judgement I'll assume you are an adult now and can be tried as such, a temper and attitude like that is usually what causes someone to go on trial for assault)
I've done it as an adult as well, mostly to grade school bullies I find beating up a lone kid on the street. It's actually a little fun now because I can lift up one with each hand and smash them or throw them around. I haven't gotten caught yet, though.
In any case, answer me this - what is a kid like that supposed to do when the parents don't give a shit, the teachers don't give a shit, passerby aren't intervening, and the police are nowhere to be found? Simply close their eyes, and remember the rantings iceplosion gave about "justice" and "the bullies are only little kids", and that will somehow make them feel better as their face is getting kicked in?
You don't know a damn thing about the world.
iceplosion":20bmgeqf said:
No, they were kids, if we knocked kids teeth out everytime they did something wrong there would be a lot of people having to get up and put in false teeth every morning.
You're equating 'bullying' with everyday, normal child tomfoolery. If a kid is stealing a cookie from mom's cookie jar, unless he's a 300 pound kid on a strict diet, it's not a big deal. Bullying is extremely damaging, and if a few good punches to the face teach the bullies to stop harassing smaller kids every day, it's worth it.
Its not twisted, do you think mature responsible adults would have let her stalk them and attack them even knowing what they did? No. thats because they know better, what she did was get revenge in a sneaky manner and then she did the exact same things she was beating the other kids up for.
I am not a little wimp that sits back and lets 4 other people gangbeat me (read: that's bullying).
The schools believed them over me, so I gave them exactly what they deserved. Considering they never bullied anybody after that, it was a good move.
etheon":20bmgeqf said:
She isn't worse or better. Just the same. I wouldn't call beating the crap out of others justice. If she's eager and willing to do so, hunting them down, as she said, then obviously it isn't just for justice's sake. Plus, my guess is by jumping so called bullies, she's fueling her own self-esteem. Call me an idealist, but justice should be selfless, objective and cold. Not blood-boiling pent-up fury inside a vaguely feminine stick.
I would argue that it was for the sake of Justice but let's assume that it's not for a minute.
Does the intent actually matter?
Murderer kills a person, and escapes. Police can't find him. Family is angry due to lack of closure. Months later, the murderer is killed over an unrelated issue. You'd be hard pressed to find a family that doesn't think that there's some form of justice evolved there - even if they call it, divine, karmic, or ironic.
The bullies
were bullies. Period. I beat them up. Even if you think I didn't beat them up specifically to serve justice, justice was served anyway.
Long and short of it is, there are kids that are being bullied in school at the very second I type this post that have no method of recourse. Their parents don't take them seriously. The bullies' parents don't care. The teachers do, at best, token gestures, claiming they'll "look into it". Any kind of official authority figure that actually gives a damn can't keep an eye on everybody at all times. If you honestly fault me for stepping in when the system that is in place is
like that, you either were a bully yourself or have grown too old to remember what it's like to be in school.