Dissonance":3lbi96ui said:
I fucking lol'd wildly. Let's begin, shall we?
Really? good for you, thanks for letting me know because I really care about that and you just made my day.
Dissonance":3lbi96ui said:
Not really. The four of them had consistently picked on others for their own amusement, and individually, I put a stop to it. They apparently didn't like how I had stood up for the kids that they were abusing and decided to 4-on-1 me. That cowardice was reason enough for me to turn their faces into hamburger.
NO. learn some manners, you don't hit people because you can, also if you got your ass kicked by four girls (I don't care if you're a girl or not, if you could beat up the male bullies, guys bigger than most other people then a few girls wouldn't be an issue) you're not as strong as you say, you're just some twisted sadist with a broken view of life who tries to beat up people when she can.
Dissonance":3lbi96ui said:
Because I wasn't (and am still not) afraid of doing whatever's necessary? Despite sounding like a bad movie, I take pride in the fact that I beat the shit out of bullies when I was younger. Somebody's gotta stand up for the little guy. I'm not ashamed because I went after every single bully I could find and hit them until they were bleeding everywhere.
Necessary? Who the **** do you think you are!? what you did was worse, you had no right to do what you did and you had no right to make that decision, the only thing worse than a bully is a self righteous bully.
Dissonance":3lbi96ui said:
Oh man, where do I begin.
One - You do realize I'm a girl as well, right? I wasn't fat during grade school but like I said, I was always 6 inches taller than everybody else. I'm exactly 6 foot right now, and I'm pretty wiry. I attacked both male and female bullies regardless.
Oh my God! A girl!? on the internet!? Will you go out with me!!11!?
Should I care? You do realize you were a self righteous bully regardless of gender right?
Dissonance":3lbi96ui said:
Two - Let's assume you still thought I was male for a minute. Because I beat up 'four girls' the crime is somehow worse? Fuck that. I'm all for equal punishments as well as equal rights, and even if I were male I'd have no qualms about beating the shit out of a girl if she damn well deserved it. Thinking 'OMG THEY'RE GIRLS YOU CAN'T HIT THEM EVEN THOUGH IT WOULD BE SOCIALLY FINE TO DO SO IF THEY WERE MALE' is fucking bullshit, and people who still think that way need to have their faces mutilated by a rabid one-eyed garbage cat.
Once again no, teenage males will fight with each other and its human nature, females do not have the same hormone (don't know it off hand, I have a friend who is a psychologist and will ask next time I get the chance) that causes that reaction, as for equal punishment that is complete bullshit, I'm a law student, My brother is a lawyer and my father is a judge, I know more about this than you. Laws are made around human nature and punishments are based on all circumstances and factors as well as the crime, equal punishment is just something shouted by the uninformed.
Dissonance":3lbi96ui said:
Three - They deserved it, plain and simple. They were bullies, they laughed at the kids they harassed and they bragged about their exploits with each other. They deserved every single punch they got.
Edit: arbiter i can see you're currently watching this thread get on IRC.
No, they were kids, immature kids with problems, you don't get to decide what they do and don't deserve especially not when you are a kid yourself and more importantly with your views you aren't the kind of person who would ever be allowed to decide that.
You're a self righteous bully, these were people just like you, people no more or no less important than you and people with the same rights as you and you are not above them, you do not get to decide how or even if they are punished especially not because they have a different personality than you.
Any permanent damage those girls were left with they will have to live with for the rest of their lives because of a stupid argument as a kid, They didn't deserve a damn thing, now go seek psychological help before your views make you do something like that again and you end up in prison. (When you're a kid you get away with it, against my better judgement I'll assume you are an adult now and can be tried as such, a temper and attitude like that is usually what causes someone to go on trial for assault)