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geredrethM (workshop)




Now, allow me to introduce the newest template to the revolution. Taking the GeredrethAdvance even further is the geredrethM template. Here, I delve deeper into the idea of a template designed with modern-themed games in mind.

This is just the very beginning of what I plan to be the ultimate template in the Geredreth line. Hopefully this will evolve into a modern RTP of sorts. And it will be exclusive to RMXP.org.

Please, feedback and criticism is certainly welcome. That is why I am posting before I have gone farther than the front views for male and female- help me make this the best it can be.

May I introduce...


*GeredrethAdvance sprites by Hydrolic

Your male half of the template is looking pretty snazy but your female needs a little work. First off there's an extra pixle in teh neck/shoulder area. It's making her looking more built up than it should. If anything you want to slim the shoulder area out more and maybe make the males bigger but just getting rid of that one pixle will help a lot. Your lower half on the female is good. I like how you rounded off the shape in her legs but the boobs need some work. I feel it might be too high up on her chest and the bottom area should have a dark line running across it. And how about some cleavage too if you do a low cut shirt on her there will be nothing to see. I suggest also drawing the width of her chest area in like you did with the waist. Know what I mean? If not I could probably play with it for you.

I don't think I need to tell you nice job ;)



Shits good as usual, other then the bulky female body as RTDA pointed out, they fit well into the modern styles you're going for. Although I'll add the hand looks a little deformed with that one line showing the fingers ... and the female legs seemed too bowed at the calf down. Maybe she should spread a little more.
I've never really been a fan of the Geredeth template, but that GeredethM looks so mfing awesome! I would definitely make a game using it.

I edited the female's shoulders, breasts and legs. I also fixed the male's hands a bit. I am really happy with these front-views for now.

I started a side-view. I am extremely unhappy with this so far and would like some real harsh and constructive feedback on this motherfucker.

hmm well you could still lower the breasts by one pixle just so it doesn't look so high up like bad plastic surgery boobs. But that's getting nitpicky. I still think if you draw in the width of the chest area by a pixle or two it'll instantly make her more femme. Know what I mean with that?

Side veiw... well your chest shouldn't be at the same width as your stomach. It's not that flat. Even on a man his chest sticks out more so than his stomach well... if we are talking average build. Round off the chest area like you rounded off the shading with it. Your arm is too far back. You should see the back visable so draw it in towards the chest more.

Again like other templates I've seen you do the face shouldn't be the same shape. A nose area shoudl be defined as well as the eyes drawn in and so on. Like the nose area should be sticking out the most. Other than that I think your golden. Your biggest problem though is the arm placment. That should make it much better by just playing with that.
On the female template, I think you could balance out her proportions by making her waist a pixel or two wider. Right now, it looks out of proportion with the rest of her body. I would also reduce the slope of her shoulders a little bit - it looks like she's slouching over. I suppose I would make it similar to the make shoulders, but slightly less broad. :]

Also, on the side view, I would suggest curving in the back. Right now, it looks like he has a hunchback.

This looks like a really cute template!
On the female template, I think you could balance out her proportions by making her waist a pixel or two wider. Right now, it looks out of proportion with the rest of her body. I would also reduce the slope of her shoulders a little bit - it looks like she's slouching over. I suppose I would make it similar to the make shoulders, but slightly less broad. :]

Also, on the side view, I would suggest curving in the back. Right now, it looks like he has a hunchback.

This looks like a really cute template!
Nice work so far, SB, it's a b!tch to make templates sometimes.

The new version of the female is a little slumpy in the shoulders, as coloratura and iCheeze have mentioned.

Her proportions seem off because:
a.) her chest is the same size as her hips; the hips should be larger proportionally to the chest

b.) the hips start too late, i.e. the hip-curvature starts too low on the waist. Women'll generally have their hips begin to bell out shortly below the ribcage, which should probably be about 2 pixels below the bottom of where the breast is now.

c.) the crotch is too high on the torso, this could be alleviated by bringing the hips up, however.

I'm not a huge fan of the face; the button-eye look is fine, but I still feel like some shading around the eyes, such as under the brow-line, would give the faces more discernable character.

The male seems fine; his crotch is about one pixel too high, though. Also, in the side view, I think someone mentioned that his back needed editing but I disagree; sprites from this perspective should generally end in shoulder unless the sprite is overweight or old. His torso is too wide, now.

Lastly the sideview feet resemble mocassins a little, in that they end too suddenly/don't slope gradually enough. It's okay if shoes do that but as bare feet, they're awkward.

I hope that didn't sound too negative, I suppose it sounds like a lot to fix, but it's really not compared to most templates I've seen.




Solid Bro;317591 said:
The side views are being a total pain in the ass. I took a little break from that and animated the male front.


It looks good...except theres one thing thats really bothering me. The feet don't really 'walk'. It looks like hes sliding his feet up and down (kind of like a mime walk) but not going anywhere. I would make his knees bend a little more.
Okay, I've decided that the front views for the male and female are final (I don't think that I've uploaded the newer female front idle--I'll get around to it tonight hopefully). This doesn't mean the animation, but the look of the tiles aren't going to be revised much more. I know there's room for improvement, but if I'm a perfectionist on every little detail, I'll never finish the template or get to making actual usable sprites.

So, I've started on the back idle.


Lots of room for improvement, here!

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