Another Update!
Now that the Actor and Character editor are completed, I'm going back to the map editor!
I did a lot of optimization and tile drawing on big maps is now faster (or should I say less slow?) but bitmap drawing in ruby is still slow. I'll keep on optimizing that.
I've implemented the Rectangle drawing style, the eraser tool, the events mode, and the grid.
I'm also adding tile properties in the Tileset Editor where you can edit things like directional passage, terrain ID, priority, stair properties and a lot more for every tiles of the tileset. This will be a lot more customizable than in RM.
I'm starting to work on the events mode contextual menu (when you right click on the map) and have implemented the "Starting Position" for the player, airship, boat and chocobo. I'm also going to implement VX's quick events creation (for doors, chests, inn, etc.).
Also, one less important but very nice addition for the eye, I have added an editor configuration menu!
You can customize the UI colors, the script editor style, etc. The default config file is saved in an .ff6cfg file in the editor directory.
When saving the config file, it saves it in your project folder so each projects can have their own editor configurations.
That's pretty much it for now!
- Dargor