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FFVII Materia System XP/VX - Both versions Fully Translated!



@-Blackshadow -
This isn't the script request section.
I was working on your request, but you've changed it...
And i'm really busy, if you're patient you will get your system...
K I have a problem,

when a battle is initialized i get a error message that says

"Script 'Window Base' line 21: Type Error occurred.

Cannot ConvertArray into Interger"

The game works fine without the material script though.

Help PLZ ^_^



Is there a way to add special materia status to equiptment?
I see the peices of script, but I don't know how to go about connecting them.
For example, I want to be able to put a single materia in specific equiptments to add support materia effects. Like adding a fire materia to a specific slotted weapon to add fire elemental, or add it to a shield to increase fire resistance or to a ring to make it act like an all materaia. That kind of thing

Also, how would I change the All materia to instead Increase Range for TBS's? Like... where it would be a three level materia that would allow an extra +1 range per level? Maybe another materia to intensify effect range as well?



The changes you asking are really deep and would need big changes in the script.
The script was made to look like as possible to the FFVII original system.

And the changes you asking for would change that.
Ask in the script request for someone to make the changes you want.

Be more clear.
First: what version you using? XP or VX?
What's the other scripts you using, it may be incomatibility.
Its ok I figured it out
I had to delete the 'Window Horizontal Command' section in the script then it worked perfectly.

This script is amazing by the way, the original version didnt work for me but this one does. Its pretty kayool! ^_^



Oh yeah, you rememberd me of something.

This script is Non-Sdk

To work with SDK you must do what you've done. remove the "Window_HorizCommand"



Thanks Atoa.
Looked simple, but that's my ignorance shining through :D
The current version is certainly capable of handling my needs. I just need to remove the ALL materia to fix most issues.

Glad you guys got this translated. I started a little, but by the time I had it started you guys had it finished :p
Superub, thanks!
(Also for SDK users using XP ver.
what i also had to do to get the battle results to work is:

replace line 2321, the line under the scene_battle title, with this line

class SDK::Scene_Base < Scene_Battle

also I have a question Atoa,

the script for some reson is greatly increasing the attack for my characters
(and prabably all my other stats for all that I know)

I would like to know what part of the script deals with battle damage (if it does) and anyway to fix it. Paleaze!
i figured it out
for XP SDK 2.4 USERS,
what i also did to stop the enormous attack increase was
I deleted line 645 through 689
(your deleting a section)

HOPEFULLY that will be the last problem...hopefully
I guess Title screen Miria does not load the materia data...
i suppose a few changes would finish off the compatibility issue, but i can´t script on my brother´s computer....sorry....



damn media fire u.u
that's why i hate it, i will add it to 4 shared tomorrow, it's better for me to manage and update.

EDIT.: with me the link is working fine '-'
Its not for me. I clicked on it and clicked Start Download then it took me to a page and said the File is no longer available or the User who uploaded it removed it.
kk i have another problem and its in the shop screen.

everytime i edit the shop screen none of the materia show.

For example
materia_avaliable = [ 1, 3, 4, 5,
6, 11]
$scene = Scene_MateriaShop.new

This works perfectly fine. This is also the default for the demo. But when I add another Materia.

materia_avaliable = [ 1, 3, 4, 5,
6, 11, 12]
$scene = Scene_MateriaShop.new

none of the materias appear at all in the shop screen
this is not only the case in my game but the demo as well.
(using XP by the way)



Lol man, before ask, why you dont *THINK*?

The grey borders are *icons*, so it up to *YOU* to change it.

I've not noticed this error, i'm going to update this script soon(in about 1 week), so, all I can say, is to wait.



Script ,,Materia_System" line 2413: NoMethodError Occured ( No class method? WTF? )
undefined method `return_paired_materia` for #<Game_Enemy:0x15dce78>

Ehm o. O

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