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btw why wasnt this shit locked a long time ago when the rage and troll posts started? seriously that alone makes me want to close this just because no one stepped in to do anything so far. if you guys want to discuss something, cool, rage posting (SAUK jesus christ man, I LOL'D hard but come on, a bit rough dont you think?) and the trolling (lyric and mundane chill) can quit right here please :(

i read the last two or so pages and it made my head hurt



I apologized for the rage posting, but with a topic like this, it really gets deep under my skin when people post without knowing anything about the topic/misinterpret what I or anyone else is saying. I've never really liked Mundane ever, but seeing him twist my words around really put me over the edge (as you can see), and Lyric being a bigot towards twirly got me mad as well.

is there anyway mods can delete those posts? That would be great if they could, that way we could actually discuss something and have people delete shit posts.



Hey uh, if you're gonna apologize for being a whiny ragekid don't turn around and go "can someone delete those shitposts because they disagree with me." It's annoying and passive-aggressive as fuck. If I deleted Mundane's posts because they're "uninformed shitposts" I'd definitely have to delete most of yours in this thread too. Any point you may have had is buried underneath "bitch what a white knight lol bitch RAGE not a misogynist i swear bitch RAGE"

So how about if you really want to keep this conversation going, you can do it in a civil manner without raging at other people who disagree, and then accusing them of the same thing?

Perihelion":2n87et3l said:
No, you hate militant feminists. There's a difference.

Wanting equality is incredibly different from wanting superiority. I consider myself a feminist, and I believe men and women should have equal opportunities and choices, and while women are harmed by gender stereotypes, so are men. To fix one group's problems requires fixing the other's problems as well, not replacing one broken paradigm with another. It's not about putting women on a pedestal or giving them special privileges. I neither expect nor want special treatment, and I think anyone who does is just continuing the idea that women are frail and need to be protected--and needless to say, it's not fair to men either. I would consider a lot of you who say you hate feminism to be feminists as well based on the ideas you've expressed here. You're just not extremists.

It irks me when a perfectly legitimate philosophy gets trashed because of a few outspoken crazies. It's like saying all of civil rights was about black supremacy, or hating all of Islam because of Al-Qaeda.

thx for summing up everything i wanted to say about feminism but couldn't find the words for in your usual eloquent way peri~



Hey uh, I'm pretty sure I meant my posts as well.. hence "those posts" and not "Mundane and Lyric's psts" since moog is talking about all 3 people. I don't want them gone because they disagree with me, I want them gone because they're redundant. If I was to ask for the posts that disagree with me to be deleted, half the thread would be, that's cool of you to jump to conclusions though (I especially like the part where you say I rage at people who disagree with me. It's not the disagreeing, but in the manner of which they do. Ven's disagreed with me throughout this entire thread, you don't see me calling her a fucking cunt/any other rude words do you?).

"So how about if you really want to keep this conversation going, you can do it in a civil manner without raging at other people who disagree, and then accusing them of the same thing?"

What? Name one time where I said those posts I made were legit and civil please, I'd love for you to do that.

Yes passive-aggressive behaviour is rather annoying, so is condescension.



I've read the thread, and I see people disagreeing the way most people disagree when they "debate" on the internet. Considering how confrontational your OP is, it's very silly to expect people to not be just as confrontational. The spots Mundane highlighted were spots where you were genuinely being kind of a major creep, and yes, your response was lol whiteknight RAAGE.

We're not going to veer this off-topic anymore because if it does, I'm just going to lock it. I'm just telling you to not let it happen again.



lmao whatever.

The spots Mundane highlighted weren't spots where I was being a creep, he highlighted me saying I treat people how they act, I am very opinionated, and that most women I know are very bitch like.

The topic was stabilizing pretty well until the past was brought up again, so I don't know where you're getting at.



Hmm, yes, we'd better get back to riveting discussion including but not limited to using the word bitch almost constantly (but its okay because they're self-righteous) and stereotyping all feminists as fat, middle-aged bra burners. That's exactly what this forum is missing.



um yeah ok this has gone on long enough

im gonna throw something else in here because its getting on my nerves. sauk, youre a cool dude to me but you easily rage and fly off the handle over the littlest shit. this is like, the 2nd or 3rd time youve gotten pretty rowdy against someone. Im not saying you are completely wrong, but you handle it pretty poorly dude. This forum is about discussion and everyone treating each other with respect in their comments, and even though mundane called you on some points, he never flew off like you did. This is the only warning im going to give you, dude. Twirly, you too. And lyric, lol obvious troll is obvious. If I see another thread like this starting up ugly, then im not going to just warn, but im gonna jump to a temp ban. We want everyone to enjoy their stay here, and provoking and going the extra mile to shit talk is unaccepatable.

any mods that want to say something over me, please go ahead, but I think its a justified punishment.

any members that disagree with me please drop me a PM; ill be glad to answer any questions.
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