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Diablo Starter kit (Isometric enviroment coming soon!)(Minor

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    Votes: 81 75.7%
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    Votes: 26 24.3%

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clicking to walk is an amazing feature (i love it)

i would work on a game with this but i don't think its ready enough yet.
Ok :) nice to hear all thiss c&C though.
@Killerkingz: I guess there is a way. Ill take a look at the script and come up with a solution if there is one.



..i haven't bothered to put rmxp back on my computer so i was wondering if this was still full of lag.... last time it took so long it was unbearable...

if it does there was a script i saw a long time ago that only loaded monsters in a certain area this might be able to be adjusted to work for tiles too so that it was nearly lag free (the demo showed almost 800 units all rigged to move randomly with no lag.
Nice, I suffer no lag, but then i have a high spec computer. Any1 who suffers lag plz tell. Whats the name of the script, a link maybe? ill check it out
I am sorry to declare that i am stopping this project and leaving RMXP.org for good :(
I have started to use DarkBASIC PRO as I'd like to start to program 3d fps games and game engines.
If any1 is willing to take this project and continue it please PM me.



rymd dungeons are the absolute easiest thing to make. and either way you still would have to go through and place events and that thing its more fun to just do it all at the same time.
OMG, So much inactivity from my account! I am hoping to get this finished sometime soon. Hopefully I will finish the updates promised ages ago soon. So stick with me on this :D
But I am working on a game called BattleCry atm. So it may be a few weeks yet! At Last!
So keep tuned for a few minor updates, and soon hopefully a major update!
Oh no, I cam back after a little while :D I got bored of RMXP, but Im starting to et back into it again.
I need to prioritise features for the kit, so please give me a list of things you want to see and prioritise a lis of things need to be done, just to give me an idea of what to do.
Hey guys, I have been so Inactive lately its shocking.. As promised I will continue... Thn to Gambler and Reiner for a very useful script we shall now have Iso Enviroment and * way movement soon icluded in the package.. XD Heres a screenshot of what will come...


Hope you like it :D think of it as a really late christmas present

(I hope I'm llowed to revive my own topic ??!)

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