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Clest character and mech templates

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She's actually Hatsuya's older sister and by the way, something came to my mind that I may someday take requests like I got to make some Phoenix Wright charsets or even make some metal heroes and kamen riders as charsets...

I'm remaking my File of Mankind Episode 01 (the RM2K3 version) and these are their current status:
http://s177.photobucket.com/albums/w209 ... gonWIP.png[/img]http://s177.photobucket.com/albums/w209/hatsuyakanzaki0902/LeonardMaxwellWIP.png[/img]http://s177.photobucket.com/albums/w209/hatsuyakanzaki0902/ElizaPascualWIP.png[/img]
Excellent work here Clest you should be proud oh and I checked your artwork you are very good at artwork keep on going forget bad comments and just keep on going!
Beettle: Oh I see, thinking on porting the project to RMXP?

Larynni and Highlander: Thankyou guys for the kind comments =^.^=
Beettle: LOL

Akris: No idea, never used VX really, but if it has no charset size restrictions like RMXP, it works, you just need to rearrange the sprites in VX order, but really can´t say for sure.
Clest, just call me Hatsuya instead, you're misspelling my Dung Beetle already ;D and I made another sprite but this time if I can really make armored characters and stuff...
Oh great, don't tell me that this Clest-Artal template's gonna die... >_<

I'm still working on my pieces but school and other stuff, especially MMOs started hogging my pixel times >_<

To list:

Kuuja Maehara (this is a boy)
Kamen Rider 1
"Just a Metal Hero-wannabe" Generic Walbrunhild
File of the Utopia Rm2K3 FACELIFTS
Well the small template and mecha templates I am using right now, so they won´t die, the bigger one is more with you for now :)
heya clest, can i have permission to use your mech templates for spriting and using it in my game? :)

no need to necrorape this. just send him a private message
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