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Clest character and mech templates

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It's been a while since I've looked at this topic. 
@nexs: I've been getting a lot of comments about why the template doesn't mix with the tilesets and to combat this, I've actually slightly contrasted the mech sprites that clest has made.  While this wouldn't work for all projects, it definately works when mixing the sprites with Knight-Blade ones.  I'll try and update the screenshots later this week so that you can see the difference. 
It's rather simple and lacks a lot of color depth, but if you're using similar tilesets, then they'll fit great.  Not bad at all.  Hmm, 3 of my beta testers are spriters, I may have to take advantage of this!  :D
Nah, I like it as it is, remember that if you get too picky or listen to picky ppl too much you will not produce much.
If anything, I would just narrow the belt or lower the line between his legs a bit. Aside that, just adding some reflection to the eyes would be interesting :)
Well as I said, unless comissioned I will only make charsets for my small and mecha templates, plus I have no idea on how to program a character maker, but if you want and have the means, it would be neat :)
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