XP Oh noes and oh yes, now two RMXP guys were in loved with my characters...
Clest loved & liked Mikage and Hatsuyashi
and now...
cactus likes & loves Hatsumi-chan! Meeeh!!!
Hatsumi by the way is a glasses-girl (Megane) yet loved to wear something weirdly cute such as the beginner's clothes in an MMO called Secret of Solstice (that ripped-off Ragnarok Online!?)
Hatsuya means "first arrow". Hatsu - first; Ya- arrow
Hatsumi means "first beauty". Hatsu - first; Mi- beauty
Hatsuyashi implies "first arrow/way of death. Hatsu- first; Ya- arrow (also implied as way or direction); Shi- four*
*FROM TVTROPES.ORG:"Four" and "Death", despite being written differently, sound exactly the same in Japanese (shi). As a cultural trope, it's often treated like the number 13 in the west, to the point building floors and apartments are (mis)numbered accordingly, and some prefer to say "yon" (another word for four) instead of "shi". (This superstition is present in other Asian countries, as well - in Chinese, the two are near-homophones, differing only in tone, which is enough to cause the same stigma.)
Villainous groups of four are often given the name of Shitennou, a reference to the Four Heavenly Kings, Buddhist guardian gods of the four cardinal directions.
A major example is how many villains' organizations in anime have four major characters, while you're more likely to see heroes in groups of three or five.
Hatoru is just a made-up 'cuz I kinda made it cute to my green-haired character.
Dung Beetle anyone? I picked that name 'cuz of a certain character in Bokurano (the cute white evil plushie guy)