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Bury Your Dead?

Or, how about, nobody really owns anything? You just decide what it is that you own, and so long as noone contests that, then you do. So, if someone else claims to own your body - say, you're a slave, then do they? Or is it still yours? Or something. A really bad response, I know, but I'm tired.
You've made a mistake N. Should you give information to people that their organs aren't buried with them what do you think they'll do? They'll order that their organs be buried separate, or even just go with close caskets. You're in a catch-22 where you want to inform people that their organs aren't buried with them because of a technicality. A technicality that can be changed or erased.

As for what you were saying earlier, I'm a libertarian, my whole belief is centered around the government and other people not telling me what I can do with my life so long as I harm no one, and also that as far as taxes go I believe I should pay taxes for only what I'll use. I think it's folly to have to pay for schools when I don't have kids, or to repair roads in places I don't live in. This is because forcing me to pay for something under the auspices of an ignorant altruism is unethical in my opinion. Same as with organ donations.

Again, while your position may be solid your goal is to inform, a situation that I predict wouldn't help you much at all.

As for missingno, I'd like to say that right now I chose to believe I am an Egyptian, and Egyptian royalty, so I need my organs buried with me in small containers so I can take them with me. I say this, to piss you off :P

Also, you're ignorant of, at least, the Christian concept of life after death. Christians believe they will die, but that they will return to their bodies, restored by Jesus during the rapture. That is why Christians at least want their bodies in tact, it makes less work for Jesus. This was also around the time when people thought caskets = 100% preservation, and thus having a whole body would be best. Also I believe Jewish people also are of the belief that having any part of the body not buried is unholy or something. I don't know for sure so don't quote me on it.

Also ants bury dead ants so, "nyah-nyah-na-nyah-nyah-nyah!"
The Christian concept of life after death is as varied as the global concept of life after death.

Some believe it's almost like a zombie movie, that you'll raise from your grave - despite being bones and all.  Others believe it's symbolic, while others believe your body is somehow reverted back and made whole again.  Many faiths had thousands of things, no tattoos in burial plots, having to be buried whole, etc. etc. etc.

The Philippines are RENTING caskets, and there is a very hardcore Christian base there, and they get away with RENTING because of the social taboo being different.  The bodies are put in a casket, then after so many years removed to another smaller box, or tossed into a mass sort of storage sewer where other remains and even garbage are held.

Religion seems to only work when you have money.  Once this was unacceptable, but with over crowding and poorer economy something changed.
Religion is a silly thing like that.  You can't even claim it as a determination in whole when I could give thousands of examples of how it's been altered or changed.
Hey, cool! Ants bury ants! I always wondered what they carried them off for - I presumed it was as food, or something.

I'm actually going to skip out of this thread now, though, as regardless of my personal body, I know how much it hurt to see my birds die, and to hold them in my hands when they were no longer there. The feeling one gets is as if the life is ALMOST there. I would wait for them, hoping through some miracle, they'd return - and I would want to delay burial for fear of just that, and having to say goodbye.


So, yeah. I'm outta here. Y'all have fun. :)
what changed are the interpretations. When a religion changes it does so because their basic principles did, too. Anyway, the problem here is that the State still interferes with people's beliefs regarding burials. If a State claims that it defends people's interests and beliefs, why do they allow people get richer by squeezing the poor deceased's beloved ones? Who said doctors did really choose to whom they would transplant an organ always in a methodical way without actually sending the organs to the patients they favor? We assume those doctors are acting according to ethics, but we've seen a case of an Italian who fooled his patients so he could make them pay more for surgeries they didn't need. Do you think he didn't plan to sell the organs or the tissues he took away from the patients? What if there's at least an experimental treatment they can offer you but instead they convinced you to better die "peacefully"? (Let's say it's some weird version of the "euthanasia") The black market is full of traders who don't care who they are, they still negotiate good prices for those "donated" or stolen organs.
sixty":17jzpqw9 said:
The Christian concept of life after death is as varied as the global concept of life after death.

Some believe it's almost like a zombie movie, that you'll raise from your grave - despite being bones and all.  Others believe it's symbolic, while others believe your body is somehow reverted back and made whole again.  Many faiths had thousands of things, no tattoos in burial plots, having to be buried whole, etc. etc. etc.

The Philippines are RENTING caskets, and there is a very hardcore Christian base there, and they get away with RENTING because of the social taboo being different.  The bodies are put in a casket, then after so many years removed to another smaller box, or tossed into a mass sort of storage sewer where other remains and even garbage are held.

Religion seems to only work when you have money.  Once this was unacceptable, but with over crowding and poorer economy something changed.
Religion is a silly thing like that.  You can't even claim it as a determination in whole when I could give thousands of examples of how it's been altered or changed.

That's beside the point. The point is that many Christians feel the need to bury their dead so Jesus can come back and reenact a large-scale George Romero flic. Despite that, although some see it as a symbolic burial that doesn't answer wether they'd want their organs buried with them, which was the point I was trying to make.
here the question would be... would you need your internal organs in the afterlife? an ancient Egyptian may have said that they could be left in a... casket? A Christian... may not actually know what they want since no text said they would be needed before you could be resurrected. So if a Christian say that they should be buried in one way or the other, then he'd probably be lying or just expressing his personal opinions on this matter.



ixis":3lpguljf said:
That's beside the point. The point is that many Christians feel the need to bury their dead so Jesus can come back and reenact a large-scale George Romero flic. Despite that, although some see it as a symbolic burial that doesn't answer wether they'd want their organs buried with them, which was the point I was trying to make.
God's power is great enough to resurrect a person whos corpse has been decomposing for 2000 years, even though everything but the bones have turned to dust, but not if his organs got mixed up.

Can you imagine... the ressurection, the final battle, and a bunch of hearts and livers are busting out of torsos all over the place, inch-worming their way to their original owners, Satan's army looking on in awe and fascination.
God doesn't like crossing streams.

He also said don't eat the meat of a cloven animal 'cause they're dirty. It doesn't make sense. You might as well go tell the Jews they can have all the hotdogs they want. Do you think many will listen to you?
Mr. N":6zmfxn7u said:
God's power is great enough to resurrect a person whos corpse has been decomposing for 2000 years, even though everything but the bones have turned to dust, but not if his organs got mixed up.

Can you imagine... the ressurection, the final battle, and a bunch of hearts and livers are busting out of torsos all over the place, inch-worming their way to their original owners, Satan's army looking on in awe and fascination.

*dies laughing*

*resurrected and still laughing*
Cemeteries really do not take up that much space.  I mean, I currently work for the PWD here in bumfuckistan and one of the things we manage is the cemetary.  It's about the size of 3 regular house plots, only 50% filled, and at the rate of burials this town gets we won't run out of room for the next three hundred years or so.

However, what it is, is inefficient.  Despain is on the right track with giving the animals a good dinner, but why stop there?

Look at it scientifically - Matter/energy can't be destroyed, only converted into different forms.  One of Physics' most well-known laws!  And just to provide an example: The energy from the sun is absorbed into plants, animals, say a pig, eats the plants, and the energy is transferred to the muscles of the pig.  Then, when you down a ham sandwich made out of the pig, the energy is transferred to your body via digestion.

So why the hell are we plugging bodies full of embalming fluid and stuffing them into boxes?  I mean, not only does that prevent the natural digestion processes of bacteria/bugs/animals from taking advantage of the available nutrients, it's also throwing away a valuable food and energy resource for us!

I mean, can you imagine chowing down on a delicious, fat-ladeled Despain roast rump?  Or what about chewing on one of Venetia's delicious bazongas?  What about a Dissonance drumstick?  :3

(By the way, I am totally serious, eating our dead is probably the most efficient use for them.  Plus I wouldn't mind putting my mouth on Venetia's bazongas :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 )



If you ignore for a moment the obvious problem of cannibalism-related diseases. If you eat a person you get pretty much every condition they had that's capable of passing on. It is probably really stupid to be embalming bodies that should be enriching the soil though.
Mr. N":2wko1t4c said:
If you ignore for a moment the obvious problem of cannibalism-related diseases.

We've created medical technologies and drugs that will prevent a child from having a STD even if both parents are infected - perhaps someday we will be able to pop a pill and have a FINE ROAST OF TREG without getting infected by his fagginess :3

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