You've made a mistake N. Should you give information to people that their organs aren't buried with them what do you think they'll do? They'll order that their organs be buried separate, or even just go with close caskets. You're in a catch-22 where you want to inform people that their organs aren't buried with them because of a technicality. A technicality that can be changed or erased.
As for what you were saying earlier, I'm a libertarian, my whole belief is centered around the government and other people not telling me what I can do with my life so long as I harm no one, and also that as far as taxes go I believe I should pay taxes for only what I'll use. I think it's folly to have to pay for schools when I don't have kids, or to repair roads in places I don't live in. This is because forcing me to pay for something under the auspices of an ignorant altruism is unethical in my opinion. Same as with organ donations.
Again, while your position may be solid your goal is to inform, a situation that I predict wouldn't help you much at all.
As for missingno, I'd like to say that right now I chose to believe I am an Egyptian, and Egyptian royalty, so I need my organs buried with me in small containers so I can take them with me. I say this, to piss you off :P
Also, you're ignorant of, at least, the Christian concept of life after death. Christians believe they will die, but that they will return to their bodies, restored by Jesus during the rapture. That is why Christians at least want their bodies in tact, it makes less work for Jesus. This was also around the time when people thought caskets = 100% preservation, and thus having a whole body would be best. Also I believe Jewish people also are of the belief that having any part of the body not buried is unholy or something. I don't know for sure so don't quote me on it.
Also ants bury dead ants so, "nyah-nyah-na-nyah-nyah-nyah!"