There's a lot more competition than I originally anticipated... the number of entries doesn't bother me as much as the array of names behind it, and I'm especially looking forward to what Glitch comes up with (which name in the contest banner got me to look into this in the first place, btw
Additionally, it's going way worse than planned, partly because of engine reasons (Construct not having tools I expected it to have, or in one occasion even the program telling me that what I want to do will be possible in future versions. Then, I'm completely skipping out on any of the programming stufthat Glitch mentioned. Oh, and my graphics production isn't coming along that well either. oh yeah, and I'm building a kitchen next to the whole thing, which steals time like a motherfucker.
Either way, I still feel my concept is golden, so I might still have a shot for something. Just do me a favor and don't announce follow-ups, as I'd hate to read I made 13th place :D
On an entirely different matter: Couldn't you just bypass the event limit by using the full version? I don't think the rules state that you have to use the restricted version to make your entry...