What are you all saying? O_o
Santa Claus does exist.
....What? I'm serious! Here I'll prove it:
Statistically, gifts marked "From Santa" really are "from Santa" because "
Santa Claus" is the one that put it there.
Get what I'm saying? Picture it this way:
think that he flies around in a freaking sleigh and climbs down chimneys and whatnot, while in reality, all he does is uses the IDEA of himself to make people put gifts there for him.
Its like a gay magic trick. You make a
seem to coin disappear by waving your hand in front of it or something... while actually your doing something else to achieve the
same effect.
And just like magic, you fall for it as a kid. Thus making it: magical. As you get older, you start thinking its impossible, and you loose interest in it. Thus, it isn't magical anymore.. it becomes
But regardless of what you classify it as, people fail to see this simple fact:
Anything can exist as long as the idea of it exists.
With that same reasoning:
Santa Clause exists because the idea of him exists.
And to further prove that point, think of it this way:
If no one believed in Santa, the tradition of putting gifts under the tree would not exist.
But because there are those who believe in Santa, people put gifts under the tree, saying its from Santa.
So basically, Santa Claus is the reason why those gifts are there. So its similarly accurate to say that Santa Claus is the
real person put those gifts there. (keywords: real person)
So all in all:
Santa. Does. Exist.
And now your thinking: Ok, so he does, just not as a real person.
Again wrong. He is a real person. Just not as a single person. If a spirit needs a body to exist, then Santa's body is all of us.
- Which explains how he knows when your sleeping.
- Which explains how he knows when your awake.
- Which explains how he knows if you've been bad or good.
- And which also explains how he gets presents to millions of kids in 1 night.
Believe want. But the fact remains that as long as the belief of him stays alive:
He does, and will always exist. And yes, he is a real person :P.
(Don't take this to seriously plx. This is my way of killing boredom at 6 am in the morning. God I need a life >.>...)