This is sortof off topic, but where does Gaming World fit in the whole larger scheme of things? Was it before or after? I've honestly never visited the site and only even heard about it when Des started proclaiming it as better than .org ~~~.
You never really got the proper reply to this: GamingW has been around FOREVER. I followed a link from that site to get here ( when the site was in it's infancy. It feels like a world away...
Anyway, I cut ties with GamingW when they started to get too elitist (which is probably why Des began to proclaim it better than here :wink: ). I mean, they went through "phases" where each project *had* to look a certain way, or *had* to contain a certain skill. They genuinely began to have lengthy multipage threads in people's topics about whether a pious nun should have a custom "Steal" skill, or rant about creating streets/scattering houses everywhere - whichever was in vogue.
It's one of the ways in which this community is far superior (and frankly always has been) to GamingW: If you ever posted anything that looked as though it had a Princess, a crystal, or you had the audacity to burn down the hero's hometown, it would kill your topic thread instantly - the most you get around here is one or two people spamming that it sounds "a little cliche".
Anyho. On a lighter note, can anyone remember that guy, I think his name was MasterMind, who had a thirty page topic thread in which he took requests and was constantly "working on them" but never produced ANYTHING, despite proclaiming himself the greatest scripter?
Frankly when you look at all the things which were being requested as a "challenge"... Those were the days when creating your own textbox was a novelty!
I miss some of the old staff. ;_; Does anyone know what's happened to Lene for instance? (With all her forum RPGs! :lol: )We spoke quite a bit, mostly incidentally, and she went off to Uni and I want to know how she got on etc. I saw something a couple of months ago and thought "I must tell Lene, she'd find that funny" - but then remembered she's not around anymore*.
I even miss Nix and his spamming of
Carrie; the Musical lyrics in the IRC.
Finally, can someone give a full account of the whole "Stolen the Kingdom" business - because I've only heard bits and pieces, and I was slightly dead at the time, so naturally missed what sounds like quite an interesting coup.
*Unless she's operating under a different name - and if you are, make yourself known Lene!!