Man, yesterday I got thinking when someone mentioned Shiroun, there are so many people that I miss from the old days even if nobody liked them or they went unnoticed. I miss everything about the old days even if they were worse. :| Maybe that's just a thing with the Internet.
Ccoa and Erk, while everyone trash talks them, were cool guys. I can't really comment on their ability to run a forum because to be honest I wouldn't know, not being staff then and not paying much attention to management. But they were cool to have around. Ccoa made some really good scripts (for the time), Erk did a lot for the site (hell, his Ultimate Exteriors tileset was the most requested tileset of all time, and probably still is).
Euphony, even though I have a personal grudge based on a warning ( :sad: ), did some really cool shit with the RTP such as his willow trees, train, and all his tilesets. They were so good (at the time) that everyone thought they were custom even though they were just edits, and later on when I realised that fact they inspired me to do all of the shits for my game as custom (er... edits).
And then you've got guys like Andy and Arc. Andy had it in for me (for good reason) but man arguing with him was fun. And Arc, who didn't want to play his game (or just hug his little orange haired face to death?)
And jesus, the days of Lord Gradient were really cool. When nobody knew anything about RPG Maker, and it was a coolcats club; was the premium site purely because nobody else knew RMXP existed. Before several hundred fansites spawned off.
Even people who majorly annoy like Punk, Illustrationalism, Syphonmax, Despain. It was fun when they were around.
That is not to say that the site is not fun now, for it is; it's just fun in a different way, because there are different members. It's just fuck-awesome that a lot of the old guys are still around, and that some are coming back.