Yggdrassil":wrmpjjk2 said:Are you an admin again? If so, why?
How hard is it to get into your head and understand you as a person and a friend over an admin/manage. on the largest RM English website on the net?
Do you prefer cotton or silk clothing?
Also, what breakfast do you prefer on sundays?
And at what point will you get tired of answering questions and close this thread (just wondering so I can squeeze a few more questions before then )
What is the most perfect non-Uber Pokémon in your opinion for competitive battling?
Also, is it tough having to deal with all the millions of necroposts?
Oh oh! Out of all the Pokemon game series, which do you love most?
Mascarpone":36p4n58p said:Being tragicly born without natural motivation of sense of effort (doctor's diagnose this as "lazy") I'm not going to read through all 7 pages of Q and A. I have a healthy respect for a man with a critical eye.
So withotu further ado,
a.) What campus do you call home for the time being
b.) What do you major in
c.) If i'm feeling lonly and depressed can i pretend you're my freind, have imaginary tea parties, take you to the movies... (in my mind...)
d.) Am i forgiven for refering to you from time to time as a bitch? I mean it in a loving playful way, in the same way i call my best freinds ho bag and whore-face.
Just so he doesn't have to reanswer that :PMISSINGNO.":36p4n58p said:Southern Connecticut State, and I'm currently majoring in English.
Venetia":1wh5lwxo said:Outside of your own game(s), what rmxp/vx game (including completed, not completed, or vaporware) featured on this site do you think looks the most promising?
Mustardy85":1dnwevbz said:What is your favorite game created and posted in Completed projects forum... (e.g. master of the wind, lucid awakening...)
Are you gay?
missingno":3o14wvd1 said:Mustardy85":3o14wvd1 said:What is your favorite game created and posted in Completed projects forum... (e.g. master of the wind, lucid awakening...)
I answered that. MOTW. Although now that Barkley's in there, it might take the title.
Are you gay?
Mustardy85":1r0ywbsf said:Master of the Wind? Seriously...?!
Wow that game has too much conversation and talking al through out... I'm not too sure I will enjoy it...