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Its easy since it fits XP rtp tilesets, u just exchange it with the AlphaZ doors which are basically stretched doors and thats it
Well, as i was doing civilian 11 i realized i didnt have any kind of robes so i decided to do cloth by cloth to get his robes and then i decided it would be a good idea to create another custom character with it and i made a monk.


im really glad this project is still up and running, but i would want to ask a question, if you had time to make some other sprites, which i really need for my project, they are mainly from Gozaru and i can actually show you the sprites, but i was really hoping that you would do some sprites for me please!, i really wanted to use a set that hasn't been used before.

im really beginning for this, i beg of you please make me some sprites

but if you actually can, heres atleast one i need please
your a saver, finally i can have the sprites i really want, thanks, use as much time as youd like my game isn't going anywhere. again thanks
But just tell me something, is there a picture or something else i can take as reference?

im using the pictures and i think theyre gozaru's too, post me the faceset for that one plz i may have it but still i want it
alright, even though i dont know how to pm but ill find out, i was trying awhile ago but first ill finish civilian18 and after that i do this one. Does a battler exist for this guy? i might use him for my game
Finished Civilian 18 She looks adorable!!

and i have the image now ill start doing it right away, and ill add u as soon as i have my computer. at this stupid computer my msn doesnt work.

im using a usb wireless conection and there isnt a good controler for the device so it has problems with the IP creation and msn doesnt work
Dude i love you so much right now, its amazing, he looks frikish awesome, even more awesome than the original one, this one il definatly use in my game, which was the plan from the very beginning.

if you want a name on him you can call him Xach Addae ( which is my main charas name )
what u can do is add my alphaz signature with a link to my work in all the forums you are. That would help me a lot. For now im done with the spriting until next week. I only have computer on weekends but since im very sick i was able to work on this during the week.

Oooh also tell me the name of ur game and please give me some screenies with the result with alphaz so i ppst them here with a link to ir game thread. There is a thread in frankenstaining called xptize ur vx, by me u can find the doors for alpha z they are basically taller doors.
i will add it in my sig, no problem at all, its the least i can do for what you did, and i will try once its all finished to show some screenies with it in action.

i was just wondering for further development in future, are you able to like add some reactions to the sprites, like him being mad or like pointing at something, just for future sake
I may, for now my priority is to finish as many characters as possible to have more NPCs. i have a full set of PSDs with different hairstyles , clothes, accesories, armors. i need to find someone capable of doing all the work to create a character generator.

Those are my priorities atm

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