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well as i wrote in the first post, the idea was from zephyrskye then bestone took the project and then i took it, there were only 2 templates. this was actually a chibi size for minkoff battlers. the project was then abandoned. i just saw the potential of this and decided to continue the project, i decided to create enough characters to make a game with the available facesets. then i found out that there was another bigger alpha but i wasnt interested. the best thing about this size template is that it still fits the tiles for xp and also its very versatile, i think where hk failed is that it was too big to really be versatile.

thats why i believe this is a very good template. i fixed the two templates, just made some arrangements to the eyes and shadows, fixed the woman's proportions started doing the characters for xp and then created the child, the old man, the teen i think was made by bestone if im not mistaken, but the whole design in clothes and palletes and creating the VX tile set for this is all my work

btw. if u like my work, support by using my userbar :)
I will! I love your work! *inserts userbar in sig*

I tested some of them out, and they make with most tilesets. Except beds, pianos and smaller things like that, but those objects can be easily edited and made bigger :)

I was very pleased. I always wanted to see games with more human like proportions. Its some tilesets that needs to be edited a bit :)

Wait....are these for VX? :crazy:

How many characters will you be making? Just the RTP, or a little more?
hmmmm im planning to create the civilians and as many as i can, now i have a pack full of psd if u have photoshop u might be interested, they have all the hair clothes, accesories everything separate. so they can be edited very easily.

now about vx. i started the project for vx so i made a frankensprite with all the tiles for vx to create an xp base for the graphics, it looks very good. i have some taller doors somewhere in xptize ur vx thread. those tall doors are for these characters. they were basically separated by a grid and stretched in indexed color mode to preserve the pallette, nothing fancy but they look good. now i decided to create them for xp, im crazy but its better, if i change my mind i just have to crop 35 pixels of the left and theyre converted, i can do it very fast with photoshop tool that makes it automatically. so its easier to convert from xp to vx than vx to xp

edit: with these photoshop edits i can easily make new ones, since i just have to edit pants, shorts or whatever is needed

so no, theyre not for vx, i have a separate part for vx and xp. the ones for vx havent been updated, so XP is the main project now, but i tell u its easy to convert them to vx if thats what u want


ok bad news and good news

i have a new computer with win7 yay!!

bad news

it doesnt run XP boo!!!

so im changing this again to VX, however, i know some ppl here use XP so i will be adding both versions
PSD? I have CS4, will that be good to run the PSD? I don't use it much, seeing as GIMP is better for creating graphics lol

Nice updates! Is she gettin' married? :P

Do you mean Win7 won't run RPG XP?

Right click RPG XP and then go to properties and then in the compatibility tab. Click "Run as Admin" and then hit "Apply" and then "Ok". It should work then ^.^

Thank goodness for the both versions. I'm sure it will please a lot of people. :)
meh, you gotta learn how to use photoshop correctly- that is the industry standard.

However, if you're really adverse to using CS4, then just load the psd file, and then export it as something else to use with gimp
I was wondering if I could maybe make a request? I really like these templates and I would really like to include them in my game -- hopefully. I like the XP default style, but these are too good to pass up. I actually think they match the RTP better than the actual start ones lol

or if you must, set it so that the xp app runs on xp compability mode.
That's what I meant. :D

Thula":2954h2sc said:
PSD? I have CS4, will that be good to run the PSD? I don't use it much, seeing as GIMP is better for creating graphics lol
Oh. I meant I prefer GIMP. I personally think Corel is the best :cute:

But have you guys not seen what GIMP can do? I've used all Photoshops, GIMP does a lot better >.>
Although, there are a few features I hate that GIMP doesn't have....like running psds. :C

Gimp is better than CS4?
See what my sister does with GIMP and you'll think its Photoshop (or better). GIMP is a lot easier to use, friendly and can use everything Photoshop can. It runs smoother too :grin:

A lot of Photoshopers who has used PS for many, many years say GIMP is better when she uses it :)

You should give the program a try, or a longer try. :D

meh, you gotta learn how to use photoshop correctly- that is the industry standard.
I know how to use it, I just think GIMP is better :D
yups its possible to make requests but hold on, i have to finish everything first lol, if not there wont be enough npcs to have a game to begin with. also very important with the psds u can frankenstain a lot, i will be taking requests when im finished with the mapping system and all that, also i will be doing custom characters, every1 except jack and rhina, my main characters will be open to public, so in the mean time im sure ull be able to create good characters with the materials i have in psd.

just tell me, what is a good way to upload files, that would be more permanent?

rapidshare sux

and about win7 well i only have the starter and i dont have compatibility mode. but thats ok, when im finished with the mapping system, the mapping will be as good as xp.

as a matter of fact i will post a screenshot of VX, tell me what u think, and this is just an non updated version of what the mapping system will be


this was made in VX and it was just done with what i made a long time ago, i need to update it, it will have a very large improvement, and for that i also need a place to upload a zip file and trust will be stay for a long time and for many downloads, since i want to have a project copied with all the passabilities and characters and everything
That's VX? :shock: That doesn't look like VX...maybe I've been away from it too long. :eek::

just tell me, what is a good way to upload files, that would be more permanent?
Well, what kind of file is it? Your game file, PSD, png, jpeg? Gif? I know a place to upload PSD, if that's the case. Anything else, Imageshack or Tinypic. Imageshack doesn't shorten images like Tinypic, so I'd suggest using that for images.

I agree, Rapidshare sucks. I usually use Megaupload, in my opinion, its the best. :lol:

Windows 7, I have the cheapest version, should still have the "run as admin" button. Have you've tried to right click the exe of RPG XP?

Wow, nice update! She is a maid, right? The template looks nice, too! Have you've added them to the first post? :)
I can't believe you made that >.>
I didn't think it was possible, or anyone would have the patience to do it lol

Either way, thanks for doing all this stuff to make VX better for everyone. It certainly makes me want to use my copy of VX more :lol:
NP, after im done with the alphaZ project i will update the Xptize ur VX i will make a mapping set so good, it will be as good as XP but easier.
Ooh, sounds awesome! I like the easy use of adding faces tot he messages in VX, which is one of the reasons why I would like to use that, but the tilesets suck >.>

Will you be making the animals and evil RTPs as well as the humans?
Hmmm i dont think so, i think ill stop doing chars after im doone with the civilians, then ill be doing my characters and the mapping system, i just finished editing gozaru's facesets for VX

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