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Advanced Mission Skills/Shop/Manager V1.2

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I just downloaded the SDK update patch, put it into my project and now yet another error occurs... this time:
Error loading data at line 45
Incorrect defining name
line data: switch 1



Thanks for the fast response, it's all working now

Actually, i got some more questions (sorry for being a pain in the ass atm)
Anyway, i found the part in the script where i was able to delete every "skill" from the reward window (where your new gained levels are shown). Deleted every one of them except Combat and Track, but i would like to add 2 other levels to it, namely the "Reputation" and "Popularity". How would i show these?

and the next question;
could i put an event which will say or do a certain thing once the reputation/popularity is reached (need the script line).

and last question (and then i'm gonna stop, really :P)
the equation for Levels is; skill/100+1?

Thanks in advance

MindHunterr;220244 said:
Thanks for the fast response, it's all working now

Actually, i got some more questions (sorry for being a pain in the ass atm)
Anyway, i found the part in the script where i was able to delete every "skill" from the reward window (where your new gained levels are shown). Deleted every one of them except Combat and Track, but i would like to add 2 other levels to it, namely the "Reputation" and "Popularity". How would i show these?

and the next question;
could i put an event which will say or do a certain thing once the reputation/popularity is reached (need the script line).

and last question (and then i'm gonna stop, really :P)
the equation for Levels is; skill/100+1?

Thanks in advance


note: don't PM me if you have already posted I haven't forgotten you I am busy and also I get enough PMs as is...

to answer your question. I wonder if you knew that if you removed the attr_reader and the instance variable declaration from here
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader :combat
  attr_reader :magic
  attr_reader :smithing
  attr_reader :craft
  attr_reader :appraise
  attr_reader :gather
  attr_reader :negotiate
  attr_reader :track
  attr_reader :reputation
  attr_reader :popularity
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Actual Skills
    @combat = 0
    @magic = 0
    @smithing = 0
    @craft = 0
    @appraise = 0
    @gather = 0
    @negotiate = 0
    @track = 0
    # Other Skills
    @reputation = 0
    @popularity = 0

then it will be removed, if you did anything other than what I mentioned above then it wasn't the best solution

I didn't enable reputation and popularity because it doesn't show up in FFTA and I didn't have sprites for those two to enable these modify this method
  # * Get Skills
  def skills
    variables = instance_variables.collect {|var| var[1...var.size]}
    return variables

to look like this

  # * Get Skills
  def skills
    return instance_variables.collect {|var| var[1...var.size]}

Note that you will need to provide icons named reputation and popularity in the Graphics/Icons folder

For your second question the line to get the current level of a skill is


where skill is a skill name for instance Combat, Gather, Tracking, etc (see the class Game_MissionSkills for the list or just call this to see the skills list p $game_party.mission_skills.skills)

For your third question

yes the equation for levels is skill/100+1 or maybe I shoudl put it like this

EXP / 100 + 1

is a bit easier to understand

this code means that

It takes 100 exp to level up a skill since both EXP and 100 are integers the resilt will be an integer ex 15 / 100 = 0, 115 / 100 = 1, the addition of 1 to the end ensures that the range for the levels is 1 - Infinity since the exp's domain is from [0, Infinity) Do the math :p

and you don't have to stop, go on ahead keep asking :)



Was about to post once again about getting an error, but found the solution

got everything working now (and if you actually try to do this, make sure to do;
will give you an error

Thanks once again
Actually never use = unless you want to set a variables value I bet that that gave you a syntax error when you tried to use it

If you want to check if two values are equal use == not = it is a simple mistake everyone makes

Remember == is comparison equals
= is setting a variable's value
I don't know if this is an error ur something maybe u fixed it, but when i tried setting an armour for reward it said error in name at line 116 at scene reward... or something, i fixed this by renaming item in line 116 to amount
Hey you help me. In your demo. After i finish first quest. I can't accept the second quest. He said that i CAN'T CANCEL. Why?? I am accepting new quest, not cancelling

OK, i found the reason. Cause in your demo, you turn off the first switches after finish. And some one please help me. Gametemp doesn't have any method named battle result. SO the event that called random battle couldn't have a right way to know it's win or loose. Help me.

I'm Vietnamese so how can i translate the skill name to Vietnamese.
Zell Dinch;229987 said:
Hey you help me. In your demo. After i finish first quest. I can't accept the second quest. He said that i CAN'T CANCEL. Why?? I am accepting new quest, not cancelling

OK, i found the reason. Cause in your demo, you turn off the first switches after finish. And some one please help me. Gametemp doesn't have any method named battle result. SO the event that called random battle couldn't have a right way to know it's win or loose. Help me.

I'm Vietnamese so how can i translate the skill name to Vietnamese.

Tdata;231640 said:
I have the Quest problem also. Is there a switch or variable that needs to be changed?

You both forgot to talk to the guy who gave you the quest it that part is on you. but the message he displayed should have said You can not accept any more missions which was on me, and I have fixed that

Demo updated to Version 1.2.1 see above
Oh no, I talked to him. But i cannot accept more because in your Demo. You turned off the switch after finish first quest. When I delete the turn off row, it worked. But please help me, how can i translate the Skill Name appear in Reward Scene?? I think you used variables name to appear as skill name..
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