MindHunterr;220244 said:
Thanks for the fast response, it's all working now
Actually, i got some more questions (sorry for being a pain in the ass atm)
Anyway, i found the part in the script where i was able to delete every "skill" from the reward window (where your new gained levels are shown). Deleted every one of them except Combat and Track, but i would like to add 2 other levels to it, namely the "Reputation" and "Popularity". How would i show these?
and the next question;
could i put an event which will say or do a certain thing once the reputation/popularity is reached (need the script line).
and last question (and then i'm gonna stop, really :P)
the equation for Levels is; skill/100+1?
Thanks in advance
note: don't PM me if you have already posted I haven't forgotten you I am busy and also I get enough PMs as is...
to answer your question. I wonder if you knew that if you removed the attr_reader and the instance variable declaration from here
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_reader :combat
attr_reader :magic
attr_reader :smithing
attr_reader :craft
attr_reader :appraise
attr_reader :gather
attr_reader :negotiate
attr_reader :track
attr_reader :reputation
attr_reader :popularity
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Actual Skills
@combat = 0
@magic = 0
@smithing = 0
@craft = 0
@appraise = 0
@gather = 0
@negotiate = 0
@track = 0
# Other Skills
@reputation = 0
@popularity = 0
then it will be removed, if you did anything other than what I mentioned above then it wasn't the best solution
I didn't enable reputation and popularity because it doesn't show up in FFTA and I didn't have sprites for those two to enable these modify this method
# * Get Skills
def skills
variables = instance_variables.collect {|var| var[1...var.size]}
return variables
to look like this
# * Get Skills
def skills
return instance_variables.collect {|var| var[1...var.size]}
Note that you will need to provide icons named reputation and popularity in the Graphics/Icons folder
For your second question the line to get the current level of a skill is
where skill is a skill name for instance Combat, Gather, Tracking, etc (see the class Game_MissionSkills for the list or just call this to see the skills list p $game_party.mission_skills.skills)
For your third question
yes the equation for levels is skill/100+1 or maybe I shoudl put it like this
EXP / 100 + 1
is a bit easier to understand
this code means that
It takes 100 exp to level up a skill since both EXP and 100 are integers the resilt will be an integer ex 15 / 100 = 0, 115 / 100 = 1, the addition of 1 to the end ensures that the range for the levels is 1 - Infinity since the exp's domain is from [0, Infinity) Do the math :p
and you don't have to stop, go on ahead keep asking