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Advanced Mission Skills/Shop/Manager V1.2

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Umm No I didn't?

and the only way I can think of translating it is this

(New script above main)

class Game_MissionSkills

Skill_Names = {variable => 'translated name'}  
  # * Get Skills
  def skills
    variables = instance_variables.collect {|var| var[1...var.size]}
    variables.collect! {|var| Skill_Names[var]}
    return variables

now in the Skill_Names hash enter the variable name as the key and the translated name as the value

for example

Skill_Names = {'tracking' => 'Tracking'}

now in the demo the tracking skill will appear as Tracking

also I am not 100% sure if this will work (I may have used that method for other things and if I have it will error out) if it doesn't let me know
This is probably a stupid question but I don't know much about scripting so here it goes. I copied your script into my game but when I try to run it I get an error that says: Script 'SDK 2.2' line 3713: NoMethodError occurred. undefined method 'update' for nil:NilClass

What does this mean and how do I fix it? Thanks in advance for the help.:)
I get an error with the new version of the MACL, exactly in the RGSS.Bitmap.text. (the included in the MACL 2.1) its very different that the included in this demo. (Bitmap.Text Update).

Can you make a revision of this script to make it compatible with the MACL 2.1?



i cant use it with SDK 2.1???
can i have a fix for this?
i cant use SDK 2.2 my whole project is based on 2.2 imcopatible scripts T_T



ok forget about it
my new error is
i play the demo...ok all missions and windows working
then i copied the SAME script to my game and i did the script to call $scene = Scene_Mission.new(1) and then when i talk to the event guy (the one with the call script the game closes itself giving this message...

Name error occured while running script
unintialized constant interpreter:: Scene_Mission

it doesnt give me the line nothing!!
help me plz!
Nice script, Trickster. My only problem is having the mission go away after its completed. I didn't quite get the advance you were saying earlier as a fix for this (gotta put it in idiots terms, I guess), so for now, I'm doing it the makeshift way by just calling "$game_party.missions.delete(missionnumber)". I want to find out the true way to do it though, so I quit the mission, and lose any items given for the script, etc.
hello Trick sorry if this considered as necroposting. i encountered a bug and it says


i encountered that when i have no money and there was a mission that will earn you fast cash. and then there was this meanie NPC, he said if ill beg he will give me the cash. so i begged and.. *puff* and then there was the error..

so... how can i fix it?

*bump* teehee~ does anyone recieved the same error as i got?
@mephisto - there was a problem with the method from MACL this script uses in the V2.1 version I should have that updated sometime this week

@everyone-else all of the bugs you are reporting are fixed in the new version but that is not ready yet. Do not bother me on when this will be out, it is out when it is out. Thanks.



The mission script can be used without SDK?, i'm asking that because i have script uncompatibles with SDk XD
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