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Advanced Mission Skills/Shop/Manager V1.2

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LegACy said:
what's up with all this quest/mission frenzy? it makes me want to create a full pack of them...
anyway, nice job! (as always ^^)

Heh don't ask me, I was doing this as a request from waaay back in (March-May I forget the month), I've have seen 5-6 different versions of this script in the past month. It was requested alot also.

Micklo":13fyx9nn said:
Everytime I try to use the script in my game, I get a message saying: ArgumentError occured while running script. wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)

How do I fix this?

I'm not a mind reader I'd say 90% of the time if you get an error with this script then you have set up the missions incorrectly, but the script should catch most of them or you may have installed the script incorrectly, since I went over the script checking for errors with a fine-tooth comb

but now that I think about it your error is a mistake in calling the Mission Scene isn't it? it needs a parameter area which is a integer value which depending on how you setup the missions will make some missions appear and others disappear, and this is an error on how you set up the script.

@Sol_Fury - Highly unlikely for incompatibility issues since all of the windows are in a module all of the constants are in another module and both of those modules are in another module, unless these classes were modified Sprite, Window_Gold, Window_Help, Window_Command, Game_Party, but some of the methods used werel aliased or these classes are classes I used in the creation of this script.
Umm.....great script...I am wondering...if its possible that it needs switches? Possible variables? Im just wondering....it works perfectly, i love it thanks you very much!
Master InuYasha said:
Umm.....great script...I am wondering...if its possible that it needs switches? Possible variables? Im just wondering....it works perfectly, i love it thanks you very much!

Was that even a question? Yes it uses switches, but you don't have to use them, no it doesn't use variables.
Oh sorry...sometimes it takes time to decipher what I think! :D Umm...I am wondering...im pretty sure you have played FFTA and how there is a quest book and it fills up according to the quests you have completed. Is it possible to make one or...
A Quick Fix Find this code block and add the code in red

        when 2 #no
          if @mission.cancel[COLOR=Red]
            $game_switches[@mission.switch] = false if @mission.switch != nil
            $game_map.need_refresh = true[/COLOR]
            for item_type in ['weapon', 'armor', 'item']
              for item_id in @mission.penalty[item_type + "s"].to_a
                eval("$game_party.lose_#{item_type}(item_id, 1)")
            lose_gold = @mission.penalty['gold'].to_i
Oh, whats that? A New Version being worked on? You say its going to be better than this one now? And to now use this until its rewritten?

Aw. thats nice

Oh, what's that? you say the new version is done Yippy Skippy no wait it's not done? then why have you posted and unlocked this topic? oh its a beta version of the new version oh wow! I'm going to test this for you right now so the new version comes out faster

Aw. that's nice

Time to earn favorite betatester points from me if you don't have any, test this report any bugs to me (except the icons I see that) and you get points and my gratitude (your goal is to get some points and rank above Captain_Jack and Raziel). If you do this I may smile upon you when I'm summoned.

Also This is a BETA VERSION I'll stress that again B-E-T-A V-E-R-S-I-O-N not a full version.

Also if you have the older version go on ahead and trash that. This version is not backwards compatible with it. The older version was scrapped and I rescripted the whole thing from stratch.

Also ignore the first post of this topic, look at the demo for the setup information and the text file is located in the data folder Missions.rxdata

Edit oops forgot the link http://www.rmxp.org/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=268

Demo Updated to Version 0.9.1 Still beta version though



Yayy great system, i beta tested this which means i'm cool 8-).

Anyhow when it comes to making my game i shall probably have this ^_^ thanks for making it.
Mac;153864 said:
Yayy great system, i beta tested this which means i'm cool 8-).

Anyhow when it comes to making my game i shall probably have this ^_^ thanks for making it.

No Mac you have failed me as a betatester just as I failed myself when I did my tests :p

Demo updated to Version 1.1
Fixes an error with having items in the requirements section
Fixes a bug where the first mission name completed in all reward headers
Repositions the text to better suit 32x32 icons

Keep them coming guys



When I put the scripts in my project I get an error in this line:
 if SDK.state("Advanced Mission/Skill/Shop Manager") == true

Does anyone know what is causing this (I'm using SDK 2.2 atm)

Thanks in advance,
MindHunterr;220109 said:
When I put the scripts in my project I get an error in this line:
 if SDK.state("Advanced Mission/Skill/Shop Manager") == true

Does anyone know what is causing this (I'm using SDK 2.2 atm)

Thanks in advance,

Did you put SDK update patch?
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