Huh... you're right... I just remembered the artwork..
Well, it was a bit... sketchy? Nah... Well, I'm an anime-manga gamer, so I try to find games with good manga sketches...
Well... your drawings don't feel like STANDING OUT. They're good. I'll say it again, they're good, but I didn't remember them until you mentioned it, sorry.... Well they're good, can't wait to see it in color.
Oh yeah, forgot to add:
In the history stuff, why would "cursed ones" call humans "pure ones?" that sound like stuff the normal righteous stuck up humans would say, not persecuted beings. To call humans pure ones would mean to call yourself tainted and cursed, which, once a certain society has developed, is stupid. A society wouldn't ostracize its existence. For some reason, I feel like adding in ff12 humans were called "humes." I had a point there but I forgot it.