Ok... so i've been on a bit of a break as of late... but ive decided to post this early... it's unfinished... but has 3 key animations and the one i'm working on now... All done in photoshop... and yet done with a new technique (of common sense) that made making these sprites a breeze... even though i'm far from done...
1.) Ready Stance
2.) Item Usage (completely turns and checks into pouch that player cannot see..)
3.) Attack Evasion (She does what is now known as the "replacement technique"... fitting for a ninja)
4.) Struck (Basic animation for when Katelina gets struck by a weapon... this is the non-critical version) *not done*
These sprites are 100% custom built from scratch and have alot of time and care put into them... please don't take my hard work...

... and also, Please Leave Crits and Critiques... i need them to improve... no excuses...