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Particle Effect Lab & Request

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http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/7959 ... lesyz6.jpg[/img]

Since someone revived my Old topic and it seems that these effects are indeed popular I'm going to open a Lab where I can throw up Creations from time to time, and also I will be taking requests. If you have a request give me a good formal submission. I'm setting the limit of 4 effects per requested batch and I'll only be working on them a few at a time I'll Keep it posted weather requests are open or not, please do not request when I'm closed for business :p

  • I added to the request form "flashiness" To let me know how powerful / wild an animation should look
  • If anyone has a non-megaupload site they'd rather have me use, please specify.
  • I think I'm going to take on no more then 6 requests at a time so when I fill up I'll lock up Requests. If you submit a request when they are closed, you MAY be ignored depending on how I feel. I'm a moody person unfortunately.
  • New Rule: If you want a summon or anything that's extremely elaborate, That's going to count as requesting 2 animations, as they are notably more difficult to do properly. You must also supply an image of the summoned character.
  • I've been forgiving on this so far, but please include the brackets on the format when you make a request.
  • Another thing that should be Noted: I do not draw these out frame by frame, They are a series of particle emitters that I program and arrange to create effects, there are certain effectsthat are difficult to achieve, such as things moving in 3d or simulated 3d space (wings folding for an example), things that transform into other objects etc. Though i Will try my hardest to simulate these effects, know that they may not be what you're expecting.
  • June 05 2007: I have a payed commission at this time so it is taking priority. I will still try to work on some of these requests but they are on my back burner. My apologies. If -anyone- has a problem with this, or decides they want to bug me about their animation, your current request and all future requests will be ignored. My apologies for being so severe.


Requests Are Open

Request Format:

[My Forum name - Animation request: Number (up to 4 for now)]

[Public(I'll release them in this thread for all to use)/Private(I will send them to you in email or PM)]

[Skill Name]
[Skill Element(magic, physical, etc)]
[Brief Description of it's effect and visual ideation]

[Skill Name]
[Skill Element(magic, physical, etc)]
[Brief Description of it's effect and visual ideation]

[Skill Name]
[Skill Element(magic, physical, etc)]
[Brief Description of it's effect and visual ideation]


Any requests not specified to be private, I will assume are public and will be released in this thread. If you do not follow the above format, your request will be ignored. My apologies for that but I don't feel like discerning what you want based on my own intuitions.

First come First serve. Unless you want to pay me in which case, Money first serve, first come second serve. But I'm not asking for payment.

I will Also throw up on this thread anything I do in my free time that I feel like making a public resource.

Work Load

commissions by:

Diegoale2000 (payment)

shadowfox (complete May 30 2007)
EmuMaster2002 (Complete May 30 2007)
DerVVulfman (complete May 31 2007)
Jabwewocky (complete May 31 2007)
mimi chan (completed June 01 2007)
amos (completed June 01 2007)
Alexia (completed June 02 2007)
crispychaney (completed June 02 2007
Vanilla!!! (completed June 02 2007)

Personal Free Time:

Effects for my game
Sonic the Hedgehog styled energy shields.

Shadowfox your animations are ready: ShadowFox

EmuMaster2002 your animations are good to go:
Emu's Are Mean Birds

DerVVolfman your request has been filled:

Jabberwocky, 'twas Brilig and your animations were done.
Vorpal Blade goes Snicker Snack

Mimi chan you're elemental lord was a pain in the ass but here it is, along with the other 2:
Over Powered Effects Initialize!!

Amos36, Take a pill and grab your animations Hyper kid.
Rapid Share just for you.

Alexia, here you go

Crispy Chaney, Your bloody slashes are a little weird but i think they'll be ok.



Mascarpone;220498 said:
what the crap? Bump? don't do that again. :-/ I'll get to you when I can but if you're going to patronize me then no, I won't help you.

everyone: Please don't feel bad, but My life comes first and I've had some things to deal with so Just wait patiently and I'll get your stuff out.

Hey im sorry i didnt know i dont even know what bump means im still n ew to this i just saw everyone else doing it so i thought it was a fad what is it anyway?? and yet again sorru\y



"Tales of..." rip-offs, ftw.

[Negative Gate]
[Somewhere about 8]
[The description would be that it creates a sphere of negative force, which constantly releases energy. Basically, a purple colored sphere that keeps sending waves of energy. If you want a better visual, look here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_389Vlu3C-8&mode=related&search= ; There is a good view on the spell at 2:30.]

[Shining Ray]
[10. Nothing but 10]
[Magical: A shining glyph appears over the enemy, spins around and then sends countless (10+) beams of light down to attack, before dissapearing. Physical: This basically uses a chakram weapon; it is sent up, where it stops above the enemy. It grows in size, turns into a glyph and then sends the beams down. Once it is done, it shrinks to it's original size and returns. Note that the glyph will always spin during the attack, and only stops before it dissapears. Look here for more visuals: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxGIBQ9mA1k&mode=related&search=]

I would highly appreciate if you could take on these requests. ^_^



Btw, with the Zoints profiles back up, please look into setting yours up there.
In the discussion part of it, you can mod threads as you see fit, that way you can remove requests that have already been finished and what not.

We'll leave this thread here for now, but let it'll be closed once you've got your profile set up.

Sorry Mascarpone... But since your effects are so... KICK ASS!!! then I must ask thee to do me another one... (Hey? Don't look at me like, I said sorry...) :) You are the perfect person to do this...


ONE Request! (But I count as three since I want it top notch!)


[Judgement Day]
[Private-Sorry guys... This is the baddies strongest skill]
[Flashiness 10/10]
[A giant holy thunder bolt crashes down and leaves crack in the earth... (Like example) From above, (MUST BE ABOVE)... Then a Giant Blood Red sword appears out of the hole... The sword then Shimmers a load of dark rays, like Holyaja, FFXII (Link)... But dark rays... Onto the ground which sets on fire... (The flames continue to burn until the end)... Then, a dark jewl, in the centre-top, shines... Then, the blade comes crashing, straight down onto the ground, shining a humongus explosion, (I'll add in tonnes of flashes there...) and the flames burn away... Your last frame should be in TOTAL black... The transparency colour must be different to black... The whole world has been destroyed...]

If you finish this... You will be credited ridiculously in my game credits... And WILL receive a free copy of the finished product...

If you do accept this mammoth task... Then you are truely sent from heaven...

Here is a link to Holyaja...


(Look at 1:55)

Tana;226563 said:
Btw, with the Zoints profiles back up, please look into setting yours up there.
In the discussion part of it, you can mod threads as you see fit, that way you can remove requests that have already been finished and what not.

We'll leave this thread here for now, but let it'll be closed once you've got your profile set up.


My profile has been set up thank you Tana. You may lock this thread.

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