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GW's $300 contest!

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As most of you know, at the beginning of the month we had an April Fools' Joke that claimed we were going to be merging with Gaming World. There was some truth behind it, as we'll be affiliating in the future. To honor our relationship with their community, I'm going to let you all know about a contest that they are currently hosting.

Make a game in 2 weeks and win $300!

That's right, Gaming World staff member Sarevok is going to be shelling out three hundred smackaroos to the best game that Gaming World's community can produce- and it's open to you guys, too, if you have an account on Gaming World (so sign up!).

The details of the contest are as follows. You can see the contents of Sarevok's original post in the spoiler:

Gaming World used to be a community about making games. Now it's about posting shitty news topics, [ask]ing about inane common sense subjects and playing soldat. I'm looking to change that - I can't stand soldat. So it's time to give the more creative among you an incentive to get off your ass and...sit back down and make some fresh new games. The primary aim of this contest is to showcase everyone's talents, particularly those that are less well-known and don't have any way to show off their awesome new R-Type clone to anybody. also hopefully this'll bring in some new members to the forum.

Absolutely anything can be used to create the game: RPGMaker, Gamemaker, Flash, C++, notepad, etc etc. The only requirement is that it has to be able to run as a stand-alone game (no U HAVE 2 D/L RTP 2 PLAY please). If I can't get the game to run then the submission is void, no matter how good it is. For the record I get bored rather quickly when playing grindy jRPGs. Final Fantasy: Dragon Legends Xtreme 16 is not likely to win anything. To make it a little more interesting, and give you a little something to work with I've got a dodgy set of features the game HAS to include, else it is disqualified.

I'm going to give each of you a MAXIMUM of 2 weeks to make a game, starting from now and ending at 12:00AM GMT on the 28th April. To enter, simply upload your game to somewhere and post your entry in this topic on GW (click). If you need somewhere to host it PM me and we'll sort something out. Please include [ENTRY] at the top of your post to allow me to find it quickly, in case there's a boatload of comments.

The game I deem the winner will have $300 to spend on cheap porno and drugs.

Second place will receive $100 and a pat on the back.

Third place gets a generous $50.

Last place gets a ban for being so worthless (rami please enforce this <3) note: you probably won't get banned but you should be

Features the game must include:

The protagonist has to be a member of a ragtag band that is against vastly superior numbers.

The playable character(s) have to be bad guys.

A panda must feature prominently in the game. The panda must in some way be integral to the plot - it cannot simply be a 3-second cameo. It doesn't have to be a character.

No orcs, elves, dwarves etc. I don't mind a fantasy game but please no bloody D&D/Tolkienesque stuff. Aliens, robots, mutants and zombies are fully acceptable.

Furthermore, your game MUST adhere to the following:

Every stage of the game's development must take part from today until the deadline: Monday, 12:00AM GMT, 28th April. You can use a preexisting 'engine' to make a game, just not take a half finished game and then finish it.

Only one game per person/team.

Only games posted in this thread will be contest as entries.

Any games that are submitted late will be out of the running for a prize, but I'll still showcase them as honourable mentions.

I must be able to run the game without downloading additional programs.

The 'main plot' needs to be at max about an hour long, and there is no minimum length. This is due to me having to play each and every game around working a full-time job. Bonus content/sidequests etc are fully acceptable as long as the main content of the game is completable in an hour. 'Arena' type games can obviously ignore this as they have no set length. If it's level-based try and keep it within the time, though.

Resources do not have to be custom made (you can use 3 year old tilesets if you want), however it's preferable. I'll only play so many games as Alex before I get bored and start ignoring submissions. read: no 'rtp only games' please.

All games submitted must be both publically accessible and free to play - the aim of this contest is to showcase your game/skills after all.

My decision is final. If I don't like a game then it won't win no matter how much everyone else likes it.

If there's less than 5 entries I'm not going to award any prizes, and you guys should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.

If you don't have a paypal account and have absolutely no way of getting one then I'll try and arrange an alternative prize (such as ordering you something online from amazon), but ultimately the prizes will go to whoever it's easiest to award them too. I'm lazy.

And of course any games that have been made prior to the contest, or evidently have taken much longer than 2 weeks to make. will be ignored and the author banned from future contests.

Every game submitted will be reviewed by me and featured on the main site (of Gaming World) at the end when I've declared the winners. This may take some time depending on the number of entries, or it could take 30 seconds. If the contest is a success and gets a lot of interest then look out for future contests on a regular basis. If you miss out on the prize this time, try again later. Don't be worried if you miss out on a few days either, this was meant to be a 1-week contest but the lack of announcement has made me change it to 2 weeks. It'll be 1 week in future, and announced earlier. Hopefully I'll get more than 2 entries.

The more original your story, the more likely you are to win the prize. If it's a generic 'stop the heroes from the saving the world' plot, you'll need a bloody good game to win. Try and be creative; the features are deliberately generic enough to allow plenty of room for creativity. You could, for example, have a game where you play as an evil bakery that is trying to take over the world with mind-controlling bread. Or a simply flash tower defence game where you have to prevent a hoarde of hungry civvies from reaching their grain supplies. Yes I'm hungry right now shut up.

Mind controlling bread though.....that could be a feature next time.
Just another reason why Gaming World rules.

I still have no fucking clue where Sarevok gets this money. He's either rich irl or like turns everything into gold because jesus christ.
Yeah, wow, he's shelling out $450 smackers total for a game-making contest. That's love, right there.

Well, it's something, anyway.



I should totally restart House for this.

EDIT:  read the rules, nevermind

ps. despain i want a 300 dollar contest here at rmxp.org :(
I might enter it if I understand what is the plot he wants. I really can't get it by what he describes... I don't even know what is ragtag o.o
But yeah, I got <s>pictures</s> screenshots of him stealing 100 banks.
(Pics or it didn't happen?
It didn't happen.)
The no RTP thing is going to annoy me, but I may give it a shot.  If nothing else, it'll give me some experience.  It's awfully nice of him to extend the contest to us.

Just tell me. :l

Geez. Not hard. I did read the rules.

Double Post:


It's in Pokémon east of that island with the burnt-down mansion in the water. Ahh! It's coming back to me!

Don't double post.  Tard.
This sounds really interesting.
Pity I can't take part, since I'm too busy with real life stuff (organizing Day of Silence is turning out to be a pain in the butt) and all that other jazz, but best of luck to those who enter.

I like the panda idea for a method of protecting against older topics.
OMG!!! 300$ is like 300 x 3.60 = 1080 !!!.
Well i want to enter with my Tale Of Zack but nevermind i dont know how to use paypal so there goes my chance.
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