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Your Greatest Misery

I hate bleeding heart liberals (Sorry, I'm ultra-conservative). Not going to go into why cause it would take all day. LOL.

I hate Bass in music. Erks me beyond anything especially when I am trying to sleep and some ass comes by the house at 2:30 in the morning. Awesome.

I also hate it when people ask me to fix their computers cause I work in IT. I don't hate it, really, but it can be very time consuming. Usually it's family so I don't charge them. Maybe I should...LOL.
jbart321;307686":228ylm7r said:
I hate bleeding heart liberals (Sorry, I'm ultra-conservative). Not going to go into why cause it would take all day. LOL.

I hate them too. I'm not ultra conservative but they make me :(

But the world'd be a much meaner place without them constantly bitching about crap :p
My misery? Now that's tough. Off the top of my head, I'd have to say when parents are out in public with their small children and they let them screech obscenities at the the top of their lungs. Honestly, it infuriates me to no end when I'm just looking for a nice new T-shirt and suddenly, little Jimmy starts dropping f-bombs from halfway across the store! It's fine with me if you let your kids curse, but do they have to do it in public and at the highest possible volume? It happens all the time in places like Wal-mart and Target and it pisses me off. Is that too much?



Luminier;307711 said:
My misery? Now that's tough. Off the top of my head, I'd have to say when parents are out in public with their small children and they let them screech obscenities at the the top of their lungs. Honestly, it infuriates me to no end when I'm just looking for a nice new T-shirt and suddenly, little Jimmy starts dropping f-bombs from halfway across the store! It's fine with me if you let your kids curse, but do they have to do it in public and at the highest possible volume? It happens all the time in places like Wal-mart and Target and it pisses me off. Is that too much?

UGHHHH. HOW could I forget that? Seriously, it's so freaking annoying. The parents are just as bad, if not worse. Picture this scenario:

Kid starts screaming in wal-mart, and begins to throw things off the shelf and run around.

Employee tells the parent to get his or her child before he or she gets lost.

The parent is like "Oh! JIMMY GET BACK HERE!"

I love how they act as if they don't know what their kid is doing, when CLEARLY they can see or hear them.

Yes, this is a true story.
Venetia;307695 said:
I hate them too. I'm not ultra conservative but they make me :(

But the world'd be a much meaner place without them constantly bitching about crap :p

Nice. But, the bitching part is what gets me mad mostly. Too much political correctness. But I digress...
My current major annoyance is neighbors who have no consideration for the people living around them.

There's nothing more annoying than waking up at 2 a.m. because the idiot neighbors are having yet another huge party and the bass is so loud that the walls and windows are shaking. Of course, that's promptly followed by waking up at 4 a.m. because the same idiot neighbors are now drunk and yelling/singing to their roommates.
I hate people who jump to conclusions and think they know EVERYTHING about you. Some girl said to me "You think you know everything!" and I wanted to strangle her till I didn't feel a pulse. So I got a kni-
lunarea;307737 said:
My current major annoyance is neighbors who have no consideration for the people living around them.

There's nothing more annoying than waking up at 2 a.m. because the idiot neighbors are having yet another huge party and the bass is so loud that the walls and windows are shaking. Of course, that's promptly followed by waking up at 4 a.m. because the same idiot neighbors are now drunk and yelling/singing to their roommates.

Ooh ooh I have a story about this! The day I graduated high school, I went to the ceremony and all that jazz (because my parents wanted me to, I didn't even really go to the high school, I just did the college program), and then went home. I was pretty exhausted, as I had a pretty bad wound in my side that was bleeding all throughout graduation (my parents REALLY wanted me to go to graduation), so I went to sleep.

Now, I slept pretty well, but my parents reported that the neighbors had been partying till like 4am. So you know, I don't really care, they didn't wake me up, I'm feeling slightly better, since the bandage on my side actually prevented my sheet from getting blood on it. So I walk down to my car to get my backpack out of the trunk, and lo and behold, there is blood all over the inside of it! Yippee hooray!

As it turns out (this is told to me by my other neighbors, who apparently called the police on the people at the party), there had been a fight right before the police arrived to break up the party at like 3:30, and someone had been stabbed. Awesomely enough, s/he sees the police coming, jumps into my car (which my parents had last been driving, and decided to leave unlocked), and hides from the police, somehow getting blood all over the seat, on the windows, and all over the wheel. Asshole didn't even get caught, and god knows the neighbors aren't going to pay for having my car cleaned out.

So now my car smells like bleach, there's bloodstains on the seats and wheel and I feel fabulous! Oh and the day afterwards they had a party too, and this one did keep me up all night.
... Damn

Sounds like someone needs to choke a bitch D':

(Is it illegal to bleed all over someone's car? What a strange circumstance)



Me? I put my friends before my family, and often I feel like I'm being inconsiderate to the people who have raised me. It all gets worse when my sister puts me through 'guilt trips' after I do something fun without her (go to a party, spend the day with my friends, see a movie she wanted to go see).
Wow, I thought my neighbors were bad, but Andy's story trumps mine for sure!

Here's another annoyance:
I know a couple of people that are always going through some major problem. If it's not their car that broke down, it's their girlfriend breaking up with them. And even when something great happens to them, they somehow find some tiny negative thing to focus on. One such acquaintance won the lottery (not the big bucks, but hundreds of thousands) and somehow found a way to get depressed and then rant about how family members will come out of the woodwork to get in good with them.

And to make matters worse, these people are just kind enough to point out every downside to the news you share. Just had a baby? They'll be the first to say you won't be getting any sleep. Bought a new computer? Hey, they'll be glad to point out that it'll be obsolete in a couple years. Getting married? 50% of marriages end in divorce.

I can understand that life gets us down sometime, and that bad things happen. But to live every moment of every day just focusing on the negative seems so wrong. And it annoys me to no end when these people try to drag others down with them.
lunarea;307737 said:
My current major annoyance is neighbors who have no consideration for the people living around them.

There's nothing more annoying than waking up at 2 a.m. because the idiot neighbors are having yet another huge party and the bass is so loud that the walls and windows are shaking. Of course, that's promptly followed by waking up at 4 a.m. because the same idiot neighbors are now drunk and yelling/singing to their roommates.

I am kind of happy I am not the only one who has neighbor like this(not that I want you to suffer, LOL). I used to have to put up with loud music and parties on a random basis, but I complained and called the cops enough that they have toned down over the last year. Rarely do I hear them anymore.

When you live in close proximity to another house, you have to be respectful. I am never loud and even try to keep my dogs as quiet as possible. Some people just never learn and are just ghetto trash.



My greatest misery...

Realizing the person you thought you were in love with doesn't view you in the same light, and then (after much vocal internal monologue) realizing that you don't know whether your feelings are love or obsession since you really have no basis for comparison because you are anti-social (mostly because that same person pretty much walked out of your life oh, so many years ago, (though not by choice) and you just reconnected within the last year).

Yep, that deffinately(sp?) keeps you up at night, and sometimes crying.
An hour? Damn... I can't stay focused on anything for more than 20mins, and i tested negative for ADD when i got tested several years back.
Racism. It's not even a pet peeve, I just feel like the fact that we are all alive should be cherished, no matter what we look like.

I'm your basic caucasian. I'm the typical American. I'm friends with arabs, chinese, irish, african americans.

You name it, I'm friends with them.

I want to kill racists.

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