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Your Greatest Misery

So many misconceptions about science going on here... Allow a science person to clear some things up about the philosophies behind science, and what is considered decorum in the scientific community.

It is always taught - and has been taught to me in all my science courses - that science doesn't ever state anything as a end-all fact, nor does it ever want to attempt to. The philosophy behind science is to test to disprove, not to prove. You never form a hypothesis to prove it - you only test to see if your hypothesis can be proven to be untrue. There is no 'capital T' truth in science - science always wants to leave a window open for new discoveries, ideas, and thought. It would go against the philosophy and purpose of science to state something as an undisputed fact.

Also, just because something is a theory does not mean it cannot be tested. Your concept of theory is a little skewered, BusterSword. Usually theories are formed after a considerable amount of testing. You do not test theories - you test hypotheses.

I don't want to turn this into a religious debate, just clear up some misconceptions you might have about science. Science is your friend. :D Your science textbook isn't out to get you - religion and science can coexist quite peacefully. :] As I said, a theory is just a possibility - most scientists, especially with the Big Bang theory, say it may or may not be true; the fact is, it's really impossible to know. Scientists just want to try to fend testable means as to explain our existence.
coloratura;301480 said:
So many misconceptions about science going on here... Allow a science person to clear some things up about the philosophies behind science, and what is considered decorum in the scientific community.

It is always taught - and has been taught to me in all my science courses - that science doesn't ever state anything as a end-all fact, nor does it ever want to attempt to. The philosophy behind science is to test to disprove, not to prove. You never form a hypothesis to prove it - you only test to see if your hypothesis can be proven to be untrue. There is no 'capital T' truth in science - science always wants to leave a window open for new discoveries, ideas, and thought. It would go against the philosophy and purpose of science to state something as an undisputed fact.

Also, just because something is a theory does not mean it cannot be tested. Your concept of theory is a little skewered, BusterSword. Usually theories are formed after a considerable amount of testing. You do not test theories - you test hypotheses.

I don't want to turn this into a religious debate, just clear up some misconceptions you might have about science. Science is your friend. :D Your science textbook isn't out to get you - religion and science can coexist quite peacefully. :] As I said, a theory is just a possibility - most scientists, especially with the Big Bang theory, say it may or may not be true; the fact is, it's really impossible to know. Scientists just want to try to fend testable means as to explain our existence.

What I mean by it can't be tested is that there's no way to prove that the Earth was formed from a big explosion. It's just impossible, yet my science book clearly stated that that was definitely how our universe was formed (there were no "most scientists believe that..." or "the universe may have been formed by..."). And now that I think about it, I don't even know why it's considered a theory at all. :/

It's not so much the "theory" itself as it is the textbooks. I know they're not out to get me, it's just there's something about it that pisses me off. I can't help it. *shrug*
There's no way to indefinitely prove - but if you look up information on the Big Bang theory, you would find that there are numerous ways in which they are testing it. I would go into it, but it would take a lot of explaining and it's not necessary here. It's not impossible that the Big Bang happened - just, given the odds, improbable. But improbable does not equate to impossible. Scientists don't look down upon creationism (there are actually many that accept it and challenge theories like Big Bang - if there's one thing that is universally true about science, is that there is always disagreement and argument! :p), but don't wait for them to 'accept' it. As rexxzecutioner said, anything that cannot be tested, measured or observed is not something that concerns science.

Also, I am kind of dubious on your textbook stating it as absolute truth - where do you live? In the US, many states, even some of the more liberal ones, have it so that it's illegal to do so, to mention one theory of existence without the other. In some states, it's illegal to even mention things like Big Bang or Evolution at all. Some textbooks out there are corrupt and unreasonable, but usually on the high school/junior high level, where law dictates what they book can and cannot say.

So don't hate science - you might just have a horrible, corrupt textbook. :] I can guarantee you, the scientific community
would not approve of that at all!

And if you couldn't tell, I guess my other misery is people misinterpreting the goals behind science. :D Hehehe. I love science, it breaks my heart when I see people have such a skewered perception of such a wonderful thing.
I'm with coloratura on this one. BusterSword, I actually had a science teacher who was muslim and believed in creation. He taught evolution. Go figure.

For centuries religion paralysed science. People were taught not to tust anything they couldn't touch, and science was frowned upon and even outlawed. So it is easy to see why religion and science clash.

See The FLying Spagetti Monster. A parody created when Inteligent Design was being taught in classrooms as 'science'. "I don't have a problem with religion. What I have a problem with is religion posing as science." So could we say that anything that can never, ever be proved (or disaproved) isn't science? In any case I don't think there would be a scientist in the world who reguards the big bang as a certain fact. There are many more theories from many more people.

Science is easy to believe, at least when things have been proved. Even when they haven't things are often descirbed in undeniable logic and thus seem more likely. You say that it is more likely that there is an omnipotent being that created us, but then why do we live in an imperfect world? Why do we have an apendix and widom teeth?

An equaly likely theory is that we are all just a computer siulation. :P I have nothing agaisnt religion, or scientists, just when they hold a grudge against the other.

None of that has anything to do with the comment, but I wanted to add my 2cents. In fact that's one thing that annoys me, when I can't. As for this thread of course we are going to see a lot of 'peeves'. How many people have something that makes them so miserable that they struggle to live with it? How many different things do they have that make them want top rip someones heart out? Ok, I'm going over the top, but you see my point.

PS: This is a very negative thread, comes with the territory I guess. Time to light it up. I like lightsabers!
I'd just like to clarify again that I don't hate science itself. :p

But anyways, for some reason it really annoys me when people listen to nothing but metal. I'm not sure why, since I generally don't care about other people's musical tastes, but it just really annoys me when they show up to school every day wearing Slayer, Trivium, or As I Lay Dying shirts (I am talking about a specific person here, in case you were wondering) and only talks about metal. I guess it's just that it seems like they're just following the metal trend or something that bothers me. I dunno.
It's cool, I kinda expected it to go everywhere. Like I said before it's hard for everyone to have multiple miseries, I shoulda realized peeves'd work their way in. Ah hell, post your peeves, too.

Just the really bad ones, though. :')

Sure, it's negative, but hey, whole world isn't sunshine and puppies :'>
It's just really hard to find something that makes you that miserable, I think that's what it is! :p But they do exist! I truly did mean it when I said I cannot stand key jingling. It's more than a pet peeve. I just can't put into words how much the sound just pushes me over the edge!

Venetia, as for your feet thing... I can understand that! I actually find finding feet repulsive a little more reasonable than say, a foot fetish. :p (I'll never understand that!) I just look at feet and find them so strange looking! If you look at them for too long, they almost begin to look rather alien-like or just plain outright weird.

I do like hands though - I find them rather nice. :3
Yeah we do, it is just too easy to be distracted by something when we want to voice our opinions. It pisses me off when I can't. You see the irony? Pointing that out rexxzecutioner is basically spam and doesn't help.

Now I've had my say I'll get back on topic.

What makes me miserable? Really miserable, not angry of furious but that feeling of helplessness that is worse that anger? Friday and Saturday nights home alone. I can't help but feel like everyone is having the time of their lives partying and I'm sitting home by myself missing out. No, I'm not anti-social. I'm well liked and have a lot of good friends. But my close mates are the same as me and don't hit the parties. My friends further out, well it would feel strange asking them, and rocking up to something by myself scares me to death. It's like my body and mind fears change horribly and over the years I have built it up so much that it's ridiculous. If it doesn't seem like a big deal to other people here, trust that it is for this teenager that thinks too much.

Isn't it weird how you can share such a deep part of yourself to random people all across the world you don't know on a forum. It's easier. The sad thing is most of us probably don't open up enough to the people that count...
coloratura;301522 said:
It's just really hard to find something that makes you that miserable, I think that's what it is! :p But I truly did mean it when I said I cannot stand key jingling. It's more than a pet peeve. I just can't put into words how much the sound just pushes me over the edge!

Lol, I can't stand to not do that if I don't have anything else to occupy me. I must play with my keys! XD



Okay, here's what I hate. Corporal punishments. Especially ones in schools. For those who don't know, (how should I define it in my own words...) corporal punishments is when some authority figure (I'll use teacher) forces pain on some person with the intent of changing their behavior. I remember experiencing a few myself and some of them weren't pretty. That was back in elementary school though. I mean, I was a do-no-wrong good kid but the teachers seemed to have something stuck up their ass or something but it seemed like they just force pain on people for some stupid reasons. I remember seeing an autistic kid clapping, the teacher walks over, yells something along the lines of "you like clapping?" then grabs both of her hands and kinda makes her clap her own head...which is pretty messed up. I also remember one of my teachers throwing a giant bitch-fit whenever someone didn't do homework and as punishment, the teacher would have the student walk over to the desk, as the student puts his writing hand down on the teacher's desk, he swallows his pride as the teacher hits the back of his (students) hand with a ruler.

I would go and rant away about school punishments but I don't want to post a long post nor do I want anyone feeling all "tl;dr" so I'll keep it short.

I'll probably elaborate later on or something. Right now I'm soooo tired. :p
Where I'm from corporal punishment is illegal. Has been for some time. But that didn't stop one teacher who was from Kentucky dig in with a ruler - and if you think rulers/yardsticks hurt you haven't had one of those collapsible pointer wand things on the back of the neck. I still have a scar on my shoulder from way the hell back when some nearly 16 years ago.
Damn, I didn't think that was legal at all in the US anymore :'O (Punk don't you live in the US? I coulda sworn you do).

Once an old hag of a teacher snatched me up by my arm hard enough to leave a bruise and I swear I wanted to sue that b!tch 3 weeks from Sunday. Were I over 18 at the time, I so would have. The sue-happy folks of today get on my nerves but no one should be allowed to assault someone else. Not cops or anyone, unless they themselves are physically provoked into it.

Here's a large peeve of mine I'm sure dudes won't get: those little cap sleeves on womens' shirts. You know, the ones that are like 1 inch long past the shoulder and do nothing but get bunched up in your armpit and make your upper arms look like roast hams.

It seems like every single f'ing shirt I see nowadays has cap sleeves, and my arms are too long for full sleeves (I'm much taller than the average woman so I have to buy extra long pants and all long-sleeve shirts don't cover my wrists). It's so ridiculously hard to find 3/4 length, or, >gasp< actual T-shirt sleeve length.

This seems like a trivial thing but I hate cap sleeves so much I almost never go clothes shopping. It just puts me in a really bad mood all day to search for hours for just a stupid shirt and wind up with nothing >_<.




People with no sense of boundaries. It's the only thing that really makes me angry.

As an example;

I had friends over to my mother's house to role-play. I had told them that if they were hungry I could make them some Ramen or something. They knew my family was rather poor and that any other food in the house was meant to last us at least a month. One of my friends, who likes to cook, decided she was going to walk into my kitchen without asking and start making everyone food. She used our steak, for my family eating steak was a once in a great while privilege. I snapped. I ran into the kitchen when I smelled it, said some rather colorful words and when she looked at me with an oblivious grin, I hit her and demanded she leave my house.

That's the most extreme case, but it's common for me to react that way to people who forgo boundaries and just do what they want, especially if it's in my house with my belongings.

I have no idea why it bugs me so much but it's lost me some friends and upset a great deal of the ones that didn't leave all together.

Edit: Venetia, you are not alone. I hate those damn shirts too. Add another inch or scrap the design, those are uncomfortable, ugly shirts and no woman should have to deal with sleeves bunched in her armpits..



rexxzecutioner;301009 said:
The general public. I stated in #slackdev the other day but I will reiterate. Yes this is 100% honesty and I would not tell it if it were not. I began to notice psychological changes and observable physical changes in my body when I am around pretty much anyone. At work, or anywhere else. My body temperature rises and begin to sweat due to this, and also my muscles tense up and I feel rage. It is not paranoia, it is not anxiety, nor is it anything else. I have very angry thoughts when I am around people, and it's quite perplexing. I was not always like this, but my rage is also compounded due to my customer relations. I can only hope that I do not snap one day.

Thats...not normal. I'm not being sarcastic here, in all honestly maybe you should be checked for the bi-polar syndrome. To be irritated with people sometimes is normal, but all the time isn't healthy at all. Sure there are stupid people, but everyone has to put up with everyone. How else do you plan on getting married and coping with your spouse? I'm sure you two aren't going to like the same things, and will probably do some things that annoy you. Deal with it. I'll probably get flamed for expressing my opinion, but oh well.

My greatest misery would have to be ass kissers. All day, every day they kiss up and people fall for it. I get penalized because I say it like it is. It's really stupid.
Bogus;307242 said:
People with no sense of boundaries. It's the only thing that really makes me angry.

As an example;

I had friends over to my mother's house to role-play. I had told them that if they were hungry I could make them some Ramen or something. They knew my family was rather poor and that any other food in the house was meant to last us at least a month. One of my friends, who likes to cook, decided she was going to walk into my kitchen without asking and start making everyone food. She used our steak, for my family eating steak was a once in a great while privilege. I snapped. I ran into the kitchen when I smelled it, said some rather colorful words and when she looked at me with an oblivious grin, I hit her and demanded she leave my house.

That's the most extreme case, but it's common for me to react that way to people who forgo boundaries and just do what they want, especially if it's in my house with my belongings.

I have no idea why it bugs me so much but it's lost me some friends and upset a great deal of the ones that didn't leave all together.

Edit: Venetia, you are not alone. I hate those damn shirts too. Add another inch or scrap the design, those are uncomfortable, ugly shirts and no woman should have to deal with sleeves bunched in her armpits..

i have the same problem. :{
moochers. freeloaders.
Elias;307249":3v5wpmqf said:
My greatest misery would have to be ass kissers. All day, every day they kiss up and people fall for it. I get penalized because I say it like it is. It's really stupid.

Heh, you'd hate me, then. I kiss ass so much my nose is brown. Fact of the matter is, in the business world, kissing ass is the best way to get ahead. You can tell people like it is when you're at the top. :-/



I wasn't really referring to the work force...I meant people and friends in general. For example, people who say things to other people just to get on their good side.

Granted, like you said, yes...there is a level of "ass-kissing" in the work force. But... I prefer to call it..."Acting nice to get ahead".

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