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Your Greatest Misery

In contrast to Sixty's "Your Guilty Pleasure", post your greatest peeves you wouldn't tell just anyone about.

Things like hating bad movies or your peeve with your annoying cousin doesn't belong here. Those are peeves, not miseries.

This is about hating crap:
~ That a greater majority of people either like or feel apathetic about.
~ That you hate so much, deep down, you'd do something extraordinary to never experience it again. Meaning, it's a LOT more than a peeve.
~ Not related to religion or race. And preferably not specific people at all. This isn't a flame thread intended to offend specific people or people who what they can't change/what they believe. You can say stuff like, "folks who drink from the carton" or something, because you're hating the action, not necessarily the person specifically.


Here's mine, for example:

~ I H-A-T-E human feet. Feet of all shapes and sizes. Not just a little, A LOT. I wish we all had paws or something. I wear socks everywhere, and almost never wear shoes that reveal the foot or toes. Mine don't really have anything wrong with them, I just hate them. Hate the shape, the look, the various diseases and infections and malformities people have on their feet. Nothing grosses me out more. If it didn't hurt, and I could still get around somehow, I'd cut 'em off. I hate them that much. Especially toenails.

~ Second thing: people letting their cats run wild outside and thinking it's perfectly fine. If you're out in the country or whatever, then ... Yeah, whatever. But it literally decreases their average lifespan by over a decade (most outdoors cats don't live to see 11, but most indoor cats can live into their 20's). It annoys the neighbors. It creates all sorts of problems. Plus, a lot of people take it too far and leave their cats out in the cold, and that's cruel (cats don't have the body fat or fur density necessary to survive extreme low temperatures). Not to mention, cats are dumb, and they get lost constantly.

Whenever I see a neighbor with an outdoors cat I want to pop them in the face. I don't, because I'm too lazy to start $#!t, but I wish putting cats outside resulted in a fine of some sort, like it does with dogs.


Okay, go :')
The general public. I stated in #slackdev the other day but I will reiterate. Yes this is 100% honesty and I would not tell it if it were not. I began to notice psychological changes and observable physical changes in my body when I am around pretty much anyone. At work, or anywhere else. My body temperature rises and begin to sweat due to this, and also my muscles tense up and I feel rage. It is not paranoia, it is not anxiety, nor is it anything else. I have very angry thoughts when I am around people, and it's quite perplexing. I was not always like this, but my rage is also compounded due to my customer relations. I can only hope that I do not snap one day.
You my friend, have nothing wrong (some might say you're a sociopath, but you're not).

In fact, I get that VERY often. Like, when people tries to stop the bus 25 meters before the bus stop and then complaint about it not stopping. I feel just like yelling "idiots" at them.

And when they yell to the secretary at social security and the poor girl can do nothing, I feel like kicking their butts (maybe I'm a super hero XD)

I also, feel an awkward disgust at the average people, and sometimes when it's really crowded, I feel like kicking everyone's asses...

But I know I wouldn't, so I calm myself... but there's nothing wrong on hating people, specially when they act like they were from another planet or ignore general culture rules
God I am so the same. I so frequently go on rants about how idiotic people are, especially in movies. But the worst thing is when people SCREAM. Why?! It's just such a painful, annoying noise and it doesn't do anything except fuck off everyone nearby. In movies people are hiding then they see a monster and start screaming. The monster hears them and attacks and kills them.

Or if two people are trying to get to each other, or one of them is slowly being killed, they're yelling each others names nonstop. It's so annoying. Instead of making some effort to help the other person, it's just 'Jimmy!' 'Jimmy!''Jimmy!''Jimmy!''Jimmy!' Then they die and the person sits down and cries. This is in movies, true, but stuff like it happens in real life. People with annoying voices making WAY too much pointless noise.
People bringing babies to movies rated PG-13 and above.

Yeah, seriously, why the fuck would you bring a baby to have them watch some sex scenes and cussing, when that's the exact things parents are trying to have their kids avoid? Also, it's frickin' annoying. During the middle of a movie I have to hear some little twat cry during my viewing, I feel like I just want to say, aloud, "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DAMN BABY!" (sorry for bad language, that's just my feelings :()... Of course that actually might draw some attention to myself. O_o
I like how even though Venetia stated pretty clearly what constitutes 'misery', people still list pet peeves as if they are the end of the world. Seriously, babies in movie theaters? Annoying, but it's not like you seriously have to control the urge to walk up, steal the baby, place it under your tire and splatter it's adorable bite-size organs on the asphalt.

And considering rexxz has a physical reaction, I'd say he's got more of a dislike of people in general than you.

What I hate? Predictably I'd say most the people on this forum, but no, you all are an annoyance, not something I care about enough to want to kill.

My misery extends from people with no sense of gratitude or personal responsibility. I have come within inches (mentally) of going at my brother with a ball point pen and jabbing it into his throat. And I have seriously injured my hand punching a wall repeatedly when he let people party at my house (without him even there) while my parents were away at my great-grandmother's funeral. (and yes, injuring myself through violence is a way to relieve frustration and hostility for me, I have anger issues)
A big thing that I hate is disrespect and general underestimation. I have this "friend", who is physically at the top of his game, and he loves to belittle every little thing I do just because of the fact that I'm physically in worse shape than him. on the contrary, however, I believe that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, so I hate disrespecting people by underestimating them. Hell, even the weakest of the weak can become something great. But whatever.


Just thought of another one:

I absolutely hate it when girls (and some guys, but not too often) complain that they're "fat" when they're actually pretty slim. I know people with real health problems like obesity, and these girls conmplain that they're fay, yet they don't make the effort of working out. There's nothing wrong with being fat in my opinion, as long as you're happy (or proportionate, cuz being unproportionate means you're having serious weight issues) I really wish that these girls would look at reality for a sec and use their times more productively. Meh.
Abusively prone individuals. Let me rephrase that in a more suiting measure: people who repeatably abuse others. I'm not talking about bullying, but harsh abuse. People who beat, or talk down to the point of their victims crashing. Tears. All of that.

If I even hear a rumor of someone I know abusing, or being abused, I'll most definitely end up involved. I've lost jobs over it, I've gotten kicked out of a school for it. If it hurts, I really have to stop and walk away from any situations. I'll have to avoid the entire group around said persons.

Person A is being abused. Person B is their sister, who let it slip from their lips. Person C is the abuser. Person D is their mutual friend. Person E isn't involved. The only person I'll be able to be around is E without ending up in it. I'll go as far as ending up trading fists - which is ironic if you think about that - with person D over it if the words don't come out right.

Can't help it. Pisses me off to no extent. Afterwards I always feel like I'm going to vomit.

Even if I can't get involved for some reason - be it I simply can't, I'd have to drive to Jersey to be (though I probably would end up getting a ride...) or some such - I still find a habit of getting deteriorated by it. Which is sad. Because I have no reason to. Yet, there I am doing so.
This isn't so much of a misery, Sixty, but I have kind of a similar problem with people who are in trouble themselves, either emotionally or otherwise. I devote so much of my time and energy to telling them that life is worth living that I run myself ragged. I do everything I can, from driving people to hospitals in the middle of the night on a whim, to ditching work to provide comfort, to wasting hours and hours of my life thinking/doing sentimental things to cheer them up.

Then what do I get in return? Squat. Not even a single one of my friends has even tried to contact me for my birthday, which is Monday. I'm done being pissed off, but it's definitely misery to know I wasted so much time and energy empathizing for people that couldn't give two shits when I have problems or events.


I kinda expected people to post some peeves, but it's not a biggie. Being so emotionally affected by things doesn't happen all the time. I hate babies in movies, too. Not enough to eviscerate the parents of the people who bring the kids, but, you know, we can't all be sociopathic ;').

Oh but for rexx, I used to feel very similar. It stemmed from my being in retail. The feeling has turned into just apathy since I quit there, too. I think that it's not really possible to like people after publicly serving so many idiots in the general public ;').


As for more general misery, I also feel it towards Florida. I f'king hate Florida. Especially in the summer.

It's not just the heat, though. It's the shitty road systems. It's the yokels. It's the methlabs. It's all the bible-thumpers (being religious is fine, it's the rubbing it in everyones' faces that pisses me off). It's the country-bumpkin accents. It's the humidity and the completely random and retarded weather. It's how Christmas feels hollow and stupid because it's still 80 degrees out and too humid/rainy to decorate. It's how uneducated people are here. I hate how flat it is. I hate the enormous roaches and how you can't walk around outside at night because you'll come back a festering mess of mosquito sores.

This is a seething hate. I feel real anger when I drive around. I think about ways I can move away for large parts of my day. I feel a real longing for San Diego, my hometown, as if it's a close friend who died. If a plague broke out here or something and I was all that was left, I think I'd be (well, first, tripped out) relieved.

Ugh, sucks to be so in debt as I am, though. I just can't afford a move.

And I think the fact that I'm trapped here is what I hate more than anything. >:'(
Ven, it is if your in my skin.
I'm not talking about justifying or getting the police as much as I am talking about something else that I don't like. It's white knuckling the feeling.
Apart from feeling that general hatred towards people, on an individual basis I am quite amiable and friendly. I just do not attempt to portray that demeanor in public, as I do not enjoy meeting new people or talking to people. My work, however, requires it, which I suppose is the stem for all of my anger. Being forced into a position that requires a drastic alteration of my personality.

Another thing that absolutely boils my blood are nationalist immigrants who choose to be patriotic solely to the country that they came from, and neglecting the one they moved to. Example being the many Mexicans here in Texas that I see on a daily basis proudly aving their Mexican flag, yet no sign of any respect for the country that they have moved to that offers them a much wider possibility for happiness and success.
rexxzecutioner;301443":2d3n3dai said:
Another thing that absolutely boils my blood are nationalist immigrants who choose to be patriotic solely to the country that they came from, and neglecting the one they moved to. Example being the many Mexicans here in Texas that I see on a daily basis proudly aving their Mexican flag, yet no sign of any respect for the country that they have moved to that offers them a much wider possibility for happiness and success.

YES. YES. People here fly the Confederate flag. That may as well be a different country (because they were trying to make it such before they lost the Civil War). GET USED TO IT, PEOPLE. THE SOUTH LOST. WELL OVER A HUNDRED YEARS AGO. In So. Cal, the Mexico flag got on my nerves, too.

Blarg, it's hard not to post peeves, I'm noticing :s
If you were implying that was a pet peeve of mine, I would have to politely correct you. While it may not be something incredibly serious that ruins my life, I am very much serious about my opinions regarding that, and nationalism in general.

*edit* and I may clarify that I have no problem displaying pride of your heritage, however if you want to go so far as flag waving, at least show both. I come from the deep south(Biloxi, MS) and while I have never felt the need to validate my nationalism, if I were to I would show both the state flag and the flag of the United States of America.
This may sound like a pet peeve, but the extent to which I hate it and loathe it and abhor it is beyond pet peeve. :p When people jingle their keys as a way of showing impatience... it just drives me to insanity. I can't stand it!

I have no idea why it sets me off so much, but it really does. :<
Venetia":3p0lpem3 said:
Not even a single one of my friends has even tried to contact me for my birthday, which is Monday.

Holy crap! Your Oct 22 also?! Me too! Wow lol.

But I totally feel you on the working hard for other people and not getting squat in return....
I hate science textbooks... something about the way they always seem to state every little thing (like the Big Bang THEORY) as an undisputable fact just seems to piss me off. That's probably why science is my worst subject (since I'm sitting through most of the class seeing red).

I don't know why it pisses me off so much... it just seems like it's slapping me in the face and saying "I'm right, and you fail at life because your beliefs suck".

Big Bang Theory for example. I remember reading a science textbook a year or two ago that said something like this: "Billions of years ago, a giant glob of dust exploded and formed the universe" (that's a lot of paraphrasing, but you get the idea of how it was presented). It mainlypisses me off because for some reason it's stated as an absolute truth, even though it is just a THEORY and therefore can't be tested (And yes, you can argue that creation can't be tested either, but I personally find it much easier to believe that a high power purposefully created the universe rather than a giant explosion, by some cosmic coincidence, created an entire universe and *gasp* perfectly functioning lifeforms and a life-sustaining environment completely on accident). I think there were some other reasons, but now I've got myself all wound up thinking about it...

I know you're probably thinking by now that I'm just some close-minded religious zealot or something, but the truth is that I hate close-mindedness. It seems like science (generally) won't accept the creation aspect because *gasp* it has to do with religion! I mean, if you honestly think about it, the Big Bang has to be the most far-fetched ans unlikely event to ever happen... ever (in my opinion, of course).

Well, I'm going to shut up now before this post gets too long. :p
Alright, no religion debates now. But for what it's worth I agree with you, Bustersword. Science is an ever-present thing that is always changing, it should very seldom be presented as indisputable fact, just like anything else.

But I digress.
Science is and always has been the most logical and reasonable CURRENT understanding of the world around us. It is ever changing due to new technologies and advances in our research. Nothing is infallible, obviously, but science on principle alone is going to be at any given time the greatest understanding that we as humans can observe about any given thing.

And no, I am not trying to debate religion, only science.

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