United States of America
- What do you like about your country?
The diversity in environments. You don't have to travel outside the country to find someplace different.
- What do you dislike?
The Electoral College. We call ourselves a democracy, but we have someone else vote for us. WTF?
Corruption in government. One of the democratic superdelegates said he'd vote for whomever gave him the most money. Well, at least he's being honest...
- What country would you live in, were you given the choice?
Australia. It sounds so much peaceful than the U.S. and they already speak English, so I'd probably love it there.
- What country would you/do you like to visit?
I'm not much of a traveler, but I do like going to Canada when we're in the northern part of Vermont.
- What do you like about your country?
The diversity in environments. You don't have to travel outside the country to find someplace different.
- What do you dislike?
The Electoral College. We call ourselves a democracy, but we have someone else vote for us. WTF?
Corruption in government. One of the democratic superdelegates said he'd vote for whomever gave him the most money. Well, at least he's being honest...
- What country would you live in, were you given the choice?
Australia. It sounds so much peaceful than the U.S. and they already speak English, so I'd probably love it there.
- What country would you/do you like to visit?
I'm not much of a traveler, but I do like going to Canada when we're in the northern part of Vermont.