The Netherlands
Alcohol, Smoking, Going out 16+
Driving, High perc. Alcohol 18+
Drugs, Going out 18+ 21+
- What do you like about your country?
I think telling you what I don't like would be much easier, still taken a lot of time, which I don't have, as it is already freaking three in the morning, and I have to rise and shine way too early. Anywayzzz, I like the freedom, I like the drinking age, I like the do what ever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want culture. (I like the Monday things they say...). I like the nationalism, the soccer/football sensation and ambiance. I like driving on the right side of the road; I like sailing and driving ships in our waters, which are plenty over here; I like the obliged insurances and the caring for people that don't got anything; I like the music on the radio; I like the non-synchronized movies on television; I like the diversity of shit we learn at school - also liking the fact that we have different schools for different smartness'; I like the beer; I like the tourists; I like being able to bike to everywhere, as everything lies so close upon...
- What do you dislike?
I don't like the bureaucracy; I don't like the cowardliness of our government; I don't like the typical pure dutch people; I don't like people always being in a hurry; I don't like people ignoring the traffic lights; I don't like the doctors; I defintly don't like the macho dutch guys - we have a lot of 'em. I don't like the turkish people making stupid jokes; I don't like Geert Wilders; I don't like the fact that people are being liquidized in the city I live; I don't like the need to put people into boxes - stamping, labeling; I don't like the greediness.
- What country would you live in, were you given the choice?
England, I love the accent, and I tend to write centimetre instead of centimeter. One thing I won't like is driving left.
Belgium, I love the people over there. That's just it.
Germany, Lovely Country, but New Zealand might be better...
America, I wanted to do High School over there - like in the movies
- What country would you/do you like to visit?
England, Ireland, America, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, South Africa
- If you're not a native English speaker, where/how did you learn to speak English?
It all started with Television. Then computer stuff. Later, we learned some red yellow green and blue shit at primary school. Rest of television, music, dictionary, school (order of effectiveness)