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[XP] FMBS XRXS Fully Working + Custom Enhancement

revee":ptnfajgv said:
Arasthel":ptnfajgv said:
It seems like there's a compression error with the last update, i can't unpack some files from the demo rar -i suppose they are damaged-, and also i can't get the script (txt) working in an old demo because of some code errors - there's an error with an "end" in line 184, i think, and when i fix it, errors appear everywhere. Could you fix that, please ^^u?

yeah... i feel the same way to.... >.<
please fix that... i'm curious...
anyway, the semi person( the sprite that mimic the player above HP and MP)
only moved in one direction... to the right....
and... when you open the menu, the sprite don't dissapapear...
anyway.... GREAT JOB ^^a
thats too bad, i'am sorry for that trouble now i can't upload a demo but this is my prev links

Here's working cbe script : http://www.mediafire.com/?2xieuyxei5z
NOTE SKILL MODE is Nearly completed i'am suspended it because i had a quiz exam on my class. maybe next week i continue workin on it
how do I add character sound and costum skill animation? like when you is going to jump the sound of the character sound like hmph and the skill thing is like dragonball, when you use kamehame ha then the guy is doing the pose and luanch the wave
Henry987":10v9n0c4 said:
how do I add character sound and costum skill animation? like when you is going to jump the sound of the character sound like hmph and the skill thing is like dragonball, when you use kamehame ha then the guy is doing the pose and luanch the wave

  Go To Full CBS Part 6 (SKill)
  Go to "case skill_id" without quotes
  then add
  When x ( X reflects on skill id on Database rmxp)
  below that "when" insert this code
                          COMMAND LIST
NOTE t = Time, its mean that action will be executed in that t(Time)
  COMMAND                                               RESULTS  
@action_duration[t] = your value                         Makes Duration of the skill before execute next command/action
@ai_shooting_range_x_max[t] = your value                 Launch Horizontal AI controlled projectile type skill with maximum range that projectile can reach
@ai_shooting_range_x_min[t] = your value                 Launch Horizontal AI controlled projectile type skill with minimum range that projectile can reach
@ai_shooting_range_y_max[t] = your value                 Launch Vertical AI controlled projectile type skill with maximum range that projectile can reach
@ai_shooting_range_Y_min[t] = your value                 Launch Vertical AI controlled projectile type skill with minimum range that projectile can reach
@active_move_x_plan[t] = Steps                           Move the battler Horizontally to the step destination
@active_move_y_plan[t] = Steps                           Move the battler Vertically to the step destination
@active_move_z_plan[t] = Steps                           Move the battler Diagonally to the step destination 
@active_xspeed_plan[t] = Speed                           Makes the battler to go the destination (Horizontally) with Speed you adjusted
@attack_motion_plan[t] = x                               Change battler Graphics to x = Number (can be viewed in the end of battler names)
@attack_rectan_plan[t] = Rect.new( X, Y, WIDTH, HEIGHT)  Draw area of attack in x, y, width, height (Can be viewed in debug mode)
@attack_skl_id_plan[t] = Your skill id on database       Execute an skill (Effect, Power, Animation) from the database
@battle_shield_plan[t] = Name_of_shield_on_Shield_Database
@battle_bullet_plan[t] = Name_of_Bullet_on_Bullet_Database
@cast_duration_plan = t
@landing_duration = t
@landing_force_plan[t] = time for landing
@landingmotion_plan[t] = landing graphics
@presshold_key_plan[t] = Input::X                         X Can be replaced to A/B/C/L/R/X/Y by holding them, you can targeting battler
@pressholdtime_plan[t] = TIME to holding button           Duration to holding button before execute a skill
@remian_to_hit_plan[t] =                                  DONT KNOW WHAT THIS IS FOR (ask hilliart please)
@selfanimation_plan[t] = anim_id                          SHOT ANimation to self
@shotanimation_plan[t] = anim_id                          SHOT ANimation to target battler
@uncancelable_duration = t                                Makes attack uncancelable
@voice_playing_plan[t] = "SE Filename"                    PLay SE filename
revee":3vwpb0dj said:
please make the newest demo...
so everyone can see what the new enchancement...
Im sorry i cant provide you with a new demo until i finished ripped another chars
but if you insist try this one http://www.mediafire.com/?n8ocadilmkn

mochathecha":3vwpb0dj said:
I'm new with this whole rpg maker!
Salam kenal!
salam kenal ^_^


NEW 1.7
- Tales of Abbys Style SKILL WINDOWS
- Make more option for customization
- FIX Default Skill item on skill window class
- FIX Default Skill and Equip menu in battle

- FIX Animated faces system problems
- More window control
- New Skill Name Window
- Improved AI in battle
- Fix enemy combo windows lag problems
- Fix Best performance bugs 
- Added enemy combo windows
- Added enemy name windows
- Modify Default RMXP Damage so it'll looks like tales of abbys damage
- Modify Combo hit display so it will be lagless and easy to customize
- Adding animation when level up, gain new skill (set this to 0 to disable this feature)
- Adding Outro Controls (Level up, Gain skill and enable battle status)
- Adding face's system like in tales of abys 
- Fix Battle status position
- Fix Camera move when hero is in berserk state
- Fix Showing enemy name bug's ("Fix Name Position")
- Fix victory bug when you used 4 battlers
- ALL actor now use victory pose when winning the battlers
- Many people requesting camera shift automaticly not with a key pressed
- Custom Battle HUD (You can choose up to 12 different style's)
- Fixed Self.Bitmap bugs
- Paused Battler before battle begin
- Improved custom escape
- Change distance position of enemy and hero
- Show enemy location when battle is starting
- Replace Escape timer with escape probability 
- Show enemy name pop up when battle is starting
- delete escape command in battle menu
- Change meteor boulder to escape
It gives me this error when i use Sieg in "semi" mode: 
????? 'Custon Enchancement' ? 2681 ??? NameError ????
undefined local variable or method 'me' for #<Game_BattlerAI:0x3dcf6c8>

I suppose you forgot to write an @ before 'me' in that line. (Yeah, that was the problem, fixed in my demo.) Also, when Sieg attacks, he doesn't go back to the place where he started running (don't know if you didn't want to use it or if it was an error).

Anyway, great enchancement!
Arasthel":3ik1vcg9 said:
It gives me this error when i use Sieg in "semi" mode: 
????? 'Custon Enchancement' ? 2681 ??? NameError ????
undefined local variable or method 'me' for #<Game_BattlerAI:0x3dcf6c8>

I suppose you forgot to write an @ before 'me' in that line. (Yeah, that was the problem, fixed in my demo.) Also, when Sieg attacks, he doesn't go back to the place where he started running (don't know if you didn't want to use it or if it was an error).

Anyway, great enchancement!
o yeah i become reckless these days oh man i'am pwned
i fix and add some minor change that will fix recovery skill or resurect skill in semi mode



hey... that's right in the semi mode sieg doesn't come back to the first place...

and - when use mega potion... it just like used on menu.. no animation...
      - change the pop up skill name everytime u cast the skill ( not just when it hit the enemy)
      - add item pop up name...
      - the @voice plan things seems doesn't work
      - when in party, make the character can pass another even when walk...
      - and make AI for party ( i know this would be a hard work) but you can see the crushdrevamped that i give u
p.s. tommorow i'll give u almost 100 battler link... >.< to help u out
revee":27uz3z5r said:
hey... that's right in the semi mode sieg doesn't come back to the first place...

and - when use mega potion... it just like used on menu.. no animation...
      - change the pop up skill name everytime u cast the skill ( not just when it hit the enemy)
      - add item pop up name...
      - the @voice plan things seems doesn't work
      - when in party, make the character can pass another even when walk...
      - and make AI for party ( i know this would be a hard work) but you can see the crushdrevamped that i give u
Yeah i'am planning to add AI Order in next version just like tales of abbys and about running back to first possition actually i don't like it so i'll make it customizeable (can use or not use it) they will not running back if player press a key. for Skill names hmmm i think its better to use it like that if you want skill name show everytime battler cast a skill well it's doesn't that hard for me but actually it makes game lag about 10 fps.
Oh my god, this script is awesome! Thanks a lot for this.

The only thing I hate is the permanent zooming (the image is full of big bad pixels :P). Is there a way to fix this?
Also, is it possible to combine it higher res script like 800*600?

Anyway, nice script!
Hi semua,gw msih ijo ni bwt RPG maker..ad yang bisa ajarin bikin script gak??gw ud lyat script yg dimodif ma iqbal, tp ga ngerti msukinnya..gmna caranya c?sma yg FMBS script pnya XRXS ad dmna?maap klo kbnykan nnya.




Hey I've pretty much got the understanding to how this works, but I can't figure out how to make foes bounce in the air from attacks. Like I need the foe to move upward from a strike and stay with the character or something. I know it was in the how to make a skill section located in the scripts, but I have no idea what is for reaction or gravity.>< Really awesome system though.

Thank you for viewing

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