@action_duration[t] = your value Makes Duration of the skill before execute next command/action
@ai_shooting_range_x_max[t] = your value Launch Horizontal AI controlled projectile type skill with maximum range that projectile can reach
@ai_shooting_range_x_min[t] = your value Launch Horizontal AI controlled projectile type skill with minimum range that projectile can reach
@ai_shooting_range_y_max[t] = your value Launch Vertical AI controlled projectile type skill with maximum range that projectile can reach
@ai_shooting_range_Y_min[t] = your value Launch Vertical AI controlled projectile type skill with minimum range that projectile can reach
@active_move_x_plan[t] = Steps Move the battler Horizontally to the step destination
@active_move_y_plan[t] = Steps Move the battler Vertically to the step destination
@active_move_z_plan[t] = Steps Move the battler Diagonally to the step destination
@active_xspeed_plan[t] = Speed Makes the battler to go the destination (Horizontally) with Speed you adjusted
@attack_motion_plan[t] = x Change battler Graphics to x = Number (can be viewed in the end of battler names)
@attack_rectan_plan[t] = X, Y, WIDTH, HEIGHT) Draw area of attack in x, y, width, height (Can be viewed in debug mode)
@attack_skl_id_plan[t] = Your skill id on database Execute an skill (Effect, Power, Animation) from the database
@battle_shield_plan[t] = Name_of_shield_on_Shield_Database
@battle_bullet_plan[t] = Name_of_Bullet_on_Bullet_Database
@cast_duration_plan = t
@landing_duration = t
@landing_force_plan[t] = time for landing
@landingmotion_plan[t] = landing graphics
@presshold_key_plan[t] = Input::X X Can be replaced to A/B/C/L/R/X/Y by holding them, you can targeting battler
@pressholdtime_plan[t] = TIME to holding button Duration to holding button before execute a skill
@remian_to_hit_plan[t] = DONT KNOW WHAT THIS IS FOR (ask hilliart please)
@selfanimation_plan[t] = anim_id SHOT ANimation to self
@shotanimation_plan[t] = anim_id SHOT ANimation to target battler
@uncancelable_duration = t Makes attack uncancelable
@voice_playing_plan[t] = "SE Filename" PLay SE filename