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i can help u with script that can diactivate the QUICK MENU to false (if u want) but the extra skill will be accessible to the ordinary skill, (maybe) thats y the maker makes the QUICK MENU to not work so it doesnt show bug.
In my game i use the R button to be extra skill button ( R + A/C/X/Y/Z ) so when u go to battle u can only bring 1 skill(changeable using script in-game) and 5 extra skill :smile:
sorry for the necropost... anyway... do someone have any clue about the work of moghunter?
we all have a lot of other duty, it's obvious that for moghunter is exactly the same... anyway... someone know how much longer it will take for him to finish the new version of the script?
MOM3 is coming out! reason im posting it here: it kinda looks like it uses XAS 4.0 cause its a platform mode with party system and Memories of mana uses XAS you can look at some screenshots of it on mogs site.
Anyway does anyone know if there is any news on XAS 4.0?